It is said that after Nazu Dabi killed the gatekeeper general with an axe, the soldiers guarding the city couldn't help being frightened and hurriedly came over with their weapons.

Zu Dabi chuckled and led the servants around him to step forward with an axe, knocking over several people in succession, while the others dispersed in a rush.

At this time, Yulin City was filled with an atmosphere of joy.

King Shun's benevolence and righteousness, after occupying Yulin City, did not kill or torture, the soldiers were not bloody, the market was not easy to destroy, and the people's lives remained as before.

It happened to be the wedding of King Shun and the Wang family, and countless people gathered around to watch.

Wang Shiguo, Wang Shiqin and others took the opportunity to boast about their wealth.

The South Street and North Street that traverse the north and south of Yulin have already been occupied by the Wang family in advance.

There was a whole street of running water mats, and everyone who came was treated with courtesy, no matter how high or low they were.

So when Zu Dabi led his soldiers to kill the general, he happened to see a lively street in front of him, full of Yulin people having fist fights and feasting.

"Kill!" Where does Zu Dabi care about this?

The purpose of his visit this time is to create chaos, the more chaotic the better.

It's best to take advantage of the chaos and kill the "obedient thieves". Only then will the merits be fulfilled.

Those men, women, old and young were eating and drinking, but they didn't notice the murderer.

Suddenly, Zu Dabi rushed up and killed several people one by one with his axe.

The rest of the Zu clan's servants were also merciless and came forward with swords and axes to chop them into two pieces, regardless of age or sex.

"Oh my God, it's murder!"

"Run quickly, where is the thief!"

"Help, don't kill me, don't kill me, ah!"

Suddenly, tables and chairs overturned, plates and chopsticks fell to the ground, and the sounds of men, women, old and children crying and wailing intertwined to form a hell on earth.

Nazu Dabi couldn't help laughing, he caught a random person, asked about the location of the "wedding", and then split his head open with an axe, and then went all the way to the governor's house to fight.

How did Zhang Shun know about the changes in Yulin City at this time?

The bride had already been sent to the wedding room by him to wait, and the cheap father-in-law Wang Shiqin was leading a group of generals and managers to pour wine on him.

"No, no, I can't drink anymore!" Zhang Shun begged for mercy with his tongue hanging out.

"Otherwise, the bride will blame me tonight!"

"Are you afraid of birds?" Wang Shiqin couldn't help but said happily after hearing this, "How can a man be afraid of his wife?"

"Just say what I said, if she doesn't obey you and beat her hard, will she be able to go to heaven? My father-in-law, I will never help her!"

No, is she your biological daughter?

How many lifetimes of bad luck have you had to deal with your father?

Zhang Shun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He just looked at the dozens of sea bowls in front of him that were like small basins, filled with wine every night, and for a moment he felt like crying without tears.

He turned and glanced at Li Zicheng, Zhang Tianlin, Bai Guangen, He Renlong, Wukong, Zuo Guangxian, Yu Chongxiao, Hong Chengchou, Zhang Bojing, "Taoist Zhang" and others beside him.

As a result, everyone turned their heads.

Are you kidding, His Highness King Shun!

With a group of father-in-laws like you, even ten of us would have to be knocked down!

With no other choice, Zhang Shun had no choice but to pick up the bowl of water in the basin and was about to drink it all.

Suddenly he heard a commotion outside. When he looked up, he saw Wang Jinyi coming in in a hurry.

"What's the matter, Jinyi?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart when he saw his heavy expression, and quickly put down the bowl of rice and asked.

"Don't change the subject, are you drinking or not?" Wang Guoqin was already a little tipsy, and he couldn't help but shouted after seeing this.

"It's not good, King Shun!" Wang Jinyi reported quickly, "A group of people came in outside and killed everyone on sight."

"The north and south streets have long been filled with blood. Now they are blocked by Lu Xiangsheng. Please ask King Shun to order the annihilation of this thief in time!"

"What?" Zhang Shun couldn't help being shocked, "Who didn't obey my king's order and made the same old habit again?"

When Zhang Shun heard about such cruel methods, he thought that the rebels had relapsed and took the opportunity to plunder.

"How can that be impossible?" Li Zicheng, Zhang Tianlin, Fatty Zhang, Tuo Yangkun, Hui Dengxiang and others expressed their opinions one after another.

"After we surrendered to King Shun, our military discipline became more and more perfect. How could we act like this?"

"What's more, even the plundering in the past was just for food, sex and wealth. How could there be such random killings?"

"Where is Yang Chengzu?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this and asked in a low voice.

He began to suspect that Luo Rucai, the "living Cao Cao", took the opportunity to rebel and give himself some color.

"After he surrendered to King Shun, he was stationed in the camp outside the city and never entered the city!" Wang Jinyi whispered quickly.

