Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1015 Discussion of surprise attack

"Are you Zu Dabi?" Zhang Shun, dressed in auspicious clothes, asked with a sullen look on his face.

"Yes, I am!" Zu Dabi had long lost his previous prestige. He was as honest and well-behaved as a child who made mistakes.

"Does killing feel good?"

"It feels good, it doesn't feel good, it doesn't feel good at all, it's even a bit disgusting!" Zu Dabi quickly changed his words after seeing Zhang Shun's expression.

"Weren't you attacking Yanzhou a few days ago? How come you are here now?" Zhang Shun sneered and continued to ask.

"Well, I was afraid that I would return without success, lose face, and be laughed at by others, so I secretly took people around by a small road." Zu Dabi said honestly.

"Where are the men and horses under your command?"

"I sent them back!"

"." Zhang Shun was speechless and couldn't help but glance at Wang Shiguo, Wang Shiqin and others.

"This guy is the most stupid. If it were someone else, he might not be able to do such a thing. If it were Zu Dabi, it would be a matter of course!" Wang Shiguo couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Although this guy is a fool, he is very good at martial arts. In the past, he led 120 people and dared to rob Jin Han Hongtai's Chinese army tent. He is considered a number one figure!"

"If King Shun can take it for his own use, it will be a great help!"

"Take it for your own use?" There were not many generals in the Chinese army camp who dared to rob Huang Taiji in the late Ming Dynasty. Zhang Shun frowned and continued to ask.

"Where was your army stationed at that time, and when will it return to Ningxia?"

"At that time, the army was preparing to return to Qingyang, and then return to Ningxia along Huanxian, Weizhou, and Lingzhou."

"How is the march speed? Have you returned to Ningxia now?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

"In order to prevent Wang Ji, the governor of Ningxia, from finding out and laughing at me before I return to Ningxia, I specifically ordered them to march at a speed of forty miles a day." Zu Dabi said proudly after hearing this, "This way, even if I come to Yulin City Once it happens, others may not know it!”

"Oh? In your opinion, when will the army return to Ningxia?" Zhang Shun asked again.

"I've been delayed here for nine days. I think I'll be able to arrive in Ningxia in more than ten days!" Zu Dabi calculated in his mind for a long time before answering.

"Okay, let's take him down!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel confident after hearing this.

"King Shun, what do you mean by this?" After Zu Dabi was taken away, Wang Shiguo, Wang Shiqin and other generals asked strangely when they saw that Zhang Shun neither killed this person nor surrendered him.

"Seniors, I would like to ask, how long is the distance from Qingyang to Ningxia, and how long is the distance from Yulin to Ningxia?" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing.

"It's seven hundred and fifty miles from Qingyang to Ningxia, and it's seven hundred and twenty miles from Yulin to Ningxia by walking along the side wall!" All of you here are veterans, so simple distance data comes naturally.

"That's good!" Zhang Shun laughed, "God is helping me!"

"Zu Dabi's army is returning at a speed of forty miles per day, but now Zu Dabi himself has been delayed for another eight or nine days, and there are still more than ten days before he can return to Ningxia."

"You said that if I lead the cavalry, we can double the route along the border wall."

"If you rush back to Ningxia within ten days, and then pretend to be back in the city to reinforce the army, what will happen to Ningxia Governor Wang Ji?"

"This plan is feasible!" The generals looked at each other and couldn't help but admire Zhang Shun's boldness and carefulness.

According to the normal marching speed of the Ming Dynasty cavalry, which was seventy miles per day, they could reach Ningxia within ten days.

If we do both, wouldn't it be possible to arrive just before Zu Dabi's main force returns to Ningxia?

"King Shun means a surprise attack on Ningxia City?"

"Yes, a surprise attack on Ningxia City!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing, "On the one hand, today's wedding may have to be ended in a hurry, and on the other hand, we must rely on your help!"

