Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1034 Recommendation

"Ah, be gentle, be gentle, it hurts!" Zhang Shun put one leg on the chair, and Gao Guiying was bandaging him with a boiled white cloth strip.

Two girls, Bao Qin and Shi Shu, were standing nearby. They wanted to intervene in a panic, but they didn't know where to start.

"Do you know it hurts now?" Gao Guiying said angrily while bandaging it skillfully, "I won't be with you for a while, so I have to see some blood!"

"Isn't this unexpected? Who would have thought that someone who made a good complaint would actually prepare to assassinate me in public!" Zhang Shun explained quickly.

"Okay, okay, stop quibbling, there are so many lies, I'll leave them to your other wives later!" Gao Guiying rolled her eyes at him, and then looked at Wukong and Wang Jinyi confidently.

"What do you two do for food? Don't you know how to get closer to King Shun?"

Wukong scratched his cheek, Wang Jinyi lowered his head like a bean sprout, and neither of them dared to say a word.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Wang Qiaonian couldn't help but interjected: "Fortunately, fortunately, I will change it next time!"

"Hey, Concubine Gao, you didn't see it today."

"Pfft~" Zhang Shungang took a sip of tea and spurted it out on the spot.

Goofy? Thank you for shouting.

"What? What's wrong?" Wang Qiaonian looked confused.

"No, it's okay. I choked on the water, Mr. Wang, don't blame me!" Zhang Shun quickly suppressed his laughter and said with an innocent look.

"You didn't see that the assassin wanted to assassinate King Shun, but all the people he hired to help him turned against him and beat him half to death on the spot!"

"I have read in history books that Uncle Liu Huang inspired the assassin who came to kill him, but I still don't believe it."

"My eyes have been opened today. King Shun is really the reincarnation of the previous master. Emperor Shun is reborn. He can even influence people who originally planned to slander me. It really makes me convinced!"

"Hey, that's too much praise, that's too much praise!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but blush at the praise.

Although he understands the truth, he is just soft-hearted.

At that time, when I saw a real person being pinched to death because of his own policies, I couldn't help but feel a little pity.

His bow was very simple, in fact, it was just for peace of mind.

Unexpectedly, just this "peace of mind" would actually win back the hearts of the people and resolve the counterattack against him by the wealthy gentry.

"Mr. Wang, from today on, you are the inspector of this province!"

"Keep an eye on me. Don't let Li Zicheng and Liu Zongmin be blinded by hatred and do something unforgivable!"

"I accept the order and thank you!" Wang Qiaonian couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly bowed, "How dare I not go to any lengths to meet the king like this?"

"By the way, let's start with today's case!" Zhang Shun urged, "Things don't have to be thoroughly investigated, but right and wrong must be clearly argued!"

"I accept your order!" Wang Qiaonian's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't help but said respectfully.

In fact, this matter is very simple. It is a dissatisfied big family deliberately stirring up trouble, trying to occupy the rightful position and put pressure on the Qin Palace.

As a result, this "dead soldier" did not know how to adapt, but caused the hired people to defect on the spot, and Zhang Shun's reputation became more and more solid.

Sooner or later, this kind of thing spreads all over the world like a later marketing case.

By that time, Zhang Shun's reputation as "benevolent and virtuous" would become more and more solid, and those people would lose out both in terms of strength and morality, and it would be difficult to bargain with Zhang Shun.

Therefore, the key to Wang Qiaonian's trial this time is not to find out who is behind the scenes, but to deliberately make it known to everyone, so that more people can hear "the name of King Shun's benevolence and righteousness".

It doesn't matter who is behind it.

As long as the rebel army's policy of cleaning up the farmland and imperial villages continues, "he" will sooner or later lose control and completely expose himself.

And just when Zhang Shun was anxious and trying to sort out the situation in Shaanxi, the anxious Emperor Chongzhen in the Forbidden City finally welcomed Yang Sichang, the capable minister he had longed for.

"My lord, Yang Sichang pays homage to Your Majesty!" Yang Sichang saluted meticulously.

"Mr. Yang, please get up!" A smile appeared on Chongzhen's haggard face, "The situation is very bad now, and I am very worried."

"You have come thousands of miles away, but you don't know how to teach me?"

