Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1050 Things about clocks

"It's so long, look at this pocket watch, can it still fit together?" Zhang Shun said with an apologetic smile.

"Nuremberg eggs?" Wang Zheng couldn't help but asked in surprise, "King Qin, where did you get this strange thing?"

"Sir, you really know it. Can you help reassemble it?" What did Zhang Shun say? Did he also say that he borrowed it from the girl, but he ruined it?

"Let me try it!" Wang Zheng nodded and said, "I have seen this object at Jin Sibiao before, but I am not very familiar with it."

"Four gold watches?" Zhang Shun was stunned and couldn't help but said: One pocket watch is worth nearly a hundred taels, how much are four gold watches worth?

"Oh, this Jin Si Biao was originally called Jinni Pavilion, with the Chinese character Si Biao, and he was a missionary from the Far West." Wang Zheng couldn't help showing reverence when he heard this, "He is a man of profound knowledge and has carried more than 7,000 volumes of Far Western classics. It covers everything from astronomical legislation, mechanical artifacts, philosophy, literature and art, to God’s classics, etc.”

"Ah?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but look happy when he heard this, and quickly asked, "Where is he? Can you invite me to meet him?"

Seven thousand European classics? What a treasure this is! Zhang Shun immediately drooled.

Wang Zheng couldn't help but look sad when he heard this. He was silent for a while and then sighed: "What a pity that he died of illness in Hangzhou in the first year of Chongzhen!"

"Oh, that's really a great loss in this world!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said sadly.

"However, although his body has passed away, his spirit will never die. I wonder if there will be someone who can inherit his last wishes and complete his unfinished business?"

"Career?" Wang Zheng couldn't help but shook his head and said with a depressed expression, "Previously he contacted me, Ai Sijie, Xu Gelao, Yang Qiyuan, Li Liang'an, Li Changde and other capable people to translate them into Chinese."

"However, the year has passed, and I have died without illness. Now Xu Gelao, Yang Qiyuan, and Li Liang'an have paid homage to my lord one after another, and I am old. Who can carry on his ambition!"

Ai Siji is the missionary Ai Julius; Xu Ge Lao is Xu Guangqi, a bachelor of Wenyuan Pavilion in the Chongzhen Dynasty and the second assistant to the cabinet; and Yang Qiyuan is Yang Tingyun, named Qiyuan; Li Liang'an is Li Zhizao, known as Liang'an lay scholar, and Li Changde was Li Tianjing who presided over the compilation of the "Chongzhen Calendar".

In particular, Xu Guangqi, Yang Tingyun and Li Zhizao, who died one after another, were the well-known "three pillars" of Chinese Catholicism at that time. Their deaths were not only a major setback for the Catholic missionary career at that time, but also suffered a major blow to China's "spread of Western learning eastward".

Now Wang Zheng himself is in his mid-sixties, his muscles and bones are gradually weakening, and he can only cry out in vain!

Zhang Shun couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, and had to sigh, "It's God's will." If all these nearly 7,000 books were translated into Chinese and allowed people to study diligently, how many brilliant achievements would be created?

"I wonder where these classics are?" He originally thought that after he became unified in the future, he would have to send people to "go to the west to get scriptures", but he never thought that someone had already brought these "scriptures" and was waiting for someone who was destined to take them.

"Most of them are in the Catholic Church in Beijing, and the rest are scattered in churches in Yangzhou, Hangzhou, Shanghai, etc.!" Wang Zheng couldn't help but responded after hearing this.

"It's just that the content is all written in Thai and Spanish. It's difficult for me as a Chinese to understand it, so I can only look at it and sigh!"

In fact, Zhang Shun still doesn’t know that these more than 7,000 classics in Jinnige are all hardcover books carefully selected by him after traveling to Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and other countries. The contents almost involve European technology, culture, and philosophy. The latest achievements in all aspects of , art and other methods.

It even includes the Christian banned book Copernicus' "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres" and the latest research results of astronomer Kepler.

He must go to the capital in advance. In addition to the emperor's wife, there are also 7,000 Far Western classics waiting for him, Zhang Shun secretly made up his mind.

"Alright, Your Highness King Qin, your 'Nuremberg egg' has been reassembled!" Wang Zheng started assembling it while chatting, and he had the pocket watch completely assembled in a short time.

He wound up the clockwork, and the hands of that delicate gadget began to move again, almost invisible to the naked eye.

"Um...then it's just a pointer?" Zhang Shun took it over and looked at it, wondering.

"That's right!" Wang Zheng couldn't help but be stunned. One pointer isn't enough. How many more pointers do you want?

"If His Highness King Qin wants to be more precise, I can actually add a engraved needle for you, or call it a minute hand!"

"Of course, it won't work on this Nuremberg egg. It will have to be redesigned."

"Ah? Can a chief engineer design this?" Zhang Shun was really surprised. There were many talented people in the Ming Dynasty.

When Wang Zheng saw that Zhang Shun was deeply interested in the clock, he suddenly had other thoughts.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "A few years ago, I made a homemade 'wheel pot clock' based on the principle of clocks. It can not only ring bells and drums, but also has Sichen puppets in it. It is quite exquisite."

"If the King of Qin likes it, I will order someone to make another one and give it to the King of Qin."

"Ah? How can this be so embarrassing!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but waved his hands after hearing this, "I heard that this thing is worth a thousand gold, how can I accept it for nothing?"

"Let's do it this way. I'll tell you how much money you need in total. I'll tell you later."

Just kidding, how dare Wang Zheng ask for his money?

He quickly refused and said: "The King of Qin is too polite. In fact, this thing is just for novelty, and it is a cunning and cunning thing, and of no use."

"Selling it in the market is just a clever way of occupying it. It doesn't actually take much effort. Where is the money needed?"

It turned out that Wang Zheng was proficient in mechanics and mechanics. He not only made his own "wheel pot clock", but also made "bicycles", "self-grinding machines" and other utensils based on the corresponding principles.

Of course, due to limited power, most of these gadgets are not practical, but since they can introduce new ones from the old, it can also prove from the side that he has completely mastered the principle of "clocks".

"Then I'll accept it shamelessly!" Looking at his expression, Zhang Shun guessed that this guy still had the missionary's ideas in mind, so he didn't shirk anymore.

Of course, this was not because Zhang Shun was interested in Catholicism as he thought, but because he took the opportunity to win over these people for the sake of the 7,000 Far Western classics.

"There's just one thing I want to discuss with you sir." Zhang Shun hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but ask, "I wonder if this clock can be set by another hand to divide the time?"

"This is meaningless!" Wang Zheng couldn't help but frowned after hearing this, "He originally thought that Zhang Shun wanted to add one more shot, and just use the gear differential to solve the problem.

It turned out that this guy wanted to be more precise, but it was impossible to achieve the ideal accuracy by relying on a simple gear differential method.

Wang Zheng couldn't help but explain: "Although the self-ringing clock is good, the actual daily deviation is more than fifteen minutes, so most of them do not have a minute hand."

"Even if there is a minute hand, it is still barely usable. As for the second hand, as His Highness King Qin said, I am afraid the error cannot be calculated!"

"If King Shun wants to be more precise, he might as well make an hourglass to keep time, but it will save a lot of effort!"

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