Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1082 Arriving at Yulin

Later, Zhang Shun, accompanied by Kong Wenzheng, a descendant of Kong Sheng, visited Ansai, Baoan, Anding, Qingjian, Suide, Mizhi and other places.

Among them, Ansai, Baoan and Anding counties are in the worst situation.

In November of the fourth year of Chongzhen, "Tan Xiong from Ansai led the hungry people to conquer the county and begged for surrender. Tan Xiong was killed one month later. At that time, the epidemic broke out and there was almost no one in the city."

In the same year, "black snow fell continuously in Yan'an in winter, which lasted for fourteen days and nights, extending for two months. More than half of the people and animals died, and all the trees withered."

In the first month of the fifth year of Chongzhen's reign, "It cost eight cents to fight for rice in the great wasteland of Ansai. People dug up grass roots, ate willow leaves and bark, pounded stones to eat, and died of abdominal distension. People killed each other and left their bodies in the wild."

In the seventh year of Chongzhen, "the three counties of Bao'an, Anding, and Ansai were the most severely affected by famine. In Bao'an, there were almost no species left in the city or village."

Zhang Shun originally thought that he had seen the hell on earth, but when he came to these three areas, he understood what it meant: "white bones exposed in the wild, no roosters crow for thousands of miles; hundreds of living people have left one thing, and the thought of it will break the heart of a person."

However, back then, Cao Cao was still able to "walk in the wormwood", but when he arrived at Zhang Shun's place, even the "wormwood" was eaten up by the hungry people. If he wanted to "walk in the wormwood," there was no wormwood available.

However, Zhang Shun was already one step ahead.

If the original history is followed, next year Ansai County will be ravaged by Li Zicheng's rebel army, captives, droughts and locusts, and the people will flee.

As a result, "only one mile of Jinzhuang remains in Hexian County. Although the name remains, the number of people does not. After that, there were many military shortages, and only Liujia remained."

In the Ming Dynasty, there were one hundred and ten households in one mile, and ten households in one mile, which meant that in the original history, there would only be a hundred households left here next year.

If we wait until after the war is over and count the population of the county, there will only be 60 households left.

And this is Gao Guiying's hometown. Fortunately, she didn't come with her this time. I don't know how she felt when she saw her hometown turned into this.

After finally leaving peace and stability, Zhang Shun suddenly felt that Qingjian was much more "lively".

To say "lively" is not much better than the other three counties, but you can see some hungry people with no clothes or food, which makes it somewhat popular.

The reason why Qingjian is more "lively" is that it has two specialties: "Qingjian's slates and Wayaobao's charcoal".

Although it has been war-torn for a long time, there are some industries that can support some people.

Suide was known as a "famous state in the world" and had a large number of soldiers. In the feast of carving up the military pay of the Ming Dynasty, it got a little bit of water. Therefore, in the disaster, it was among the states and counties north of Yan'an. The place where the disaster is least harmful.

After passing Suide, you will find Mizhi County, the hometown of Red Lady.

There is a saying that "Mizhi's mother-in-law is a Han in Suide". Zhang Shun didn't know what the Han in Suide was, but looking at the matchmaker's appearance and ability, Zhang Shun believed in the saying "Mizhi's mother-in-law".

Since he happened to be passing by, Zhang said to the matchmaker: "It's rare to go back to my hometown. Why don't you go home and take a look?"

Unexpectedly, the red lady shook her head and said: "What are you looking at? There is no living person in the house, the house and the yard are gone, what is there to miss?"

Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and then he reacted.

What kind of good-natured woman could live a comfortable life and instead follow a gangster leader to live in a precarious life all over the world?

I'm afraid there are many stories in it, as well as many unbearable past events. Since she doesn't want to mention them, forget it.

"Since your home is gone, then this is your forever home!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but put his arm around the red lady's shoulders and said affectionately.

"Fuck you!" The red lady had never heard such disgusting words before. She couldn't bear it in front of Ma Yingniang and Wang Qiying, and couldn't help but push Zhang Shun.

But by accident, he used too much force and pushed Zhang Shun, causing him to stumble.

"Huh?" As soon as she pushed Zhang Shun, she regretted it and quickly reached out to pull Zhang Shun back again.