"How can a man be indulging in his children's personal affairs?" Wang Shiqin also laughed and patted Zhang Shun's shoulder with satisfaction.

"No wonder you have achieved such success at such a young age. You are indeed the best among men, and you can wield troops like a god!"

This boy was too sensitive to the opportunity of using troops. He just asked Zu Dabi a few questions and found out the flaws of the officers and soldiers, which was really rare.

While the generals sighed, they couldn't help but feel extremely proud of their wise decision to surrender to "King Shun".

"That's what I thought!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but explain when he saw that the generals had been convinced by him.

"I am going to lead five thousand elite cavalry and march along the border wall to attack only the city of Ningxia!"

"It's just a pity that the forts along the way will not recognize me and refuse to let me go."

"Please follow me for a while so that you can get passage and supplies along the way in time!"

"That's easy to say!" The generals couldn't help laughing after hearing the words, "Your father-in-law, Wang Shiqin, was a famous general in Yulin. He returned home due to illness."

"It was originally rumored that the imperial court was going to use him again. Unexpectedly, Shaanxi has been occupied by King Shun, so he has never been used."

"If you have him leading the way, you will be in good hands!"

"Okay! If that's the case, then I'll leave it to my father-in-law!" Zhang Shun simply made his decision immediately.

"It's just the second thing, it's still a bit troublesome!"

"What's the trouble? But it's okay!" The generals and the newly surrendered generals saw that King Shun's military use was quite magical, and when they were full of confidence, they naturally responded to everything.

"This is the situation. I feel sorry for my mother-in-law who just got married, but it really makes me feel uneasy!"

"I want to give him some credit so that he won't be underestimated by others. What do you think?"

"How do you say this?" It's a good thing that you give your mother-in-law credit, but what does it have to do with us?

"That's it. I think that all the servants you have are elites. If you keep them around, they will be of little use. Why not form another battalion and let my mother-in-law take it for the time being. When Ningxia is defeated, it will not be too late to return you all!" Zhang Shun smiled. road.

"Good fellow, why are you just waiting here?" Everyone couldn't help laughing after hearing this, "It's logical to say that this matter is fine."

"It's just that these people have always been unruly and cannot be disciplined except by the master."

"Now that King Shun has spoken out, we have no choice but to choose the children of our family to lead us and follow King Shun for this journey!"

They are all foxes for thousands of years and demons for thousands of years.

The heads of the generals didn't know Zhang Shun's plan, so they immediately blocked his attempt to annex the servants of each family.

Zhang Shun smiled and didn't care.

When he said this, he originally had the attitude of being happy if he succeeds, and it doesn't matter if he fails.

Since the generals are unwilling to let go of their servants, it doesn't matter, at least the father-in-law will bleed.

Sure enough, Wang Shiguo and Wang Shiqin looked at each other and thought to themselves: It is said that one of the two women beside him is a real female general with more than ten thousand elite soldiers under his command.

And the other one has some connections with the "rebellious thieves". If he doesn't equip his girl with some troops, he may be criticized by outsiders!

Thinking of this, Wang Shiqin couldn't help but suggested: "Let's do this. We can't force the servants of other families."

"But our Wang family's own servants can be used to help!"

"I happened to have two hundred elite men in hand, so I gave it to my daughter. I thought it was like powdering my son-in-law's face!"

When the other generals heard this, they also sent their family members, each leading a hundred servants to follow.

In an instant, Zhang Shun managed to gather 900 elite men from the seven general households in Yulin.

When Wang Shiguo saw this posture, he couldn't help but grit his teeth and continued: "In that case, I will also sell my niece and son-in-law a favor and send a hundred servants under my command. This can be regarded as a congratulatory gift to my niece!"

"Okay, okay, that's great!" Everyone laughed when they heard this.

They were just smiling and laughing, but suddenly everyone's faces froze.

Why does this look so much like "Proton Camp"?

We are a group of old guys, but we were played by him!

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