Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1013 New Wedding Surprise

Those who are obscene will combine the two surnames, and serve the ancestral temple at the top, and inherit the descendants from the bottom.

To be honest, Zhang Shun has never held a serious wedding despite growing up and having such a big wife.

The women around him were either "married" or "living" with him. Anyway, none of them had a "serious background".

Except for Ma Yingniang and Xiao Zhu, who had ridden in the eight-carriage sedan, the others just hung out with him without knowing why.

Although they are taking concubines now, the Wang family in Yulin is also a famous family outside the Great Wall, how can they be underestimated?

Therefore, although it is said to be "simple", in fact everything is handled strictly according to the specifications for marrying a wife.

Before taking refuge with King Shun, Yulin City was naturally "shooting out the first bird", and no one dared to take the lead.

Now that the situation is certain, all the generals can't help but be ready to take action.

Who doesn't know that if he establishes a relationship with King Shun in advance, he can forcefully represent Yulin's generals.

At that time, his worth skyrocketed, and he became the leader of Yulin generals in one fell swoop.

Therefore, Wang Shiqin was afraid that things might change over time, so he ordered his servants to prepare things that night after the banquet with Zhang Shun, and the wedding was held with great fanfare early the next morning.

All the "Zhengqi" and "Naji" are skipped, and we directly enter the wedding stage in one step.

Zhang Shun's drunkenness the day before had not subsided, and he was pulled up early the next morning and tortured.

He couldn't laugh or cry, so he had no choice but to let Gao Guiying and Zhang Fengyi manipulate him.

The two of them were pretty quick with their hands and feet, but they couldn't help but murmur something about being "heartless" and "serving them for so long in vain" and so on.

Zhang Shun can understand their mood, but what's the use of just understanding?

In this era, the most important thing is etiquette and respect. Even if he wanted to, I am afraid that the secular view would not allow them to hold a grand wedding, so Zhang Shun had to pretend to be dead to the end.

Zhang Shun and Ma Yingniang had gone through some simple procedures before, so they knew a thing or two about it.

He first went to the palace to welcome the bride, and then took the bride, who was sitting in an eight-carriage sedan, all the way to the governor's palace.

Zhang Bojing, the former governor of Yansui, served as the officiant of the wedding for the two of them, and shouted with a serious face: "We worship the heaven and the earth."

Just when Yulin City was bustling with activity, unexpectedly, someone had already been eyeing it.

"Second Master Zu, please don't go crazy again. Is this a place we can go to?" a soldier advised earnestly.

"Why not? There is no battle in the world that my second grandfather would not dare to fight, and there is no camp that I would not dare to steal!" A man with a beard couldn't help boasting.

"But, we only have more than 200 people, what are they worth?" The soldier couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Two hundred people? I lead a hundred and twenty people and dare to rob the camp of the Four Chiefs. Is it possible that his 'submissive thief' is more closely guarded than the Four Chiefs?" The bearded man couldn't help but laugh.

It turns out that this bearded man is none other than Zu Dabi, who was repelled by Zhang Fengyi earlier and is known as "Zu Er Madman".

The reason why he got this nickname was because he dared to do things that others did not dare to do, and robbed him of things that others did not dare to do.

The so-called "Four Chiefs" by Zu Dabi, also known as the "Four Princes", were none other than the present Jinhan Hongtai.

At that time, Zu Dabi made a sneak attack on the Chinese army camp, and "the blade almost reached the horse's belly". He was so frightened that he had to move the camp frequently to avoid being taken advantage of by Zu Dabi.

It just so happened that Zu Dabi was the younger brother of the famous Zu Dashou, the second eldest son, so he was nicknamed "Zu Er Madman".

This "Second Madman"'s ability to command large-scale battles is mediocre, but his ability to attack camps and fight in single combat should not be underestimated.

He suffered a loss at the hands of Zhang Fengyi last time and had to lead his troops back to Ningxia.

On the way back, he became more and more angry as he thought about it, and thought to himself: "If I return without success and lose at the hands of a woman, I'm afraid I will be laughed at by that sissy Wang Ji when I go back!"

"In that case, why don't I come back and give the 'submissive thief' some color? My journey will not be in vain!"

Thinking of this, he simply ordered the deputy general to lead his army back, and he led the servants of the ancestral family and took a detour through the layers of interceptions of the rebels to the outside of Yulin City.

If it were anyone else who hadn't suffered from cerebral thrombosis for ten years, he would never have come up with such a stupid idea.

But who is he? He even called Huang Taiji the "Second Madman".

There are only two roads from Qingyang to Yulin.

One way is to go east to capture Yanzhou, then go north to Yan'an and Suide, and finally reach Yulin.

However, because this road was guarded by rebels and Zu Dashou was defeated by Zhang Fengyi, it was naturally impassable.

The other way is to return to Ningxia Town, then take the Ningxia Guard eastward along the border wall, and finally reach Yulin Town.

After Zhang Bojing, the governor of Yansui, ordered Shaanxi Commander-in-Chief Zuo Guangxian and Yansui Commander-in-Chief Yu Chongxiao to garrison Yan'an, he notified Ningxia Town to send troops to flank the rebels through the border wall.

It's just that if Zu Dabi really took the second path, he would have detoured no matter how far he went.

By the time he arrives at the foot of Yulin City again, the day lilies may be cold.

So this guy got very creative and simply abandoned the main army and led 200 family members by himself through the Baoan County trails and drove directly to Yulin.

When he finally arrived outside Yulin City, he caught a passerby and asked him, only to learn that this "shun thief" had already "captured Yulin City".

Now he is "robbing women" in Yulin City and preparing to get married.

Hearing this, Zu Dabi couldn't help but have his own thoughts.

So, he came to the Yuxi River outside Yulin City, washed his horse clean with the river water, tied it with a red cloth, and led it straight to the west gate.

As soon as they reached the door, they were immediately stopped by soldiers.

Zu Dabi couldn't help but stepped forward and cursed: "You are so blind that you didn't see that this is a wedding gift presented to King Shun?"

"If I miss King Shun's good deeds, the higher-ups will blame me and I will definitely make you look good!"

"This is really a good horse!" The gatekeeper looked at it, believed it in his heart, and couldn't help but praise it.

It turns out that Zu Dabi was brave enough to be worthy of all men, and he was a general in the Zu family. How could he not be equipped with good horses?

If you look closely at his horse, you can see that its coat is shiny and its body is as black as ink. Only its four hooves are as white as snow, so it is called "Snow-riding Black Horse".

This Yulin is a frontier place, where everyone loves martial arts, and good horses are their favorites.

Therefore, even if he is a pawn or a trafficker, he speaks clearly and logically, so how can he not know such a good horse?

This guard was originally under the command of Yu Chongxiao and was not very familiar with the rebel army.

When he saw someone coming to congratulate him, he said they were people preparing gifts for King Shun, so he waved his hand and said, "Go in!"

Just when Zu Dabi was let in, he saw Zu family's servants filing in.

The guard felt that something was wrong, and couldn't help but shouted: "Wait, wait! Since it is a gift to King Shun, how can we use so many people?"

"Can't you use it anymore?" Zu Dabi couldn't help but turn back and said with the big ax in his hand.

"It's really useless!" The guard looked at the big man like an iron tower in front of him, swallowed his saliva, and said with a little fear.

"I don't think you can use it!" Zu Dabi's eyes widened when he heard this, and he just swung the ax in his hand and chopped off the pocket head.

How could the guard have thought that there would be such a change?

He was caught off guard and was split in half by him!

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