Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1002: Killing Peach Blossom

"His Royal Highness King Shun Qin, you are committing a crime!" Great Imperial Master Song Xiance looked at Zhang Shundao with a profound look on his face.

"Why do you accuse someone of his innocence out of thin air?" Zhang Shun opened his eyes wide when he heard this, his face flushed, and the veins on his forehead popped out, and he argued carefully.

"A man's fate is in love with someone else? Can a man's fortune be told in a way that leads to someone else's misfortune?"

There were words that were difficult to understand one after another, such as "the true nature of a hero" and "it is difficult for a hero to be a beauty", which made everyone burst into laughter.

"Daddy, daddy, you are shameless!" Gao Guiying scratched her face with her fingers and laughed at him.

Zhang Fengyi was older and more stable, so she was not as embarrassed as Gao Guiying, but she couldn't help but smile and pointed at Nang Nang Fujin, who was unconscious on the bed.

It turns out that Jindorgun came with his troops this time to ask for the Doro Dafu Jina Wooden Bell from the rebels.

According to Zhang Shun's usual thoughts, this Duoluo Dafujin is neither beautiful nor dangerous, so there is no harm in giving it to Houjin Dorgon.

But firstly, Duoluo Dafu Jinna Muzhong "fell in love" with her and even "blocked" the gun for her; secondly, almost all of the 1,500 nomads she brought were young and strong, Zhang Shun is really reluctant to part with it.

It turned out that after Na Mu Zhong was shot, she could not survive for long, so she made a request to "join the accounts" with Zhang Shun.

Of course, it was said that they wanted to "join the accounts", but with such serious injuries and critical injuries, they couldn't "join together". The two sides were just going through the motions.

After Zhang Shun agreed, Doluo Dafujin, who was extremely happy, asked Zhang Shun to raise Hu Duntu Han's second son Abu Nai like his own son, and the reward was the fifteen hundred nomadic young men under his account.

There are approximately more than 5,000 nomads, and except for women and children, almost all of them are young adults.

If Zhang Shun is ruthless, he can almost mobilize a battalion of cavalry; if one household and one soldier, he can also mobilize 1,500 people.

Although they are all "dang cavalry" composed of nomads, they are also very important to the rebels who are very short of cavalry.

This is really "Sister Na" falling from the sky, sending soldiers and horses, and great righteousness.

It turns out that in addition to those 1,500 herdsmen, Huduntuhan's posthumous son Abu Nai happened to be "O Chijin".

The original meaning of Ochijin in Mongolian is to guard the stove, and later it was extended to mean inheritance.

Nomadic peoples, including the Mongols, practice the inheritance system of "the youngest son keeps the stove". The youngest son of the head wife is the heir "Ochijin".

Even when the Xiongnu showed weakness to the Han Dynasty, there was a saying that Your Majesty is the eldest son of Heaven and I am the proud son of Heaven.

Now Abu Nai's mother is Duoluo Dafujin, Huduntuhan's first wife, and she is also a pregnant woman.

Unless Hu Duntu is resurrected, there will be no legal heir younger than him in the world.

Of course, if you don’t have the strength, being legal is of no use.

If the strength is there, this kind of "weapon" that can reasonably and legally intervene in Mongolian tribal disputes will be really harmful.

In this case, how could Zhang Shun let go so easily?

Since ancient times, emperors have adhered to the principle of "what's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine."

To put it more elegantly, "all the people in the world are the king's soil, and those who are on the shore of the land are the king's ministers."

It just so happens that Zhang Shunnai is a born king and has always held the same philosophy.

Not to mention that Na Muzhong, her youngest son Abu Nai and 1,500 subordinates have fallen into Zhang Shun's hands.

Even if it is not in his hands, according to his temperament, he will take advantage of the opportunity to get three points. Is there any reason to give it away for nothing?

Now let alone the fact that although the two of them are not actually husband and wife, they are already known as husband and wife. How can they allow others to get involved?

So, Zhang refused by the way: "Tell Aixin to dig out the gong and Duoerguan. I have never heard of the Duoluoduo drum. I'm afraid I'm hiding in Yulin City."

"If he is interested, why not join forces with me to defeat Yulin City together? If we search carefully then, we might be able to find him!"

When Zhang Shun's words reached Dorgon, the leader of the Zhengbai Banner, he almost became angry.

"This thief is a bit of a 'cutter'. Isn't he afraid that I have a good appetite and can't forcefully eat him?"

"Master, please calm down. There are many thieves. I'm afraid there are not 40,000 to 50,000 people, so they have such confidence." Dorgon's subordinate Gu Shan'ezhen couldn't help but admonished him, "I came from afar, if I want to compete with them, How unwise!"

"Han people often say, 'When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured.' Why don't we sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and let the fisherman profit from the snipe-clam stalemate!"

"You learned Chinese well!" Dorgon praised him and said with half-squinted eyes.

"It's just that if a woman launches a large-scale war, it is not the behavior of a wise man."

"Just write a letter and tell him that the current situation is like the Three Kingdoms. Ming Dynasty is Cao Wei, and I am Shu Wu. If the two weak countries cannot get along, they will be defeated by each other in the long run!"

"Therefore, now I am asking for a woman, just to bring good relations between the two families. If I can get this woman, our two families will make a covenant together, and we will help each other in attack and defense, and we will die!"

"When the time comes that all the beauties and wealth in the world will be available, how can we treat just one woman?"

After hearing this, Na Guan Erzhen couldn't help but clapped his hands and said repeatedly: "Of course he is worthy of being 'Mergen Dai Qing'. With just one letter, that 'Shun Thief' will obediently send Doro Dafujin out of the camp."

