Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1033: Switch sides on the spot

"Kill the intruder, kill the intruder!"

"The thieves are tyrannical and bring disaster to the people! If King Shun does not kill him, the will of heaven will not tolerate him!"

"Everyone, please open your eyes and take a look. I, the Qian family, come from a scholarly family and have always been kind to others. My father was very kind and charitable, but his brains were pinched out alive by that thief Li Guo and he died. Is there any justice in this world?"

"Whatever you do, whatever you do, whatever you do!" Wukong got out of the door and drank two throats at that station like an iron tower.

Immediately, the group was so frightened that they took several steps back and even spoke a little softer.

"Does it make sense if you have a loud voice?" Someone had already encouraged him, "We are here to ask King Shun to make the decision for us!"

"Yes, yes, we are here to ask King Shun to make the decision, we are so afraid of being a bird!"

"Please King Shun, let us make the decision. Those people will not change their treacherous nature and are looking down upon human lives!"

"If you don't kill the intruder, you won't be angry with the people. If you don't kill Li and Liu, you won't be angry with the people!"

"Master Qingtian, please open your eyes!"

"What's the fuss about so early in the morning?" Just as everyone was crying, a voice unexpectedly came out.

Immediately, the door of Prince Qin's palace opened wide, and an extraordinary young man walked out with his head held high, surrounded by everyone.

"You are King Shun, right? Please make the decision for me!" Seeing Zhang Shun come out, the people who were noisy outside became even more angry.

They kowtowed to each other and cried in tears: "King Shun, please see, my old father is already seventy-five years old. He has always been kind to others and willing to give charity."

"Unexpectedly, a group of intruders broke in and beat them up. Within a few seconds, their brains burst and they died on the spot. I asked King Shun to make the decision for me! Woo woo."

Zhang Shun looked down and saw a corpse lying there.

Because some time has passed, the burst brain matter has dried up, and there are still some mosquitoes flying around.

It was August, the weather was hot, and I didn’t know if the body stank or not.

Zhang Shun was so disgusted that he couldn't help but feel like a basin of ice water was poured down on his head, and he shivered all over.

A grain of sand of the times becomes a mountain on everyone's head.

Seventy years are rare in life. This man was already in his mid-seventies, but he died tragically on the spot because of a decision he made. How could Zhang Shun not feel shocked and guilty?

If he moved to another place, would Zhang Shun himself be willing to sacrifice his own life in order to preserve his family's property for generations?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but dwarfed and knelt on the ground.

"King Shun?" Hong Chengchou, Wang Qiaonian and others were shocked.

"King Shun!" The people outside who were deliberately looking for trouble were also shocked.

"Master!" Wukong saw this and was about to help him.

As a result, Zhang Shun waved his hand, lowered his head and kowtowed three times to the old man.

"King Shun!" Everyone in the circle was shocked. Since ancient times, there has been a distinction between superiority and inferiority. Is there any reason for parents and officials to kneel down and worship the common people?

"I raised the army for the sake of the common people. I will not wrongly accuse a good person, nor let a bad person go!" Zhang Shun said impassionedly, with dirt still on his forehead.

"Do you have a complaint? You can submit it for interrogation!"

"Ah?" Everyone couldn't help but look at each other after hearing this. Originally, they were hired to cause trouble, so what kind of complaint was prepared?

Zhang Shun had already stood up at this time. His worship was not just for show, but to express his guilt for those who "died in vain".

No matter how impassioned he spoke, no matter how righteous his theory, he knew clearly in his heart that these people actually died at his hands.

How to cry together when one family is crying?

However, if a family cries, how can it not be crying?

Blood still needs to be shed, things still have to be done, and Zhang Shun can only masturbate.

"Your Majesty, King Shun, here is the complaint!" Hearing this, the son of the deceased couldn't help but wiped his tears quickly, put his hands into his arms, and walked over on his knees.

"Oh?" Zhang Shun subconsciously took two steps forward.

"Bitch thief, you're going to die!" Unexpectedly, as soon as Zhang Shun got closer, the man suddenly took out a wrist-breaking knife from his arms and stabbed Zhang Shun in the abdomen.

What a good Zhang Shun, after undergoing all kinds of coercion and inducement training from his mother-in-law, he has made some progress.

It's too late, but it's soon.

In an instant, Zhang Shun kicked him away, hitting the man's heart.

"Ah!" Only a scream was heard, and the man was flying into the crowd.

But Zhang Shun accidentally got a knife on his leg by the man, causing blood to drip from his leg.

"Master!" Wukong was startled. He was a little far away just now, and he didn't react for a while. He never expected that such a change would happen.

"There are assassins, hurry up, protect King Shun!" Hong Chengchou and Wang Qiaonian were frightened when they saw this, and quickly stepped forward to protect Zhang Shun.

Wang Jinyi would have jumped out early to catch the thief.

Unexpectedly, the group of people outside were already furious and cursed: "What a thief, he spent money to coax us to come over, but he actually wanted to assassinate King Shun on the spot. It is really not a pity to die!"

These people actually swarmed up and surrounded the man, giving him a good beating.

It turned out that these people were hired by the son of the deceased and deliberately came to Prince Shun's palace to cause trouble.

Many people didn't believe him after hearing his tragic story, so they came to help him.

But no one expected that in public, the majestic King of Qin would actually kneel down and worship a deceased person, which immediately made the old Qin people have a favorable impression of Zhang Shun.

And this "son of the deceased" also obeyed orders, but he didn't know how to adapt. When he saw Zhang Shun approaching, he carried out the assassination according to the plan.

It didn't matter that he committed the assassination on the spot, which immediately angered the onlookers and the people he paid to help him.

It turns out that people from Shaanxi have always had simple folk customs and were eager for justice.

Everyone saw that Zhang Shun was merciful and the assassin behaved despicably. How could they not understand that they had been deceived by this guy?

They immediately turned against him on the spot, and with a flurry of fists and kicks, they beat the guy half to death on the spot, and then dragged the general out to ask King Shun to punish him.

Zhang Shun looked carefully and saw that the man's face and body were covered with footprints, and he had been beaten into shape.

"Catch them, arrest them all!" Hong Chengchou said angrily when he saw the blood flowing from Zhang Shun's legs.

Wang Jinyi and Wukong were already furious, and quickly led their guards to surround all the troublemakers and onlookers.

"Okay, okay, don't involve innocent people!" At this moment, Zhang Shunzhen felt warm in his heart and couldn't help but said loudly, "Thank you, fellow villagers, for helping me. Zhang is not a person who can't tell the difference between right and wrong!"

"I trust everyone and know that you will not harm me. When this thief is brought to trial later, please bear witness for me!"

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say. This time we were deceived by thieves and King Shun was hurt. If anyone dares to cause trouble in the future, we will beat them until they run away without King Shun's guards taking action!"

Immediately, everyone bowed and bowed, and some people specially offered "golden sore medicine" so that King Shun could bandage it in time.

At this moment, Zhang Shun really smiled.

They may be ignorant, they may not understand anything, and they may be easily incited.

However, they always have the simplest sense of justice and keen intuition.

Who is good and who is bad?

Even if they don't say it, they actually know it in their hearts!

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