Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1071 Kill three birds with one stone

"If you want to give me three taels, I'll take it!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"." Everyone was speechless after hearing this. Those who have seen bargaining have never seen such bargaining.

"Your Excellency has a distinguished status, why do you need to play with me?" The old man glared angrily when he heard this.

"Your Highness, King of Qin, I will pay for this!" Song Qijiao heard this and immediately couldn't laugh or cry. Sure enough, a thief is a thief, and he had to rob him of an elegant toy.

"Listen to what I have to say!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing after hearing this, "Logically speaking, I shouldn't have asked for this money."

"Don't say three taels, even thirty taels, even three hundred taels. I didn't even notice it."

"It's just business, I can't break the rules!"

The old man heard Zhang Shun mention the word "rules" and knew that he was a knowledgeable person.

He couldn't help suppressing his anger and asked, "How do you say this?"

"Perhaps you have heard that this king is King Shun who has newly occupied the three sides and four towns of Shaanxi Province!" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"I won't steal or rob. I'll tell you the truth."

"If you give this thing to me, I will put it in the Cunxin Hall and use it exclusively to entertain guests."

"By the way, I don't want this set. You can make a new set for me, and be sure to put your name on it!"

"The people I entertain are either high-ranking officials or literati. After being praised by these people, not to mention your small kiln, I am afraid that the entire Yaozhou kiln will become popular and sell well in Shaanxi."

"This" the old man was stunned when he heard this, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, then, little old man, just believe in King Qin for once!"

"I'm going to start firing porcelain now, and I will definitely choose a set of exquisite treasures to enshrine to His Highness the King of Qin!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but grin.

He really knows the ropes, he advertises for him, and he pays the advertising fees for himself, of course!

Not long after, everyone walked out of the cave.

Zhang Shun handed the "advertising fee" that the old man paid to him to the red lady and said: "You often say, 'Marry a man, marry a man, wear clothes and eat', but you haven't made much money since you followed me. These three taels of silver It’s the most money I’ve ever earned in my life, and I’ll share it with you!”

"Why?" While the red lady was stunned, Ma Yingniang and Wang Qiying quickly stopped her after hearing this.

"She is a 'married man', aren't we?"

"Then you three secretly separate, but others will know it!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but smiled bitterly and shook his head after hearing this, thinking: No matter what, you have to separate yourself.

At the same time, when Song Qijiao, the magistrate of Yaozhou, heard this, he didn't know that Zhang Shun was "extorting" that guy's money. He couldn't help shaking his head and admonished: "The King of Qin is rich in three sides and four towns. How can he give it to the common people?" Not a hair?"

This is a guy who only knows how to read books from sages but does not know anything about economics.

Zhang Shun shook his head and did not answer. Instead, he asked, "I see that the porcelain industry in Huangbao Town is developed. How many workshops are there?"

"This" Song Qijiao pondered for a moment after hearing the words, and couldn't help but shook his head and said, "I haven't counted them carefully, I'm afraid there are more than a hundred families!"

"I'll give you a task. Put aside the chores in your hands. You can bring people here in person and register them door to door for me." Zhang Shun couldn't help but ordered.

"What is registration?" Song Qijiao couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

"This registration is like a fish scale book. It states the name of the workshop, the owner of the workshop, the number of people employed in the workshop, and the number of pieces of porcelain produced each year." Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing.

"In the future, whichever company does well and others use its name illegally will be compensated and punished. Whichever company does poorly and cannot deliver qualified products as promised will still be dealt with in accordance with the law."

"This" Song Qijiao hesitated for a moment, always feeling that "King Qin" had some purpose, so he couldn't help but ask directly, "I wonder what King Qin means?"

It's not difficult to implement these, but the key is to waste manpower and material resources. There has to be an excuse, right?

"There are more than a hundred workshops in Huangbao Town alone. If we add Chenlu Town, Lidi, Yuhua Village, Shangdian Village, etc., there will probably be three to four hundred." Zhang Shuntu said.

