Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1070 Shili Kiln Farm

After Zhang Shun recommended "One Ear" to Song Qijiao, the magistrate of Yaozhou, as an official, Song Qijiao wanted to resign.

He couldn't help but salute and said: "I am a filial official, so I am sorry that I cannot accompany you. Please don't blame me, King Qin."

Now, although Song Qijiao was captured by the rebels, he still had to work in plain clothes and could not attend auspicious ceremonies, so he would not be able to attend the reception banquet for Zhang Shun.

"Song Zhizhou, don't be anxious. We will let them participate in the banquet later. I want to ask you about something." Zhang Shun couldn't help but drag him to the side room and said.

"Yaozhou's status is extraordinary. I wonder what difficulties this place has and what special products it has?" Zhang Shunxin said: I came here just to solve problems and investigate the people's sentiments. If there is nothing, then I can't waste my time here.

Song Qijiao also said that Zhang Shun thought he was rude and asked for a gift. He couldn't help pondering for a moment and said: "Twenty miles north from here, there is a place called Huangbao Town. It has been specializing in porcelain since the Tang Dynasty. It has a long-standing reputation. : Yaozhou kiln."

"If King Qin is interested, I will accompany you on a trip tomorrow!"

"Yaozhou kiln?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that there was a place for kiln production in Shaanxi.

"Yaozhou produces porcelain, and it is said that it was once one of the six largest kilns in the world. Although Jingde porcelain is famous all over the world, Yaozhou kiln still survives, and people in Shaanxi are happy to use it!" Hong Niangzi is originally from Mizhi, and she has no idea about Yaozhou kiln. He also heard it quite a lot, so he couldn't help but interject and explain.

"Okay, then you come with me for a trip tomorrow!" It looks like it's a big scale, Zhang Shun thought, since he was going north to Yan'an anyway, why not take a look.

There was no words all night, and early the next morning Song Qijiao led a thin horse to join Zhang Shun and others.

Zhang Shun frowned when he saw it, and said to Wang Jinyi: "I will pick a spare horse for him later, and ask One Ear to follow him by the way."

"There are many mountains around here, and thieves are out and about. When he comes back, what if there is an emergency? Wouldn't his life be in vain?"

Then everyone finished their breakfast and headed north.

For a group of cavalry, twenty miles can be reached in only an hour or two.

Huangbao Town is located in the loess plateau area where the Weihe River alluvial plains transition from the earth and rocky mountains in northern Guanzhong.

The Qishui River runs through it, forming a topographic pattern of east and west plateaus and central river channels.

Due to long-term water cutting, the complete plateau was cut into broken inclined plateaus, exposing large areas of loess.

"Soil erosion!" Zhang Shun frowned, and a word popped out of his mind.

However, survival is still the top priority in this world, so Zhang Shun had no choice but to suppress his thoughts and approach Huangbao Town with everyone.

As soon as he arrived near Huangbao Town, Zhang Shun saw kilns of various sizes lined up on both sides of the road.

When everyone came forward, they saw some grinding raw materials with stone mortars and grinding discs outside, while others were drawing out the embryos with the help of apprentices pulling the pulleys.

Others are glazing embryos in cave dwellings.

Outside the cave are hundreds of pieces of porcelain of various sizes, including lamps, bowls, bottles, cups, pots, plates, and a host of daily utensils.

Zhang Shun picked up a plate and asked, "Master, how do you sell this?"

When the old man who was drawing embryos saw Zhang Shun asking questions, he quickly put down his hand, wiped his hands on the scarf and said, "Young man is joking. If you want it, just take it!"

Just kidding, looking at this man's well-dressed clothes and many of them carrying knives and guns, how dare he ask for something worth just a few pennies?

"Your Highness, King Qin, these are not worth anything!" Song Qijiao couldn't help but smile when he saw this, "You come with me, there is an old kiln here, I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

Seeing so many people, Zhang Shun couldn't think of anything to say, so Zhang Shun winked and asked Wang Jinyi to send a few people to look around, and then he followed Song Qijiao.

