Under the "kind-hearted" comfort of "Taoist Zhang", Zhang Bojing, the former governor of Yansui, was relieved and his knot was somewhat relieved.

Taking advantage of his drinking power, he stepped forward and offered a toast to Zhang Shun.

That Zhang Shun was so alert, but looking at Zhang Bojing's actions, how could he not know that his mind had changed and that he no longer had any intention of dying?

So, he also picked up the wine glass and said in a low voice: "I will not care about official matters today. I will have a long talk with you and listen to your teachings another day!"

Zhang Shun's posture was very low, which immediately moved Zhang Bojing.

He couldn't help but raise his wine glass and said: "People often say, 'King Shun was unparalleled in his benevolence and righteousness. He respected the virtuous and loved the people. He never did anything wrong wherever he went.' Today we know it!"

But before the two of them exchanged a word, Wang Shiguo, Wang Shiqin, Du Wenhuan and others crowded over and wanted to pull Zhang Shun forward to punch.

Zhang Shun can still drink, but he can't stand it. These are all good boxing players. How can he beat them?

He could only apologize and said with a smile: "I'm almost done with the wine!"

"I see that these are all righteous men, and I admire them deeply. You won't let us 'cut off the chicken's head to worship the master' and become long-lasting brothers with different surnames, right?"

"Huh? That's a good feeling!" Xiao Si, son of the Xiao family, couldn't help but said happily after hearing this.

"Go, go, what are you going to do?" When Wang Shiqin heard that this was wrong, he quickly stopped him and said, "You are all the juniors of us old guys, how can we become sworn friends?"

It turns out that Xiao Si is the son of Xiao Ruxun, a general of the Xiao family in Yulin.

Although Xiao Ruxun's name sounds like the heroine of an online novel, she is actually a tall and handsome man.

In the Battle of Ningxia, one of the "Three Major Conquests" in the late Ming Dynasty, he became famous because he defended Pinglu City and killed Kuaibai's adopted son Xiaojiang Yiyun.

He himself was talented in poetry and was highly sought after by literati.

Even Li Sancai, the Minister of Household Affairs of the current dynasty, married him, and his influence is evident.

In addition, Yulin is quite close to Ningxia, and what happened back then was only more than forty years ago. Therefore, the reputation of the Xiao family is not as high as that of the Wang family.

When Wang Shiqin saw that this guy actually wanted to steal the Wang family's limelight, how could he bear it?

So, he couldn't help but take the initiative to suggest: "People say that 'the quality of wine is like a person's character.' We all know King Shun's character!"

"I happen to have a daughter who is just shy of her hair and is not yet married. I would like to be King Shun's concubine!"

"Ah? How can you be so embarrassed?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but rub his hands.

Although he didn't know what "pan broom" meant, he could clearly understand the word "concubine".

"Okay, okay, this is good!" Others couldn't help but cheered after hearing this.

"In the future, when you become Wang Shiqin's son-in-law, you can also be regarded as my son-in-law in Yulin City. Whenever you come to drink again, you can't help but forget us!"

Xiao Si was still about to argue, but Zhang Daochang grabbed him and reminded him in a low voice: "This matter has been settled for a long time, don't break the rules!"

The young man was stunned when he heard this, and then he came to his senses.

If the Yulin generals want to "sell for a good price", they can only be worth the price if they unite as one.

If he fights alone, I am afraid that King Shun may not look at him seriously.

In fact, we are all Yulin generals, and we can't see each other when we look up. Wang Qiying and Xiao Si have also seen each other, and they are quite beautiful.

Xiao Si glanced at Zhang Shun enviously and said nothing.

And Wang Shiqin had already feigned anger and said: "Does King Shun look down on us vulgar warriors and despise my daughter for being rough and rough and killing her in an unbecoming manner?"

"How can I?" Zhang Shun quickly apologized, "It's just that I already have a wife, so it would be an insult to my daughter!"

"What is humiliating and not humiliating? A real man, don't be hesitant in doing things. If you say something happily, does it mean it is successful or not?" Wang Shiqin was so excited that he gave up the noodles after a few drinks.

In ancient times, there was a banquet to catch a son-in-law, but now there is a banquet to catch King Shun. You must not let other ignorant children mess with him.

"This," Zhang Shun originally planned to ask, "Does your wife have any objections?"

But then he thought about it, this era pays attention to the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers.

After a good political marriage between the two, is it possible for them to fall in love?

So, he nodded and said: "If that's the case, then I have no choice but to be shameless and suffer it!"

"No, this is it?" Zhang Fengyi listened from behind and couldn't believe her ears.

Just like going out to buy groceries, after three times five divided by two, you have an extra "sister"?

"Do you still have expectations?" Gao Guiying rolled his eyes at her and said, "I knew this would be the result from the time I proposed it!"

"You don't understand our husband. That's really...forget it, I can't find the words to describe him. I don't know any woman who doesn't fall into his hands."

After saying that, Gao Guiying looked Zhang Fengyi up and down.

"What are you looking at!" Zhang Fengyi blushed and pushed Gao Guiying.

"No, someone has to take care of this. We can't let him go on like this!"

"Okay, then go ahead!" Gao Guiying sneered.

If you can take care of us, it's your turn to come in?

Zhang Fengyi was stunned when she heard this.

Although it is true that she has more than ten thousand elite soldiers under her command, she is just using the opportunity to win them over.

In the current situation, it is clear that Zhang Shun used marriage as a link to win over the Yulin generals and the 30,000 elite soldiers in Yulin City.

In addition to the most important Yulin City, Yansui Town also has "Thirty-Six Camps".

Its defense line starts from Pianguan in the east and reaches Ningxia in the west, stretching for 1,800 miles.

Not only is it divided into "big side" and "two sides", it is also divided into east, middle and west.

If the rebels "gnaw" away one by one, not to mention the Tartars coming to harass them from time to time, even if they have nothing to do and don't know anything, they can only occupy Yulin Town until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

Not to mention Zhang Shun, a man, even Zhang Fengyi, a woman, might not be able to care much if she encounters this situation.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile.

Not to mention how the two of them muttered behind their backs, everyone finally had enough wine and food, leaving only a mess, and then reluctantly left.

Wang Shiguo, Wang Shiqin, Zhang Daochang, Xiao Si, Du Wenhuan and others left the garrison and then waved goodbye.

After finally waiting for the outsiders to leave, Wang Shiqin smiled and said: "My dear daughter, what do you think of your husband?"

It turned out that Wang Qiying had been mixed in with the crowd. He only had his clothes and armor wrapped tightly and his face was covered with plaster. No one could recognize him for a while.

"That's good!" Wang Qiying couldn't help but frowned and said, "This person is just too lustful."

"I noticed that the two women behind him behaved ambiguously with him. I'm afraid there is some unclear relationship!"

"A man should have three wives and four concubines as a matter of course!" Wang Shiguo couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "He is so young and successful, if he wants to keep himself clean, I'm afraid it will be difficult for others to force him!"

"Although I, the Wang family, have been rich and noble for several generations, I don't always ask for help in everything!"

"Although we are forced by the current situation, it is a good match for my niece to marry such a young hero."

"If not, even if it's a seventy-year-old thing, I'm afraid our family will have to hold our noses and admit it!"

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