"If we collect three to five taels of silver from each village, we may not be able to collect more than a thousand taels a year, which is enough to cover the land tax of 30,000 to 40,000 acres!"

In the Ming Dynasty, the official land tax was very low. It was only three liters, three in five spoons per mu, and the full tax on 30,000 mu was only more than a thousand shi.

"So many?" Song Qijiao was shocked when he heard this.

Yaozhou was originally a small state. Apart from the main state, it only governed Tongguan County, and the annual land tax was only two to three thousand dan.

Zhang Shun opened his mouth to collect more than a thousand taels of silver from the Yaozhou Kiln. No wonder Song Qijiao, the magistrate of Yaozhou, was frightened.

Although Song Qijiao was also very moved, years of Confucian "benevolence and righteousness" teachings drove him to quickly remonstrate: "Now the world is in turmoil, and Shaanxi has constant natural and man-made disasters, and the people are living in dire straits."

"The King of Qin relied on the great righteousness of the world to save the people from fire and water. Now the people of Qin have not heard of King Qin's benevolence, how can the King of Qin calculate the gains and losses first?"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh and cry when he heard this. He pointed at Song Qijiao and said, "What a corrupt scholar!"

"I can't eat enough for three meals, I can't clothe myself with five feet of cloth, and I can't live in a house that's more than ten feet long, so what do I want?"

"Collecting this tax is just taking it from the people and using it for the people!"

"Nowadays, northern Shaanxi is suffering from repeated droughts and hungry people are everywhere. The Ming court does not want to provide relief, so the disaster is getting worse."

"Now that Shaanxi has been captured by the rebels, we should distribute silver and grain relief. Where does this silver come from, and where does the grain come from? If you don't take it from here, then take it from there!"

"The Ming Dynasty increased wages, and the income per acre increased by 3.5 cents to 9 cents, so that the people of the world were in dire straits."

"I think the workshop produces tens of millions of pieces of porcelain every year, and the profit is no less than hundreds of thousands. If I have more than enough to make up for the shortfall, why not?"

Song Qijiao, the magistrate of Yaozhou, was stunned when he heard this. He couldn't help looking at Zhang Shun and asked: "Originally, this workshop levied a stall tax every month, so what? And what is the name of the new tax?"

"Oh?" Zhang Shunxin said, didn't he say in his previous life that the Ming Dynasty did not collect commercial taxes? Why is there still a door stall tax?

"How much is this door stall tax collected every month, and what is its name?"

"This stall tax is collected by Yaozhou over a total of more than 20 taels a year, and it is levied on all street vendors and stores." Song Qijiao couldn't help but explain.

"This is business tax for you, and this is labor tax for me!" Zhang Shun almost laughed out loud when he heard this. You can't collect even a fraction of my tax for a year, so what kind of tax is it?

"Anyone who excavates mineral deposits in mountains and forests and makes items to sell for profit will be taxed based on their value, so it is called labor tax."

"The method depends on the size of the workshop and the number of items produced, and is collected according to the size of the font."

"His income tax was temporarily used to hire victims of the disaster in northern Shaanxi and provide relief work. They transported porcelain to Xi'an and other places, and returned with rice and grain. They went back and forth without any effort."

"This" Song Qijiao was stunned when he heard this.

People often say that one kills two birds with one stone. King Qin killed three birds with one stone.

First, register the Yaozhou Kiln Workshop name as the basis for tax payment.

The taxes collected were then used to hire victims who had fled from Yan'an and other places, transport the porcelain produced in Yaozhou to Xi'an and other places for sale, and then use the sales proceeds to purchase grain and return to Yaozhou.

This not only collected taxes, but also provided relief to the victims, and at the same time, it also eliminated the pain of levying labor to transport food.

"Okay!" Song Qijiao, the magistrate of Yaozhou, couldn't help but clapped his hands and said, "The King of Qin's idea is very ingenious. I admire you very much!"

"If this is the case, I will help King Qin achieve this even if I am shattered into pieces."

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