Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1049 A Nuremberg Egg

"What did you take from her?" Ma Yingniang couldn't help but asked quickly when she saw a walnut-like thing in Zhang Shun's hand.

Okay, let’s just play and have some love tokens?

Zhang Shun originally wanted to reply, "I won her heart," but if he really said this witticism, he would probably be dead.

He couldn't help but chuckle, threw it to her and said, "See for yourself!"

This object originally belonged to Chen Yuanyuan. When he saw it for the first time, it was really strange and he wanted to come over and play with it for two days.

To be honest, this woman Chen Yuanyuan is so famous that even Zhang Shun, who had a shitty historical level in the late Ming Dynasty, has heard her story of "being angry and becoming a beauty".

It's just that Zhang Shun had suffered the disadvantage of "Sun Chengzong" before. He also knew that there were many people with the same name in ancient times.

"Yuanyuan" claims her surname is Chen Mingyuan and her nickname is "Yuanyuan". She was born in Liyuan, Suzhou and is famous in Jiangzuo.

A few days ago, she was "invited" by Huaiyang merchant Cheng Jia to perform a song and dance. However, the liar turned around and "sold" her to Li Baihu and Li Jingu, who then gave her to his daughter Li Xiang. Be a girl.

Oh it's you? Zhang Shun, who was blind, realized that Yuanyuan was very similar to the original "Zhen Ji".

In fact, Zhang Shun doesn't know whether this "Chen Yuanyuan" is the other "Chen Yuanyuan", but judging from her series of complicated life experiences, this woman is most likely the "Chen Yuanyuan who became a beauty in anger" from Wu Sangui in history.

But does it matter?

Regardless of whether it's true or not, I'm already asleep anyway. Wu Sangui, if you have the guts, come over and hit me!

"What is this?" Ma Yingniang looked back and forth for a long time, then she couldn't help but said with a puzzled face, "A small incense burner?"

"Give it back to me!" Zhang Shun narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

"Tch, who cares?" Ma Yingniang threw it back casually.

However, Zhang Shun was not as skilled as Ma Yingniang, so he was so confused that he almost missed the catch and fell to the ground.

"Look at your virtue, it's like a rarity!" Ma Yingniang couldn't help but become increasingly unhappy when she saw this.

"Why are you jealous? Yuanyuan only earned this thing after singing two songs. I'm afraid it will be broken by her." Zhang Shun couldn't help but explain.

"Hey~ I still treat you as a valuable thing, look at how precious you are!" Ma Yingniang couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Zhang Shun didn't know what expression he should show, so he had no choice but to say expressionlessly: "It is said that Yuanyuan's attendance at a banquet or a song requires five taels of gold!"

"Hardware?" Ma Yingniang couldn't help but asked, "Is it inlaid with gold or with silver?"

In the Ming Dynasty, one gold could be exchanged for about five taels to ten taels of silver, which meant that this thing was worth fifty to one hundred taels of silver.

Ma Yingniang herself was born as a horsewoman, and of course she knew how difficult it was to "cheat money" from the onlookers.

Not to mention that they don't sell their bodies, but there are prostitutes who sell their bodies and some of them owe money to prostitutes on credit. I didn't expect this girl to be so able to "cheat money"?

If this "Yuanyuan" hadn't been taken into the house by Zhang Shun, Ma Yingniang would have wanted to capture her and "rent" her out to make money.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but frowned after hearing her pun, and scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Ma Yingniang curled her lips, a little unconvinced, but she didn't dare to say anything.

Baoqin didn't say a word when he saw the hostess, and even more so, he kept his head down and remained silent.

Not long after, Zhang Shun brought the two of them to Cunxin Hall, pointed at the documents piled on the table and said, "You two, help me organize them and sort them into categories!"

"The approved documents are placed in one place, and the unapproved documents are classified and placed according to four categories: military food and salary, Qingtun food and tax, criminal cases and other four categories."

"No, you asked us to come over and you did this?" Ma Yingniang couldn't help but jump to her feet, feeling that she had been greatly insulted.

Two lively beauties are placed in front of you. If you are not moved, forget it, and they still make us do hard labor. Do you still have any humanity at all?

"Yes, I'll come to your place in the evening!" Zhang Shun said matter-of-factly.

"Ah? Who wants you?" Upon hearing this, Ma Yingniang suddenly blushed from her neck to her ears.

Baoqin couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this, and quickly pulled Ma Yingniang, fearing that she would push Zhang Shun away again.

I've been doing this job for more than ten days and haven't gotten any better, so just have fun!

Seeing that they were silent, Zhang Shun ignored them and picked up the walnut-like "little incense burner" and disassembled it.

Of course, this is not a small incense burner, let alone a walnut, but a rare pocket watch. To be precise, its name is "Nuremberg Egg".

Of course, neither Chen Yuanyuan nor Zhang Shun knew the name "Nuremberg Egg", they only knew that it was a Western pocket watch.

Unlike various clocks that were common in later generations, it did not have a transparent glass cover, but a hollow brass cover.

Zhang Shun opened the brass cover and took a look, and saw the twelve hours written on the dial: "Zichou Yinmao, Chen Si Wuwei, Shen You Xuhai". Each hour is divided into two hours, the first and the right. Other than that, it is roughly equivalent to the twenty-four-hour clock in later generations.

Only then did Zhang Shun know where the word "noon" came from. "Chuwu" means eleven o'clock, and "noon" means twelve o'clock.

In fact, Zhang Shun's guess was correct. Exchanges between the East and the West in ancient times were far faster than imagined.

The "wonders" that appeared in the West were quickly spread to China through missionaries, and even craftsmen in coastal areas soon began to imitate them. The pocket watch in Chen Yuanyuan's hand should be a product of local imitation.

"Why is there only one needle? Could it be that the other two are broken?" Zhang Shun looked at it for a long time and found that except for one hour hand, the other two needles could not be seen.

He couldn't help scratching his head, and boldly pried the pocket watch from the middle to take a look. He saw that there were many gears densely arranged inside, and he couldn't tell how many hands there were.

How about taking it all apart and taking a look?

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Shun thought to himself: How can I, a dignified time traveler, still be able to handle this thing?

Just as he was told, Zhang started to disassemble the gears.

Just after disassembling two of them, there was a sudden "crash" and countless gears and accessories fell off.

Zhang Shun suddenly looked confused. Although I remembered every position of the gear I disassembled, I couldn't understand the positions of other parts at all. How come they were all missing?

It's okay, I am a time traveler who knows five hundred years before and five hundred years afterward. I am omnipotent.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun boldly went back to install it based on his memory and guesswork.

After spending a lot of effort, Zhang Shun finally restored this "little incense burner".

But why are there so many more accessories?

It's over, I can't explain to Chen Yuanyuan that it's a small matter, but if the sample is damaged, it will be troublesome.

Why did Zhang Shun ask Chen Yuanyuan for this Western pocket watch?

It turns out that as a visitor from a later generation, his knowledge of clocks, a timekeeping tool, was far ahead of his time.

If there were more accurate timing tools, it would bring about earth-shaking changes in one field of military tactics.

To give the simplest example, the "infantry and artillery coordination tactics" developed by Zhang Shun, even if the gunners and infantry have been trained many times, accidental injuries will still occur frequently.

And if you have an accurate clock, things will be much easier.

Zhang Shun could measure the time it took for infantry and cavalry to charge and retreat, and he could also measure the time it took for the gunner to drop the shell from the time he gave the order.

Then he can use this as a basis to formulate standardized regulations. When to order the soldiers to charge and when to order the gunners to shoot, it will be exactly as they should, without any risk of accidental shooting.

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