When Zhang Shun saw Dorgon's letter, he almost laughed out loud.

So, he copied some of Dorgon's letters, revised another letter, and returned to the original route:

"Your words are very much in line with my wishes, but this matter is beyond the control of the flag owner."

"Go to the flag master and return to Shenyang. I hope you can report it to the Khan of the Jin Dynasty and build a good relationship between the two families. If you need to make a blood alliance, please inform me in time so that I can make preparations in advance!"

"As for this woman, I don't know anything about it!"

"However, I have heard that 'the caution of youth lies in sex, the caution of middle-aged lies in fighting, and the caution of old age lies in gaining'."

"I see that your blood is strong and you are at the time when you are making great achievements. How can you indulge in women?"

"If you chase after a woman but can't get her, it's even worse to wait and get her!"

As a result, these words made Zhang Fengyi and Gao Guiying laugh so hard that they couldn't straighten their waists.

Gao Guiying couldn't help but hit him twice and said: "Not to mention you are a few years younger than others, you are so old and old. In the past, I indulged in women's sex all day long, how could I teach others?"

Zhang Shun said with a straight face: "Now that I am old, they are still young. I don't want them to continue to repeat my old ways and make future generations laugh."

"This is what I say from the bottom of my heart. How can I waste it because of others?"

It immediately caused Gao Guiying and Zhang Fengyi to tremble.

But when this letter came into Dorgon's hands, his face was naturally livid with anger.

He tore up the letter and cursed angrily: "Shu Zi, how dare you insult me ​​like this! I will kill him one day to repay today's humiliation!"

If it were any other flag leader, he might have rushed forward and fought Zhang Shun for 300 rounds.

It's just that he is Dorgon, the current "Mergen Dai Qing" and the future Prince Rui. What makes him better than others is his brain.

Is Doro Dafujin important? important!

But compared to that, what is more important is to make good friends with the rising power "King Shun"!

Although the Hou Jin Kingdom was invincible in Liaodong, it was still overwhelmed by the behemoth of the Ming Dynasty.

Dorgon, as the most radical among the banner leaders, simply suggested that the Jin Emperor Taiji should reorganize his troops every year, go deep into the Ming Dynasty when the grain was ripe, besiege Yanjing, intercept its reinforcements, destroy its forts, and consume its troops. Just national power.

Now that "King Shun" is sharing his pressure, it is naturally a dream.

Therefore, it would be unwise for a wise man to offend his natural ally, King Shun, for the sake of Doro Dafujin, whose influence is better than nothing!

It's just that he is somewhat unwilling to do so. Six thousand elite elites made a big show of it, but in the end he gained nothing. Where will his prestige be in the future?

Seeing Dorgon and Houjin's elite lingering outside the border wall, the rebels were unable to concentrate on attacking the city, and the generals couldn't help but become upset.

Zhang Shun understood Dorgon's mentality of losing money even if he didn't make a profit. He couldn't help but laugh and said: "This is useless, I know it!"

The so-called "chicken ribs" are the classics of Wei Wu's conquest of Hanzhong in the past. It is a pity to discard them and tasteless!

On the second day, the rebels stormed Yulin City with ten "Qingtian General Cannons" to show their power.

At that time, Dorgon's eyelids jumped in horror, but he still did not leave.

This made Zhang Shun very embarrassed. Just when he was at his wits' end, Zhang Fengyi couldn't help but volunteered: "The white-pole soldiers have quite a reputation. Why don't I line up outside tomorrow to show my military power?"

"Okay! But the Jin army is strong, so we must not attack the stone with an egg!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said a little worried.

"What are you afraid of? A few days ago, Zu Dabi was so famous that he had no choice but to retreat?" Zhang Fengyi smiled and said to herself: My good husband, do you know the reputation of the white-pole soldiers under your mother-in-law's command?

Early the next morning, as expected, Zhang Fengyi led his troops from the Xiachuan barracks to file out and divided them into three large sharp formations outside the side wall.

When Dorgon heard about it, he personally went to watch it and said, "What does this mean?"

"These are the elite infantry of the Ming Dynasty, the soldiers with white poles!" Na Gushan'e couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and said with his tongue tied.

"How do you say this?" Dorgon frowned. In the past, the Ming army was afraid of me like a tiger. How come it's the other way around today?

"In the battle of Hunhe River in the past, my Jurchen warriors were defeated by three thousand white soldiers. They defeated the white standard soldiers (i.e. white flags) and the yellow standard soldiers (i.e. yellow flags). They killed two or three thousand people who fell off their horses.' 'I joined and led one person, The two leaders were captured."

"So much so that the prince-in-law of Fushun had to personally untie the captured gunners of the Ming army. He was rewarded with a thousand pieces of gold and used Hongyi artillery to attack them, and then he achieved a tragic victory!"

Speaking of this, Na Gushan's face showed fear again, as if he had returned to the battlefield of the past.

"Zizi~" Dorgon couldn't help but take a breath after hearing this.

He was young at that time and had never participated in the Battle of Hunhe.

He had grown up hearing the story that "the Jurchens are invincible if they are not equal to ten thousand". He never imagined that there were such elite soldiers in the world.

How ferocious is it to be able to defeat the superior Jurchen elite with 3,000 inferior troops, and achieve the record of "slaying the 2,000 or 3,000 people who fell off their horses, and capturing alive one counselor and two assistant leaders"?

Now, the number in front of him was no longer three thousand, but more than ten thousand.

"Let's go!" Dorgon couldn't help but turn the horse's head and gave the order.

The "shun thieves" actually have more than 10,000 white soldiers in their hands. What is going on?

Such important information must be passed to Jin Guohan in time so that early plans can be made!

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