Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1083 Transaction

"How is the settlement of the troop quota now?" Zhang Shungao sat in the upper seat and asked Lu Xiangsheng in front of everyone.

"The three camps of Yansui Town include the city garrison camp, extending from Baoning Fort in the west to Guide Fort in the south, with a total of 33,077 men and 11,000 horses and 232 horses. . There are actually 19,315 men and 3,502 horses." Lu Xiangsheng, the general of the Northern Expedition, couldn't help but respond after hearing this.

"In addition to the above personnel and horses, there are ten fortresses on the middle road and Yulin Road, with a rated number of 4,581 personnel and 2,955 horses. There are actually 3,613 soldiers and 7 horses. One hundred and three horses.”

"The Shenmu Road on the east road has 12 forts under its jurisdiction, with a rated number of 9,315 soldiers and 5,411 horses. There are actually 6,421 soldiers and 1,000 horses. Zero seven horses.”

"Jingbian Road on the West Road has 14 forts under its jurisdiction, with a rated number of 9,482 soldiers and 5,632 horses. There are actually 6,307 soldiers and 1,010 horses. One hundred and three horses.”

"The whole town of Ji Yulin has 35,656 soldiers and 6,315 horses."

"Based on the monthly salary of one stone for each person, and twice that for the cavalry and soldiers, the actual payment should be 48,286 stone."

Lu Xiangsheng said politely, and everyone in Yulin Jiangmen's face turned dark immediately.

What did chief of staff Hong Chengchou say back then?

The original population of Yansui Town was 80,000 Youqi, and the current population is about 53,000. The original amount of horses was more than 45,000, and the current amount is 32,000.

Good guys, you give me a real amount after the original amount and cash amount!

No wonder those weaklings in Ao'er Dusi are able to attack the walls of Yan'an and Yanzhou at every turn. Apart from guarding the forts, almost all of your remaining mobile forces have been eaten up by you!

The defense system of Yulin Town is based on Yulin City as the core and supported by three thirty-six forts.

As a result, there were only more than 16,000 defenders left in the Thirty-six Forts, which was equivalent to only 450 defenders in each fort.

The main force stationed in Yulin City is less than 20,000. If the officers and soldiers guarding the city are removed, the mobile force that can be used may not be enough to reach 10,000.

No wonder that after he besieged Yulin City, these people couldn't do anything and quickly defected to him.

They knew their feelings well, knowing that on the one hand they did not have that many troops, and on the other hand it was impossible to have reinforcements.

Because at that time, even including Zuo Guangxian's 5,000 defeated troops, Yulin City may not have 30,000 in total.

As for the three military formations of Yulin, Shenmu and Jingbian, they could no longer allocate mobile troops from the forts as usual due to personnel shortages, so they could only sit back and watch the fall of Yulin City.

"No one has any objections, right?" Zhang Shun asked with a smile.

"No, no, absolutely no!" Everyone responded quickly after hearing this.

The number of troops is of course crucial, but even more critical is the horses.

From 45,000 horses to 32,000 horses, and now from 32,000 horses to 6,300 horses, it is self-evident where the difference is.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the price of horses was around ten taels. There were twelve taels for each of the first horses and twelve taels for the middle horses. The shortfall was worth three to four hundred thousand taels of silver. How could the generals here not know it?

"Ma...I won't say it anymore, as long as everyone knows it!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but sneered, "I don't plan to delve into the cultivated land of Yulinwei!"

"It's just that our more than 30,000 soldiers consume nearly 600,000 shi of food a year. We still have to talk about how to solve this matter!"

"Shaanxi's tax revenue is only two million shi per year. If Yulin needs 600,000 shi, Ningxia needs 500,000 shi, Guyuan needs another 500,000 shi, and Lintao needs more than 100,000 shi, then I, the King of Qin, may not be able to do it in front of me. What do you mean!"

Everyone broke into cold sweat when they heard this.

Was Zhang Shun right? That’s so right, I even calculated less and still couldn’t make ends meet.

If you include the official salary and the direct rebel army, I'm afraid it won't be possible without three million dan.

They were used to bullying the Ming court in the past, and they wanted to trap Zhang Shun as their scapegoat.

Just thinking about it this way, even if the two sides change places, they will have to fight Yulin Jiangmen.

"King Shun is not an outsider. We will do whatever you say. We can trust His Highness King Shun!" The person who spoke was none other than Zhang Daochang of the Zhang family in Yulin.

After Zhang Daochang's younger brother Zhang Yingchang was told to surrender, he was now serving as the commander-in-chief of the rebel army in Lintao, so he had some confidence and immediately threw out the bottom line agreed upon by the generals.

Ma Maipi! The six surnames and seven families in Yulin couldn't help but cursed secretly, and suddenly remembered Wang Shiguo's words last night.

No, we have to send some of our disciples to follow King Shun, otherwise we will be outnumbered by others in the future.

"Okay, since everyone said that, I won't be polite!" Zhang Shun thought that his father-in-law, Wang Shiqin, had already arranged this matter, so he couldn't help laughing.

"I intend to clean up the farmland in Qingyang and Yan'an and measure the farmland in Suide. What do you think?"

When everyone heard that Zhang Shun's plan just hit everyone's bottom line, it was considered within the acceptable range.

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other, and finally Wang Shiguo stood up and said: "It is only natural that King Shun is going to deal with these three farms."

"As the saying goes, there is an emperor and a minister. Now the Qin Dynasty has no reason to recognize the title of the Ming Dynasty."

"These people occupying this place is of no benefit to the country, and it is also of no benefit to Yulin Town. We have no objection."

"There's just one thing I want to ask King Shun for."

"Oh? Please tell me!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel a little happy when he heard that Yulin General agreed to his conditions.

If the three areas of Qingyang, Yan'an and Suide are cleared and measured, at least three to four hundred thousand grains can be collected, then the pressure on Yulin Town's food and salary will be much less.

Even if the famine is over and the national tax is levied again, I am afraid that it will be able to support the entire town of Yulin.

"For generations, our Yulin generals have been people who wield swords and guns and have made great achievements. They cannot manage the industry."

"I suggest that we send three to five hundred people from each family and send our children to follow King Shun so that they can have some experience. I wonder what King Shun wants?"

"Okay, our Xiao family will send Xiao Si!" Before Zhang Shun could open his mouth, Mrs. Xiao was the first to respond.

"Then our Zhang family will send Zhang Hu!" Mrs. Zhang also responded.

"Hey, don't you have Zhang Yingchang in your family? Why did you send Zhang Hu again?" Someone asked in surprise.

"Ying Chang is too old to be a long-term solution!"

Zhang Shunyi couldn't help but feel gratified that everyone in the audience participated enthusiastically.

Although it is said that the six surnames and seven sects of Yulin have lost their spirit, the heritage of the old-school generals is still there.

If they recruit some elite servants as the backbone and form a new battalion, the actual combat effectiveness will be higher than that of the rebels.

"I, the Du family, sent Du Hongwei to follow King Shun!"

Just as the six surnames and seven families had sent out their outstanding children, Zhang Shun's father-in-law Wang Shiqin stood up and said with a smile: "My Wang family sent Wang Pu to follow King Shun!"

Zhang Shun and others were stunned when they heard this, and couldn't help but cursed in their hearts: You are cheating!

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