"I already know all about the thieves!" Yang Sichang sighed and couldn't help but said, "The Hou Jin cannot be destroyed suddenly, and the Qin thieves cannot be suppressed lightly."

"With the current situation, we can only defend first and then attack, and be quiet first and then move!"

"Ai Qing also said so, is there really nothing we can do?" Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but asked dejectedly.

"The way of attack and defense is a combination of good and evil. Why did your Majesty say that there is no way to do it?" Yang Sichang couldn't help but said in astonishment.

"Ah? My dear, please speak." For Chongzhen, if he can't send it without thinking, he must be a coward.

"The policy is: pay, it is soldiers, it is generals!" Yang Sichang said quickly after hearing this.

"When the wages of thieves are negotiated, the soldiers and horses should go ahead before the food and grass are used. When Confucius and Zilu discuss politics, they must have enough food first and then the soldiers. This is a very clear principle."

"Today we propose 120,000 officers and soldiers, one for each infantryman. Seventy-four thousand will be given 5 cents per day, and the amount of silver will be 1,332,000 taels."

"Each horseman will be given one penny for fodder per day, so the total number of soldiers is 36,000, and the silver will be 1,296,000 taels, for a total of 2,628,000 taels."

"Is the silver general going out?" Chongzhen couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing this, "Now that the internal funds and Taicang are all gone, what can be done?"

"Without any other option, we can only increase the pay and improve the pay, and wait until the world is calm before resting with the people!" Yang Sichang was silent for a long time and couldn't help but whisper.

"Well, that's all we can do, alas!" Chongzhen originally wanted to say, "I can only suffer for the people a little longer," but he found that this sentence seemed to have become his mantra.

"Of these 120,000 troops, I think that Huguang should train 30,000 more, Henan should train 30,000 more, Nanzhili should train 30,000 more, and Shanxi should train 30,000 more. In this way, adding the original troops and horses, we will reach nearly 200,000. That's enough, enough to fight against the traitors!" Yang Sichang couldn't help but continue.

"Okay!" Chongzhen became more energetic after hearing so many soldiers and horses, and couldn't help asking, "These soldiers are all paid. I wonder who the general Mr. Yang mentioned is?"

"This person's surname is Sun Mingchuanting, his courtesy name is Boya, and his name is Baigu. He is a surname from Zhenwu Wei in Daizhou. He was a Jinshi in the 47th year of Wanli. He is known as a frontier talent."

"Later, he was dissatisfied with Wei Zhongxian for causing trouble to the court, so he took a leave of absence to return. At the beginning of the year, it was agreed by the Ministry of Officials that he would first be appointed as a doctor in the inspection department, and later he would be promoted to Shuntianfu Cheng."

"Now that his qualifications are sufficient, I recommend him to be the governor of Shanxi to ward off obedient thieves!"

"This" Chongzhen hesitated for a moment after hearing this, and couldn't help but ask, "Shanxi Governor Wu Zong is in charge of the government, how can he stop it?"

"I recommend Wu Di, the former governor of Shanxi, to take charge of Henan and let Sun Baigu take his place!" Yang Sichang couldn't help but said firmly.

"What can be done if Sun Chuanting is put in charge of Henan?" At least Wu Gang, the governor of Shanxi, did a good job. He was the first person to invade Heluo after Hong Chengchou. Emperor Chongzhen didn't want to replace him.

"Shanxi is the backbone of the world. If we hold it, the thieves will have no peace; if the thieves hold it, the capital will be difficult to defend!" Yang Sichang couldn't help but shout loudly after hearing this.

"In the past, the route of the old sage Hongheng was called the Ancient Buddha of Dongshan in ancient times. The route of the hero Sun Bai was also called the Yanyan of Mount Tai in ancient times. After all, the route of the old sages Heng was not as good as the old Buddha of Bai."

"Without this person, I'm afraid we might have to cross south!"

Hongheng refers to Hongheng Jiuhong Chengchou; and Sun Bai naturally refers to Sun Baigu and Sun Chuanting.

Although Hong Chengchou is now trapped in the bandit camp, he is also a capable general.

Yang Sichang's evaluation of Sun Chuanting was even better than that of Hong Chengchou, which surprised Chongzhen.

"Okay, I'll just say that I love you!" Chongzhen couldn't help but make up his mind, "However, I want to see him before I take office!"

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