Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1021 The Great Earthquake (Part 1)

"Yulin surrendered?" Wu Di, the governor of Shanxi Province, couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes, Yulin has surrendered!" Although Hu Dawei also had a look of disbelief, he still repeated it with certainty.

"How is this possible?" Wu Yan couldn't help but look dull, looking like he was lost.

"That Zhang Bojing is not an incompetent person. Even if the tens of thousands of elites under his command cannot defeat the thieves, they will not be able to defend the city!"

It turned out that since Zhang Shun led the main force to the north, Wu Di, the governor of Shanxi, had been unable to attack Tongguan for a long time, and was worried that Zhang Shun would follow the example of the past and cross the Yellow River into Shanxi.

He had to lead Shanxi's commander-in-chief Wang Zhong and deputy commander-in-chief Wang Zhong to go north to Shanxi to prepare for the defense of the rebels who might cross the river at any time.

However, the Shanxi soldiers failed to break through Jindou Pass and had to take a detour to cross the river, so a lot of time was wasted.

As a result, Zhang Shun made a false shot on the west bank of the Yellow River, directly defeated Yanzhou, Yan'an, Suide and other places, and directly besieged Yulin City, leaving Wu Zong to run along the east bank of the Yellow River in vain.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Shanxi Governor Wu Di couldn't help but feel annoyed and angry after being teased.

What a thief, so cunning and cunning!

Since you dare to transfer me from Henan, aren't you afraid that I will lead my troops to attack you together with the soldiers and horses of Yansui Town?

Thinking of this, Wu Di, the governor of Shanxi, led Wang Zhong and Meng Ruhu all the way north.

Originally, he planned to wait for the "Shun bandits" to attack Yulin City, and then lead Shanxi Town's elite across the Yellow River to raid behind the "Shun bandits".

As a result, he never expected that when the army had just arrived at Fenzhou Mansion, he would get the news of "Yulin surrendered the thieves"

Wu Xing almost spat out a mouthful of blood from his throat. I haven't even arrived yet, why did you surrender?

Yulin has surrendered, so the threat of Shaanxi's "shun thieves" to Shanxi has greatly increased.

Wu Di, the governor of Shanxi Province, could not continue to "pursue the traitors", so he quickly dispatched Wang Zhong, the commander-in-chief of Shanxi Province, to Kelan, and Hu Dawei, the deputy commander-in-chief, to Linxian County to defend the traitors.

And he himself is based in Taiyuan, ready to support the officers and soldiers of the two places at any time.

As a result, the series of news that followed made Wu Di numb.

Ningxia Town surrenders!

Guyuan Town fell, Shaanxi Governor Gan Xuekuo set himself on fire and died!

Gansu Town and Lintao Town scrambled to surrender the enemy!

Suddenly, the situation suddenly changed, and the huge Shaanxi Province with three sides and four towns was completely occupied by "shun thieves" within two or three months.

"Woohoo, God is mourning me, God is mourning me!" Wu Di, the governor of Shanxi Province, couldn't help shouting to the sky, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.

At the same time that Wu Gang, the governor of Shanxi Province, fell to the ground unconscious, Zhang Shenyan, the "Prime Minister of the Ming Dynasty", broke into the residence of "Emperor Hongguang" with a red face and a document reporting victory from Shaanxi.

"Your Majesty, good news, good news!"

"Where does the joy come from?" The fat man "Hongguang Emperor" didn't know whether it was "good news" or "bad news", so he had to ask with a straight face.

"Your Majesty, look!" Prime Minister Zhang Shenyan excitedly handed over the document and said repeatedly: "Shaanxi is restored, Shaanxi is restored! Now the three sides and four towns of Shaanxi are all owned by your Majesty!"

Cao Cao Cao, what does this have to do with me?

The former King of Fortune, now Emperor Hongguang, was feeling unmotivated. He had to pretend to be happy and said: "The King of Qin is really a god in military warfare and has made outstanding achievements. Please prepare a decree for me to reward me!"

