Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1022 The Great Earthquake (Part 2)

"What? The 'shun thieves' took over Shaanxi!" The fat Huang Taiji was eating watermelon on the throne. When he heard this, the juice suddenly spilled all over him.

"King Khan!"

Sitting next to him and serving him was one of Lin Dan Khan's "Eight Great Fortunes", Badmanao Birch Fortune, who has now been included in Huang Taiji's harem.

Seeing this, she hurriedly wiped it for him, but Meng Ren was always generous and could not do such a delicate job, so she actually rubbed Huang Taiji's clothes into a mess.

"Go, go, go, don't make any trouble for me!" Upon hearing this, Huang Taiji opened the Bard Agate impatiently and asked in a deep voice, "Is the news reliable?"

"Fourteen Baile specially sent an envoy to report to King Khan!" Fan Wencheng, the coated servant, responded quickly.

The Later Jin Dynasty was a typical aristocratic politics, and the relationship between nobles and nobles was complicated and complicated, which was beyond the scope of Fan Wencheng, his servant.

So he told the truth without any judgement.

"Well, in that case, this matter must be considered conclusive!" Huang Taiji nodded, and added, "Even he doesn't have the courage to make fun of me with something that can be verified quickly! "

"How could it be him? Could it be that everyone was deceived by this guy back then?"

Thinking of this, even if Huang Taiji is so kind and cruel, his donkey face can't help but feel a bit burning.

It was like yesterday when I passed the other person's reply around and laughed at him. I didn't expect to be slapped in the face so quickly. It was really embarrassing.

Fan Wencheng looked at his eyes, nose and heart, pretending he saw nothing and heard nothing.

However, Huang Taiji reacted quickly and couldn't help but said with a gloomy face: "This is a good thing. It can be used to attack the Ming Dynasty with my Houjin stuff!"

"Let the fourteenth brother send envoys and make good friends with him without any mistakes; ask Zhu Beile to discuss forming an alliance with him and jointly sending troops to attack the Ming Dynasty!"

"Yes, I take the order!" Fan Wencheng couldn't help but responded honestly after hearing this.

It's just that he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, what a "alliance with him, and jointly sending troops to defeat the Ming Dynasty".

This may sound harmless, but it is actually extremely sinister.

If a "submissive thief" is praised for a few words, he really doesn't know how much he is worth, and rashly attacks the capital of the Ming Dynasty. No matter whether he wins or loses, he will inevitably fall into the trap of the Khan.

If the foundation is not strong, the earth will shake!

Regardless of how powerful the "shun thieves" are now, in fact they are nothing more than "the oil is boiling in the fire and the flowers are blooming", which is nothing!

Once there is a slight setback, the tree will fall and the hozen will scatter in an instant.

Therefore, King Khan's hand was sinister and poisonous. How could he be a thief?

It was said that they wanted to discuss it with Zhu Beile, but in fact, Amin, one of the four Beile, was imprisoned and Mang Gurtai, the fifth Beile, died.

In addition to Huang Taiji himself, only Daishan, one of the four Baylors who is powerful and a threat to Huang Taiji, can discuss some state affairs with Huang Taiji.

Not long after, Dabeile Daishan also arrived and hurriedly stepped forward to pay homage to Huang Taiji.

Immediately, the two parties decided to sit down in their respective positions, and Huang Taiji handed him the letter sent by Dorgon.

"Who is this 'shun thief'?" Big Beiledaishan looked at it for a long time and couldn't help but look confused.

Damn it, Huang Taiji was so angry that he almost wanted to slap him in the face.

"That's it. It's the day on the front line. Let's laugh at the guy who replied to us!" Huang Taiji couldn't help but calmly said.

"Oh, it's him!" Daishan nodded and said inexplicably, "Xianyu turned over!"

"What do you mean?" Huang Taiji couldn't help but frown, his calmness skill was broken.

"It's no fun!" Daishan flicked his clothes and sneered, "A little thief can't find any flowers even if you measure him!"

"The Great Khan called me here, isn't it just for this reason?"