"What? Someone dares to kill and cause trouble in our Yulin City?" Wang Shiqin, Zhang Daochang, Xiao Si, Zuo Guangxian and others suddenly became anxious.

"King Shun, wait a moment! I'll be back as soon as I can."

"This thief dares to come to our Yulin City to cause trouble, kill my people, and disrupt King Shun's wedding. This is a slap in the face of our Yulin generals!"

"If we can't capture and kill this thief, let's vent our hatred! What will happen to him in the future?" These generals suddenly became excited and wanted to eat his flesh and capture his skin.

"My subordinate Lu Xiangsheng is born with supernatural power. He can't defeat him even if he can't splash water on his knife!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but hesitated after hearing this, "You guys have eaten wine again, I'm afraid."

"King Shun, don't underestimate me, General Yulin!" Everyone couldn't help but said angrily after hearing this, "Which of our servants who have been favored by my sect is not a fierce man who charges into battle and crawls out from the dead?"

"No matter how small his head and six arms are, if there are more than a hundred people in our family, I'm afraid there will be more than a thousand, and he will be piled up to death!"

"Okay then!" Zhang Shun also knew that they wanted to save his face, so he stopped forcing it.

"Here, come, get my armor and weapons!" When everyone saw that Zhang Shun agreed to their request, they couldn't help but shout.

They were all generals who had crawled among the dead. Although on the surface they were fighting fiercely with Zhang Shun, in fact they may not have been wary of Zhang Shun in their hearts.

So although they were having a drink in the governor's mansion, there were actually servants with soldiers and armor waiting outside for a long time.

As a result, this "in case" did not prevent Zhang Shun, but instead prevented an unknown "thief".

Not long after, everyone was dressed neatly under the guard of the servants and ran along the North-South Street in front of the governor's mansion.

When they arrived at the scene, Lu Xiangsheng was leading more than a hundred personal guards to fight with Zu Dabi.

It turns out that although today is a day of great joy for Zhang Shun, after all, Yulin City is new, and Zhang Shun does not dare to be careless.

So when he woke up in the morning, Zhang Shun quickly ordered Lu Xiangsheng to lead the Qibing battalion soldiers to patrol along the street to maintain order and beware of anyone taking the opportunity to cause trouble.

It was better to die than to die. Zu Dabi, who was charging into Yulin City, bumped into someone, but he bumped into Lu Xiangsheng's hands.

That ancestor Da Bi, an expert in art, was bold, so how could he take Lu Xiangsheng seriously?

Immediately, he swung the big ax in his hand and chopped at it.

Why is Lu Xiangsheng afraid of him? He also brandished the Qinglong Yanyue Sword and rushed over to fight him.

The two of them only touched each other once, and their palms were immediately numb from the shock.

Tricky idea!

As the saying goes: "As soon as the expert takes action, he knows there is nothing."

Both of them are fierce warriors, so how could they not know that they would meet their opponents this time?

Lu Xiangsheng quickly winked at his servant Gu Xian and asked him to report back to King Shun as soon as possible.

Zu Dabi, on the other hand, quickly gave a wink to his cronies, telling them to fight and retreat, and quickly exit Yulin City.

After hunting geese all day long, I was blinded by geese pecks. This time I encountered a tough idea!

"Go, go quickly!" Zu Dabi screamed desperately while fighting with Lu Xiangsheng.

"Let's go? Is Yulin City a place where you can come and leave whenever you want?" As soon as Zu Dabi finished his words, he was heard by Wang Shiguo who hurriedly arrived.

He couldn't help but sneered: "Who am I? It turns out to be Zu Dabi, the bravest ancestor of the Liaodong ancestral family!"

"Wang Wang Shibo? Uncle Du? And Brother Xiao"

Zu Dabi did not dare to be arrogant this time, and could not help but seek relatives honestly.

"Which one is your uncle?" Wang Shiguo sneered, "We, the Yulin generals, have a small family and a small business, but they are not as powerful as your Liaodong generals!"

"That's why you don't take us seriously and come here to humiliate us on purpose, right?"

"No, that's not the case!" Zu Dabi slashed Lu Xiangsheng's sword with an axe, and argued with sweat profusely, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding. If I had known that these seniors were here, I would have lent you a thousand courages." Don’t dare come over and cause trouble!”

Zu Dabi also said that Yulin City had fallen, and the "shun thieves" were enjoying themselves in the city.

He couldn't imagine that this guy would hook up with Yulin Jiangmen so quickly.

It's over, it's all over, now we've stung a hornet's nest!

"Come with me, everyone. There is no need to talk about moral principles when dealing with this kind of person!" Wang Shiguo, Wang Shiqin and others couldn't help but shout because of their drunkenness.

Then hundreds of elite servants rushed up, like a tide, and soon drowned the struggling Zu family members.

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