Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1032 Chaos breaks out

When Wang Qionian bowed down, Zhang Shun obviously didn't react. He was stunned for a moment, and then quickly helped him up.

Zhang Shun thought that his eloquence was good, but he never expected that he could convince Wang Qionian in just a few words.

There is a saying that Zhang Shun must have never heard of, but Hong Chengchou, Wang Qiaonian and other knowledgeable people are familiar with it.

Luo Yan, a native of Shu, once said: "If the livestock are made up of five hens of chickens and one hen of hogs, there will be a hundred-qian cloth quilt on the bed and several liters of wheat rice in the steamer."

"Although Su and Zhang Qiao said it in front, Han and Bai hold their swords in the back, and they will not be able to make a man a thief. How about greed and chaos?"

The ancients were well aware of the fact that food is the most important thing for the people.

As scholars, they knew the Han Dynasty's policy of "suppressing mergers" in detail.

If the former is done well, the people will not be displaced and impact the social order at that time;

If the latter is done well, it will be able to stabilize the tax base and prevent powerful powers from becoming powerful and hiding population and land.

However, Zhang Shun raised it to a strategic height through later theories and connected it from top to bottom.

"The disease in the world lies in annexation. When annexation occurs, the powerful will not be able to control it, the people will not be able to live in peace, and chaos will arise!"

"Therefore, the work is in the fields. If the fields are divided among the people, then the world will be peaceful; if the fields gather powerful people, then the heroes of the four seas will rise together."

It's funny to say that Hong Chengchou, who was over 40 years old, was a realist, but Wang Qiaonian, who was over 50 years old, was an idealist.

However, Zhang Shun happens to be somewhere between the two, pursuing realistic means and idealistic goals.

So, the three of them took the opportunity to sit and talk.

One mentions the difficulties of reality, the other imagines the beauty of ideals, and Zhang Shun mediates in the middle, kneading reality and ideals together.

The three of them talked more and more into the alley, but they forgot about the other three people.

Let's say that Gao Guiying, Baoqin and Shishu were hiding behind the screen. Hong Chengchou and Wang Qiaonian would leave in an instant.

As a result, it was discovered that the three people became more and more speculative as they talked, and these two people actually did not plan to leave.

Fortunately for Gao Guiying, the two women, Bao Qin and Shi Shu, had no one before them and had already labeled Zhang Shun as "lascivious", "hypocritical and treacherous", and "cruel and ruthless".

They took the initiative to get close to Zhang Shun before, just for the purpose of improving their situation.

Now after listening to Zhang Shun's words behind the screen, my impression of him has changed greatly.

Immediately, the image of an impassioned and high-spirited young man came to mind, a heroic image who had to bear the humiliation and forge ahead for the sake of the world.

Since ancient times, heroes have loved beauties, and natural beauties also love heroes.

What girl doesn't have a child, and what girl doesn't want to marry a young hero?

Actually, it's not bad to be able to marry such a young hero!

For a moment, the family, country and world were in front of the screen, and the romance was behind the screen. Behind the screen, the two women made secret promises to each other countless times.

In the end, I never expected that Zhang Shun, Hong Chengchou, and Wang Qiaonian would talk endlessly about serious matters.

Soon it was getting dark, so Zhang found an oil lamp and lit it.

Hong Chengchou and Wang Qiaonian couldn't help but feel frightened, but Zhang Shun had always been casual, so he didn't take it seriously.

Wang Qiaonian couldn't help but laugh and said: "In ancient times, there was a saying of holding a candle and talking at night. Unexpectedly, today I can hold a candlelight talk with King Shun. It will be considered a good talk if word spreads!"

beautiful? So beautiful!

What's so good about you, a bad old man?

Gao Guiying, Baoqin and the three ladies Shishu heard this and were immediately speechless.

Originally, they were wary of each other, fearing that the other would take advantage of them and take away their favor.

As a result, the three women never expected that they could guard against women but not men.

Three beauties who are as beautiful as flowers can't compete with two bad old men. Is this really justified?

It is said that Zhang Shun, Wang Qiaonian and Hong Chengchou stayed up late at night to talk. Suddenly they heard a rooster crow suddenly, and then they realized that the east was white.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but yawned and said, "I had a great time chatting with you two tonight, but things are complicated and complicated now, and it can't be done by empty words."

"I would also like to ask you two gentlemen to go back and rest for a while, and then help me deal with some matters as soon as possible."

"Listening to your words is worth ten years of reading!" Wang Qiaonian couldn't help but admire him, "The one who can save the world in the future must be King Shun!"

The two of them were polite for a long time, and then Hong Chengchou and Wang Qiaonian reluctantly left.

Only then did Zhang Shun remember that there were three people hiding behind the screen. They didn't make any noise all night, and they didn't know why.

He hurriedly walked over and took a look, only to see that the three girls Gao Guiying, Bao Qin and Shi Shu were lying on the chairs and fell asleep.

In fact, it's not that Zhang Shunzhen has forgotten the three of them, it's just that he is talking to Hong Chengchou and Wang Qiaonian in the alley, and he can't let his children's affair interfere with the business.

But he never expected that these three people were so stupid, and he didn't know to go to his bedroom to rest temporarily.

So, Zhang Shun gently picked up Gao Guiying.

Although it was a little heavy, he still put her gently on his bed.

Then, Zhang Shun hesitated for a moment, and then brought Bao Qin and Shi Shu over one after another.

Hey, hey, you've gone too far!

The third girl's eyelashes fluttered, and she felt a little embarrassed in her heart. Isn't this guy too silver-stained?

Just before Zhang Shun made any move, Wang Qiaonian and Hong Chengchou's voices suddenly came from outside.

"King Shun, King Shun, what's wrong, there's a group of people outside surrounding Prince Qin's palace!"

"What?" Zhang Shun was stunned and had not yet reacted.

"Ah?" Gao Guiying suddenly jumped up, as if he had just woken up, "What's wrong, what's wrong?"

"Ah~ why are we in your bed?"


"Ah~" The two girls, Baoqin and Shishu, also took the opportunity to wake up. They hugged each other and trembled as if they were frightened.

Zhang Shun was suddenly confused. Did he poke a hornet's nest?

Originally, he saw that they had stayed up half the night and wanted them to sleep a little longer. Why did they all wake up suddenly?

"Okay, okay, when you wake up, you should wash up quickly!" Zhang Shun yawned, turned around and walked out, "There are still a lot of business to be busy with today."

When Zhang Shun came out, Hong Chengchou and Wang Qiaonian were standing at the door.

The two of them looked at each other with their eyes and nose, as if they didn't hear anything.

If you know how to be lustful, you will admire Shaoai. We are all experienced, understand, understand!

No, what are your expressions?

Zhang Shun's face was full of depression. He finally became a gentle and beautiful man. Why did you think wrong?

"What's going on outside? Where are Wukong and Wang Jinyi?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but ask quickly.

"Oh, the two guards have already led the guards to stop him, for fear of losing something!" Hong Chengchou responded quickly.

"Come on, let's go out and have a look!" Zhang Shunxin said: "As expected, I'm here. I want to see what tricks you want to play!"

I went to Wang Qionnian to intercede, but I went to find a group of people to make trouble. Do you really think I don't dare to kill someone?

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