As a result, Zhang Shun took the opportunity to grab the catkins she extended and pulled her into his arms.

"Yeah!" The red lady's neck turned red with embarrassment.

"Is he so good?" Wang Qiying was so jealous that she couldn't help but look at Ma Yingniang.

What girl doesn't have a child? Even a "rough guy" like Wang Qiying wants to have a love as beautiful as in the storybook.

Ma Yingniang shook her head and also gave a helpless look: Where are you now? If this man hadn't embarked on the road of rebellion and had some less than upright business, he would have hooked up with many good women!

After passing Mizhi, Yulin Town is right in front of you.

As soon as they arrived outside the city, Lu Xiangsheng, Zhang Fengyi, Wang Shiguo, Wang Shiqin and several Yulin generals had been waiting for a long time.

They couldn't help but be nervous. Before Zhang Shun arrived, Wang Qiying had already sent his cronies back to Yulin to tell his father Wang Shiqin one by one Zhang Shun's dissatisfaction with the Yulin generals.

When Wang Shiqin heard this, of course he knew that this was Zhang Shun's intention, so he sent someone overnight to invite the heads of the six surnames and seven sects of Yulin to discuss the matter.

The generals couldn't help but uproar after hearing this, and they all accused Zhang Shun of "crossing the river and demolishing the bridge", "unloading mills and killing donkeys" and so on.

Wang Shiqin couldn't help but sneered when he heard this: "Since King Shun acquiesces to my daughter sending someone to inform me, he just doesn't want to break up with you."

"If nothing else, do you think that with our six surnames and seven families, we can withstand my son-in-law?"

Zhang Shun was afraid that the generals in Yulin would incite rebellion in Yulin Town, which would affect his grand plans.

The Yulin general was also afraid that Zhang Shun would turn his back on him and refuse to recognize him, so he would turn around and deal with them.

Although Yulin Jiangmen has great influence in Yulin, Ningxia and other towns, if they really want to go head-to-head with Zhang Shun, how many people can follow them to "rebellion"? To be honest, they themselves have no idea.

"Let's do this!" Wang Shiguo was still mature and prudent, and he couldn't help but take the initiative to suggest, "Yulin is our private land, King Shun can't touch it lightly no matter what!"

"The Suide part is somewhat involved. I'll figure it out myself and ask Yingzi to hand it over to King Shun later, just to show mercy."

"The other two places, Qingyang and Yan'an, have nothing to do with us, so just turn a blind eye!"

"But, but we have already given in a step!" Some people couldn't help but expressed dissatisfaction, "Now Lu Xiangsheng is sorting out the troops and calling names one by one. How much silver have we lost based on this alone? How can we retreat again and again?"

"My arms can't hold my thighs!" Wang Shiguo couldn't help but sneer, "Others are trying to save us old guys' face by calling it 'Yulin has six surnames and seven families, and will breed aristocratic families.'"

"Actually, even if one of our seven families produces a famous general like my father, King Shun would have been wiped out long ago, and there would be no need to worry about anything else."

"Nowadays, don't you know the virtues of our six surnames and seven sects?"

Everyone fell silent upon hearing this. The younger generation all live a comfortable life, so how can they endure hardships or risk their lives?

Even the most popular Wang family said this, and the others were speechless.

"Old General Wang, now that your family is the most powerful and you are married to King Shun, you can't sell it to us!" Xiao, who was the most popular in the past, couldn't help but remind him quickly.

"Don't worry, since I am the Yulin General's talker, I will definitely speak to us!" Wang Shiguo couldn't help but promise.

"That's what I think. When doing business, you can't just make a one-time deal. So why should we form an alliance with King Shun?"

"We will make concessions, but we must not sit back and enjoy the gains!"

"There is a saying that 'when the birds are gone, a good bow is hidden; when a cunning rabbit dies, the lackeys are cooked'. Since ancient times, emperors have been ruthless, how can they care about old feelings?"

"Our families all have some background, why not select some motivated children to conquer the world with King Shun, so that they can share some of the credit and become one of the founding heroes of the country."

"If this thing really comes true, it will be considered as a good thing for our descendants. I wonder what everyone thinks?"

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