The previous incident between Amin and Mang Gurtai left Da Beiledai with lingering fears.

Although he gave in and allowed Huang Taiji to sit alone in the south, he still had hundreds of Niu Lu in his hand, so he was not actually afraid of Huang Taiji too much.

"If it's not for this, why else?" Huang Taiji couldn't help but said angrily, "Do you understand that if Daming is a black blind man, then we are the hungry wolves."

"Every now and then, I bite him twice. This black blind man has great abilities. Sooner or later he will bleed out, and sooner or later he will be mine."

"But now there is a young tiger lying there, what do you think we should do?"

"Does the Great Khan think highly of him?" Dai Shan said with a bit of disdain when he heard this, "What a cub, he is a little thief, at best he is embarrassed. If it were not for the support of the wolf, I am afraid he would not have known it long ago. Starved to death in some ravine!"

"There are 400,000 households in Shaanxi, with a population of nearly five million!" Huang Taiji couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't help but said angrily. "How many times more expensive than us!"

"This" Big Belle was immediately dumbfounded.

Don't look at the hundreds of niulu in his hands. In fact, each niulu has about 300 young men, which is roughly similar to the concept of 300 households in Han Dynasty.

However, in the Han Dynasty, rent was collected on a household basis, and then the gold was drawn based on the number of cattle.

The hundred and ten cattle records in the hands of Dabeile Daishan can be compared to the thirty thousand households in Han Dynasty.

Of course, because the Jurchens practiced slavery, the Niulu actually included a large number of Han, Mongolian, Korean and savage Jurchen slaves who were not included in the statistics. The actual number of young slaves exceeded 30,000 households.

However, no matter how many households exceed 30,000, the total number of men in the Houjin Khanate is definitely not as large as the population of the three sides and four towns in Shaanxi.

"This does not include Henan and other places occupied by the 'Shun Bandits'!" Huang Taiji said with a serious face, "According to my rough estimate, there are probably close to ten million people under his rule, and no less than two million men!"

"This, this..." Big Beiledaishan's hands started to shake, "This is so much?"

They have more people than you, so how can we fight this battle?

The Ming Dynasty has a population of tens of millions. The soldiers of the Later Jin Dynasty can come and leave whenever they want. That's because the Ming Dynasty is a rookie.

If we expect that the newly emerged "shun thieves" are also novices, Houjin Khan Huang Taiji and Dabeile Daishan can buy a piece of tofu and knock them down.

"So I am going to send an envoy to persuade him to join me in sending troops to defeat the Ming Dynasty without giving him a chance to breathe. What do you think?" Huang Taiji said with a smile.

"What should I do if he doesn't respond?" Big Beile Daishan was a little worried.

"If he doesn't answer, we'll force him to answer!" Huang Taiji couldn't help but sneered when he heard this, "He sits on three sides and four towns, and there are people who are more afraid of him than we are!"

"He wants to stay in that position honestly, because he is afraid that the Dukes of Gunggun in the Ming Dynasty will no longer be able to sit still!"

"Send an envoy to spread the word that we are willing to negotiate peace with the Ming Dynasty. Let's see how the Ming Dynasty and the 'Shun Thief' react first!"

"Who dares to do this?" Yuan Chonghuan died in front of him. How could anyone in the Ming court dare to propose peace?

"Don't dare? Just force him to dare!" Huang Taiji secretly held the "Jade Seal of the Nation" sent by Dorgon not long ago in his hand, and his eyes gradually became sharper.

"Submissive thief", "Submissive thief", if you don't die, you will be lonely and uneasy!

For your sake, I have to give up my long-planned plan to proclaim myself emperor.

Do you know the pain in Ben Khan’s heart?

If you want the HUDUNTU's silly great fortune, the Empress Dowager NangNang, I'll give it to you!

If you want Hu Duntuhan's posthumous son Abu Nai, I can give it to you.

If you want the fifteen hundred households under Queen Mother Nang Nang, I can give them all to you!

However, if you want this thousands of miles of flowers and mountains, you have to pay for it with your life!

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