"I accept the edict and thank you!" Zhang Shenyan responded honestly while taking out the "jade seal" from his arms, dipped in ink mud in front of Emperor Hongguang and stamped it on the "imperial edict" that had been prepared.

Then, he didn't let Emperor Hongguang even look at it. He just put the jade seal and the imperial edict in his arms and went to Shi Shiran!

"Your Majesty, are you just watching this thief become so arrogant?" Queen Hongguang asked with a gloomy face as she watched the man walk away.

"What do you think we should do?" Emperor Hongguang smiled bitterly and asked, "If the rebel army wins, we will certainly not have a good life; if the officers and soldiers win, will we have a good ending?"

"What's more, now that the Ming Dynasty has lost all its three sides and four towns, the rebel army is unstoppable. We'd better not spoil his mood!"

"That Ming Dynasty"

"Now that I can't protect myself, how can I control so much?" Emperor Hongguang was silent for a long time and asked with a complicated expression.

"Why are all three sides and four towns lost?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but get up and stood up. He was stunned for a long time but fell down on the dragon chair again.

"Yes!" Wen Tiren said solemnly, "Just now Shanxi Governor Wu Di was in a hurry and sent information."

"The Shun thieves first fought fiercely with Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, outside the city of Xi'an for ten days, then suddenly dug up the Chan River and filled it with water!"

"The officers and soldiers were caught off guard and were submerged in the water. The 'shun thieves' took the opportunity to attack. The officers and soldiers were defeated, and there were countless casualties!"

"Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, committed suicide out of fear of crime, and the other generals fled. The thieves broke into Xi'an City again, and King Zhu Yizhen of Qin and his princess fled away, and are now missing."

"More than a month later, the thieves went to Yulin, Ningxia, Gansu and other towns, killing countless people, and the towns on three sides and four were occupied by 'shun thieves'!"

"How could this happen? How could this happen? How could this happen!" Emperor Chongzhen was immediately at a loss when struck by such terrible news, and couldn't help but repeat it over and over again.

"Your Majesty is the lord of ten thousand chariots. Please be calm, your Majesty, and be sure to focus on the dragon body!" Wen Tiren quickly consoled him.

"Calm down? How can I be calm?" Chongzhen said angrily after hearing this.

"If you want money, I will give you money. If you want people, I will give them to others. Why do they all live up to my expectations?"

"It's okay if we fail to suppress the bandits. Instead, we lose Heluo, Xi'an, and even the entire three sides!"

"Tomorrow, will my capital, my Jiangnan, and my dragon throne be lost?"

"Death penalty, capital crime, I deserve to die for my crime, please punish me!" Zhang Fengyi, Minister of War, saw that he couldn't let go of this good guy, so he might as well take it on himself.

Instead of taking the blame today, it would be better for him to take a bigger blame tomorrow.

"Okay, I will fulfill your wish!" Chongzhen was so angry that he had no place to get angry. When he heard this, he couldn't help but said angrily, "Mr. Wen, prepare a decree!"

"Mr. Wen" is Wen Zhenmeng, the great-grandson of Wen Zhengming, a calligrapher and painter of the Ming Dynasty. Because he was highly appreciated by Chongzhen, he was just promoted to the cabinet.

"This is your majesty's angry order, and I dare not obey it!" Wen Zhenmeng quickly dissuaded him after hearing this, "Only after your majesty's anger subsides can I dare to obey the order!"

"You..." Chongzhen almost suffered a cerebral hemorrhage when he heard this. He pointed at Wen Zhenmeng fiercely for a long time, then he lowered his hand helplessly and said, "What about this other than loving you?"

"This" Wen Zhenmeng knew that he had just offended the emperor, he pondered for a moment, and quickly said, "In my humble opinion, it would be better to stabilize Shanxi, Henan and other places in a timely manner!"

"Shanxi is the backbone of the world; Henan is the heart of the world."

"Shaanxi has been lost, it is like losing an arm; compared with the spine and confidants, it cannot be calculated. Your Majesty, please think carefully about it!"

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