Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1016 Night of Flowers and Candles

"Madam? Madam?" Zhang Shun was so drunk by his "father-in-laws" that he became drunk early.

He walked into the wedding room one step at a time and started spinning around.

After waiting for a long time and not seeing him coming, Wang Qiying became a little impatient.

She couldn't help but ask: "Where are you doing the grinding?"

"Where is Yuyu Ruyi?" Zhang Shun was not annoyed and just scratched his head and asked.

It turns out that there is also something special about lifting the hijab. It is not like lifting and pulling down the hijab with hands as in later film and television works. Instead, it has to be picked with a jade Ruyi or a weighing rod, which has the meaning of "satisfaction".

Now that Zhang Shun has a distinguished status, naturally he cannot use the weighing rod like ordinary people, so he has prepared Yu Ruyi for picking hijabs.

It turned out that this guy drank too much and searched for a long time, but he couldn't find it.

"Hey, it's here." Wang Qiying was angry and funny when she heard this, so she had to grab Yu Ruyi, shake it, and reminded in a low voice.

"Huh? Why are you here?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but wonder.

I want you to take care of it!

Wang Qiying curled her lips and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Zhang Shun stumbled over and almost fell directly on Wang Qiying.

After finally sitting firmly on the edge of the bed, Zhang Shun picked up the jade as he wished, and immediately took off the gold hijab.

With the help of the weak light, Zhang Shun studied it carefully for a long time, only to see Wang Qiying who lowered her head shyly.

Only then did he smile and say: "My wife is truly unrivaled in beauty and beauty!"

"Hmph!" Wang Qiying couldn't help snorting coldly and asked, "What about the ladies who are better than you?"

Good guy, I'm not even married yet, but you've already married a bunch of wives, which makes me so angry!

"Plum blossoms, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums, each has its own merits."

"Huh?" Wang Qiying raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, it's not as beautiful as Madam!" Zhang Shun, despite being very drunk, is very good at reading dishes.

That the country is beautiful and fragrant is just what Zhang Shun said.

But when it comes to looks, Wang Qiying is actually a beautiful woman with good facial features and very attractive.

The combination of regular facial features and good looks also means that this face has no characteristics and is easily forgotten.

But what a coincidence, Wang Qiying has thick lips, which look very sexy and impressive.

If it were anyone else, he might not be able to control this lip.

But Wang Qiying was born in a general family. She had practiced martial arts since she was a child, and her body bones were much stronger than those of ordinary women.

It is this strong physique and thick lips that complement each other and give people a healthy beauty.

Some people always think that men's preferences are fickle. In fact, this is a very serious misunderstanding.

It doesn't matter whether you are tall or short, fat or thin, male or female, old or young, human or inhuman.

In fact, most men only like people based on one criterion: beautiful ones!

Although Wang Qiying is not Zhang Shun's type, I can't help but she is really beautiful!

"You still have some conscience!" Wang Qiying curled her lips and said, "You sit outside and eat and drink so much, look at me, I'm so hungry that my chest is touching my back!"

So flat? It doesn’t look like it!

Zhang Shun secretly complained, and quickly took out a lotus leaf from his arms, which contained a steamed bun, several pieces of meat and some vegetables.

"Eh? There's something to eat!" Wang Qiying's eyes lit up and she couldn't help but grab it.

After hesitating for a moment, she broke the steamed bun in half again, compared it, and chose a smaller piece and handed it to Zhang Shun.

"Haha!" Zhang Shun looked amused, shook his head and said, "You can eat it yourself, I'm not hungry, I feel better after eating outside!"

"Then I'm not polite!" Wang Qiying hesitated for a moment, then started to eat hungrily.

To be honest, weddings are actually quite deceiving.

It was really a drought to death, a flood to death, ah no, it was starvation to death, and exhaustion to death!

Zhang Shun was fed so much by his "father-in-laws" outside that he was drunk and well-fed, but his mother-in-law was hiding in the new house, almost starving.

"Are you full?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh as he watched her finish the food he brought back.

"It's almost the same!" Wang Qiying couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

It turns out that as a martial arts practitioner, she has an amazing appetite.

Zhang Shun originally prepared enough for a man to eat, but in the end she was only half full.

"Let's make do with it!" Zhang Shun was laughing in his heart.

But he still picked up two ladles, scooped out half a ladle of rice wine each, handed the other half to Wang Qiying and said: "After we drink this combined rice wine, we will be husband and wife from now on!"

This Hexin wine is actually another name for Jiaobei wine.

Take a gourd and cut it in half to make a scoop. The husband and wife each hold one half.

The wine is sweet and the ladle is bitter, so drinking it is called "sharing the joys and sorrows".

"Okay, madam, let's have a rest!" Zhang Shun had a severe headache. Seeing that he was finally done, he was ready to put out the red candle and go to sleep.

"No, no." Wang Qiying couldn't help but blushed, and quickly stopped her.

"What's wrong?" Are you embarrassed, or do you have any special hobbies?

"Um. I don't know where I lost the picture album my mother gave me." Wang Qiying's voice was like a mosquito's hum, and her face turned red with embarrassment. "I'll look for it again."

Picture album? Is it possible that in this era it is still popular to watch "Conan" on wedding nights?

Then Zhang Shuncai realized that this picture album should be the erotic pictures of enlightenment.

"Ah? Well, there's no need for that right now!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but hug her and said with a smile.

"Not to mention that I don't need this 'three hundred thousand' as a husband. Even if I do, I'm afraid it won't work today!"

"Ah? Could it be that my husband used those words badly but didn't do anything?" Wang Qiying almost cried when she heard this. Is this the legendary widowhood?

"What a mess!" Zhang Shun explained quickly, angry and funny.

"Although today is our wedding night, the military situation is urgent and I have to wrong you once."

"My father and I have already agreed that early tomorrow morning we will lead the cavalry and march day and night to attack Ningxia. So we have to have a good rest tonight!"

"If you want to 'fight', go back and choose a free day, and I will let you experience the power of your husband!"

I have to say that this guy is a "scumbag". On the wedding night, he didn't even want to touch the bride. This is really outrageous.

Of course, if you look at it from another angle.

If Zhang Shun kills her body tonight and then gallops his horse tomorrow morning, wouldn't it cost her half her life?

"Do you dislike me for being ugly?" Wang Qiying was silent for a while and asked in a low voice.

"You dislike me for wielding knives and guns, and not having any manners like a little girl? Are you deliberately looking for excuses to offend me?"

how could be?

I don't dislike Gao Guiying or Zhang Fengyi who doesn't wield a sword or a gun, so why would I dislike you?

Of course, if Zhang Shun said this, he would not be able to survive tonight.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "How to dance with swords and guns? You can do this?"

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