Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1031 Invincible words

One of them loved to read the biography of Taizu and the biography of the imperial master. When he met people, he would say: I am invincible with Taizu's cannon, and it is far better than a cannon weighing ten thousand kilograms.

Nothing is indestructible, nothing is indestructible, nothing can stop it!

Then he said: The sharp tongue of our Song Dynasty master is incomparable to that of Su Qin and Zhang Yi in the past. One word can bring down a city, one word can destroy a country, no one in the world can compare with it.

Or, what if you use Taizu's lips to attack the national master's tongue?

The man laughed and said, "Let's kiss him!"

Everyone was laughing! ——

The words come from "The Story of the Laughing Forest*"

Seeing that Wang Qiaonian had fallen into the trap, Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh and said: "In the past, Qin Shihuang unified the six countries and named himself the First Emperor, hoping for the first, second, and even thousands of generations, but in the end he died unexpectedly."

"Since ancient times, there has been a cyclical cycle of dynasty and chaos."

"No matter whether they are virtuous or unworthy, they can't escape. I don't know why?"

Wang Qiaonian was listening attentively, but when he heard this, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

In history, there is no exception to the rule of rule and chaos.

Even if the two of them argued for three days and three nights, they might not be able to make it clear.

How do you want Wang Qionian to answer such a big question?

Fortunately, Confucian debate does not require clever words and persuasion to overwhelm the opponent, but rather requires thorough persuasion of the opponent and the sincerity of the opponent to be considered a victory.

Wang Qiaonian pondered for a moment and then responded: "The king of entrepreneurship starts from the beginning, exposed to frost and dew, cuts through thorns, and builds a sizeable land. He is well aware of the difficulty of starting a business and the suffering of people's livelihood."

"Therefore, by practicing benevolent government and practicing benevolent principles, the world will be established."

"When the descendants were born in a deep palace and grew up with women's hands, they thought they had strong generals and sharp soldiers, and capable ministers and strangers to support them. They acted perversely and had no scruples."

"Some are cowardly, some are cruel, some are partial to others, or some do not accept honest advice, so they perish!"

OK, good answer! Zhang Shun almost wanted to applaud and praise Wang Qiaonian.

In just a few sentences, the essence of traditional theory is expressed.

Moreover, he was able to take the opportunity to give Zhang Shun some circumstantial advice. He was truly worthy of being called a "great talent" by Hong Chengchou.

"What you said is true!" Zhang Shun nodded.

In just a few words, Zhang Shun had already felt that Wang Qiaonian's personality was somewhat "stubborn", so he deliberately followed his words.

"But if all rise and fall are attributed to one person's temperament, how should we explain today's world?"

In fact, just as Zhang Shun guessed, Wang Qiaonian was a stubborn person.

In history, after Fu Zonglong, the original governor of the three sides, died in battle, the imperial court appointed him to take over as governor and urged him to go out and fight.

At this time, there was no salary or salary, and Wang Qiaonian knew that he would die.

He still dug Li Zicheng's ancestral grave first to boost his morale, and then led his troops to take risks in battle, resulting in his defeat and death.

"This" Wang Qiaonian couldn't help but was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

Since the current Holy Emperor Chongzhen came to the throne, he has changed all the problems of Jiajing's alchemy, Wanli's political turmoil, and Tianqi's obsession with carpentry. He has worked hard and diligently, but he did not expect that the Ming Dynasty was in decline, and even more so during the Jiajing, Wanli, and Tianqi dynasties.

At this time, the eunuch party had been eliminated, and the Donglin party was in full swing. There was not even a single person who could be used to take the blame. Wang Qiaonian was speechless.

"I wonder what King Qin thinks?" Come on, it doesn't matter if I can't explain such a big truth to you, I want to see how you can convince me.

"I wonder what Sir, what did you eat this morning?" Zhang Shun was a little tired from standing, but seeing that Wang Qiaonian had no intention of sitting down, he had to take two steps and asked.

Look around him!

Wang Qiaonian couldn't help but laugh and said: "I have always been a poor person. I take one liter of rice every day, divide it into two, and eat it morning and evening!"

"Last night I was released from prison, and this morning I received Mr. Hong's favor. I had a bowl of meat and vegetable porridge, and I'm still not satisfied with it!"

In this era, because most people had little oil and water in their daily diet and had a lot of manual labor, they generally ate too much. .