"Huangbao Town is the most famous Yaozhou kiln, known as the 'Ten Mile Kiln Farm'. In recent years, the nearby Chenlu Town, Lidi, Yuhua Village, and Shangdian Village have also had their own strengths, stretching for dozens of miles."

"The Yaozhou kiln was previously most famous for its celadon, but today it is most famous for its white ground and black porcelain."

"Your Highness King Qin, please be careful, we are here!" Song Qijiao, the magistrate of Yaozhou, explained while trying to help Zhang Shun approach a cave dwelling.

"No need!" Zhang Shunnian is strong and has some skills, so why should he support him?

He followed the uneven road and jumped a few times before arriving at the door of a cave dwelling.

There are many cave dwellings in Shaanxi, but they are mainly distributed in northern Shaanxi.

Although there are special cave dwellings such as underground caves in plains like Sanyuan County, they are not the mainstream after all.

When we arrived near Huangbao Town, these loess plateaus were already dotted with cave dwellings.

Not long after, an old man opened the cave door and gave everyone a strange look.

"Master, have you started the furnace today?" Song Qijiao couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, the old man shook his head and said, "It's not open for half a year, but it's been open for half a year. It's only been five months and eight days since I came here last time. Don't be in a hurry!"

Oh, this is a master!

Zhang Shun couldn't help but squint his eyes and sighed in his heart: He knows hunger marketing these days, it's amazing!

"Stop talking nonsense, a distinguished guest is here this time. Take out all your fine collections. I'll take whatever he likes!" Song Qijiao couldn't help but say richly.

"If the sales are good, you won't have to open in the second half of the year!"

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, the old man quickly opened the door and welcomed everyone in. He made a pot of good tea and served it to everyone.

After a while, he took out seven or eight pieces of porcelain and asked Zhang Shun to appreciate them.

Zhang Shun grabbed a cyan bowl and looked at it for a long time. It seemed like tableware purchased online in his previous life, but he couldn't see any clues.

"Celadon-glazed peony bowl!" The old man quickly showed off, "Look at the color, look at the pattern, standard Yaozhou celadon."

"This is technology from hundreds of years ago, but now no one can do it except my family!"

"Imitation antique?" Zhang Shun was stunned.

"Cough cough cough..." Suddenly Song Qijiao, Hong Niangzi and others were almost choked to death by Zhang Shun.

"What imitation antiques!" the red lady couldn't help crying and laughing, "Yaozhou celadon in the Song Dynasty was famous all over the world, but later it encountered wars and most of them were lost."

"The old man is very good at what he does. What he sells is what others don't have and what I have!"

"How much?" Zhang Shun frowned. He didn't believe that the older he got, the more popular he became.

According to his thoughts, natural selection and survival of the fittest.

Since most Yaozhou celadon does not exist in the world, it is obviously an obsolete technology. Is it so rare?

" tael of silver is enough to cover the price!" The old man was stunned and couldn't help but stretched out his fingers.

How many? The ones outside are only worth a few pennies, but you have multiplied it hundreds of times in one fell swoop. Are you taking me for granted?

"No, no, no, it's not surprising, and it's not pleasing to the eye!" Zhang Shun was too lazy to pay attention to him, and found an excuse to refuse.

The old man took out seven or eight items in succession, but Zhang Shun didn't notice any of them.

The old man couldn't help but become anxious, grabbed the teapot lid, lifted up the teapot that he had just poured tea into and said, "Then what about this one?"

"Huh?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but asked subconsciously, "Is the lid stuck on?"

"Celadon glaze backflow pot!" The old man couldn't help but laugh, "This pot has no lid, and water is poured from the bottom without flowing out, so it is called a backflow pot!"

"If you, distinguished guest, want this set, you will need three taels of silver!"

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