Wang Qiaonian's so-called one liter of daily eclipse actually means that he eats about one pound and three taels of rice a day, which is about 720 grams in later generations.

In later generations, he could almost be called a "foodie", but in this era, he was just a person with a large appetite.

"What if I've been hungry all day?" Zhang Shun couldn't help asking.

What do you mean?

Wang Qiaonian was stunned when he heard this, and said with half-squinted eyes: "I can still hold on!"

"What if we are hungry for ten days?" Zhang Shun continued.

how? threaten me?

Wang Qiaonian sneered: "Wen Zhonglie died on hunger strike in the past, I can do it too!"

Wen Tianxiang was posthumously named "Zhonglie" in the Ming Dynasty, so he was called Wen Zhonglie.

Zhang Shun ignored his embarrassing words and nodded: "If you don't eat for one day, you will be hungry; if you don't eat for ten days, you will die. This is natural!"

"This is why the sage said: If you don't take away a hundred acres of land, then a family of a few people can live without hunger."

"However, in this day and age, the rich are connected to each other and the poor are homeless. Therefore, hungry people are spread all over the world, and rebel armies are raging across the wasteland!"

"There is no food in the belly, and no land in the house."

"Those who have permanent property have perseverance, and those who do not have perseverance have no perseverance. This is no exception in ancient and modern times."

"Today I lead the people from all over the world to sweep away the filth in the world, not just for me, but for the whole world!"

"There are countless fields to cover the world, but people's desires are countless. Those people have thousands of hectares of fertile land, but the taxes collected by the court are less than a penny."

"The food in their homes is piled up like mountains, and the people all over the world are crying for food. Their gold, silver, and jewels are countless, and their courtyards are too deep to be remembered. But the people have no clothes to cover their bodies, and they have no fixed place to live. This is a disease of the people!"

"At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the world was settled and all industries were in ruins. Therefore, the method of setting up a guard station was to provide each household with a hundred acres of land and twelve stones in nanometers."

"Therefore, we can raise millions of soldiers without spending a grain of rice on the common people. Chase the enemy to the north, drive the Mongolian Yuan in the desert; sail all over the world, show off our martial arts in foreign lands!"

"The soldiers of today's guard are selling their sons and daughters, and they look like beggars. But the imperial court has allocated funds to sell clothes and armor to the east, and to buy weapons and weapons from the west."

"When you see a fight, you are trembling with fear, but when you hear the name of a bandit, you run away. You can't control the Tartars externally, and you can't defeat the bandits internally. This is the disease of soldiers!"

"When you hear about relocation, you are happy; when you hear about being relegated, you are sad. When you see the people, you are like tigers and wolves, and when you see the superior officials, you are like pigeons. You pass the blame and do nothing."

"I have nothing to do all day long, but my only thought is to make money. This is the disease of an official!"

"Therefore, if one person lives but ten thousand people die, it is a small kindness but a great evil; if one person dies but ten thousand people live, it is a great benevolence and righteousness in the world!"

"Today there are land annexations, resulting in poor people, poor soldiers, and rich officials. I want to eliminate it for the world, so please help me!"

"Ah?" Zhang Shun's words made Wang Qiaonian think deeply. When Zhang Shun finished speaking, he didn't react for a while.

"Wait, wait, let me figure it out!" Wang Qiaonian stopped Zhang Shun's suggestion first, and then asked, "What do you mean, take the land of the powerful gentry and use it with the soldiers and the common people?"

"Yes!" Zhang Shun nodded firmly.

"You are going to offend everyone in the world!" Wang Qiaonian was indeed extraordinary, and he caught the key point immediately.

"In the world, not only the gentry are powerful, but there should also be a place for ragged people!" Zhang Shun sneered.

"How many powerful people are there in the world, and how many poor people are there in the world? If you use more to attack less, nothing in the world can stop you!"

"Then you, the famous King Shun, will probably become the infamous King Qin in the future!" Wang Qiaonian stared at Zhang Shun again and said.

"As long as the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment, and the world is prosperous, even if I am accused of being a tyrant, what will happen?"

"Good, good!" Wang Qiaonian couldn't help but praise twice, "If you accept the country's filth, you are called the master of the country; if you accept the country's misfortune, you are the king of the world!"

"Please King Shun accept my homage!"

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