Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1097 Gao Guansuo

"Gao Guansuo?" Zhang Shun repeated.

"The general is here!" Gao Guansuo quickly stood up again and responded.

"Sit down, sit down!" Zhang Shun gestured, looked at the tall woman in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh: "He is really a husband among women!"

It turned out that Gao Guansuo was none other than the man who was guarding the Imperial Council General's Office with artillery at that time.

At that time, Wukong, a fool, got into a fight with her, and the two almost came to blows.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun arrived in time and avoided an unnecessary disaster.

"Female general?" To be honest, Zhang Shun was also very surprised to see another female general.

Like Zhang Fengyi, it was because her husband's family was a hereditary chieftain and there were men in the family who were not prosperous, so sometimes the female family members had to go into battle to lead troops in battles.

Although it is unexpected, it is also reasonable.

But what's going on with this high level?

Apart from the three women Mu Guiying, Fuhao and Qin Liangyu, were there really other women who led troops to fight in history?

"Don't look down on others!" Gao Guansuo became angry when he heard Zhang Shun's words.

"My father Gao Xuan is a Lingzhou gunner and is proficient in firearms. It's a pity that he has no children, only my daughter."

"In desperation, I had no choice but to recruit a son-in-law. However, he was a man who could not succeed, and he died within a few years."

"My father also died soon, so I bought a woman to take care of the house and joined the army on my father's behalf."

"At that time, they all looked down on others, saying that women can also join the army? So they tried me with bows, horses, firearms, etc., and I was successful, so they all obeyed."

"Last year, a bandit nicknamed 'One Scale of Gold' invaded Lingzhou. I made a fire tube and burned his equipment. Lingzhou was safe, so the imperial court awarded me the post of Chief Firearms Officer."

"Today, General Zhao Shen was in league with bandits outside and with Tuda inside. He tried to cause rebellion, but I chopped him up with a knife. Only then did the thieves attack the general's office!"

"Everything is done by me. How can I not be a female general?"

"What a strong man, this is my fault!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel strong after hearing what Gao Guansuo said. At the same time, he also understood why Lingzhou City was in such chaos.

It turned out that the left commander who was guarding Lingzhou in Ningxia colluded with Tuda in the city to prepare for the capture of Lingzhou City with the Taolu Liyingwai outside the city.

But during the last battle to defend the city, he remembered Gao Guansuo's outstanding performance, and was afraid that she would ruin his big event.

So he called her to the general's office and used her if she was ready, and got rid of her if she couldn't.

I just didn't expect that this woman was born to be sensitive to people's emotional ups and downs. Although Gao Guansuo was not as brave as a man, he was still a girl after all. How could he not find any clues?

So, she struck first and killed him with a knife.

This Lingzhou city is located to the east of the Yellow River, with fertile soil and abundant water and grass.

Therefore, at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, many surrendered Mongols were settled here, which was called "Tuda".

These Tudas have been farming and raising livestock here for generations, and they have many fields, cattle and sheep.

Some of them were plundered and suffered heavy losses during the previous invasions by the bandits, so they became sworn enemies of the invading bandits.

Some of them were not good at management, coupled with the clever plundering by the officials of the guard station, and they were desperate, so they started to collude with internal and external parties.

Due to the changes in production methods and their considerable wealth, most Tuda actually refused to follow General Zhao Shen in rebellion, so he had to prepare to use the power of Baisang Hurnoyan to clean up these people.

Everything was originally planned, but when Baisang Khurnoyan led his troops to destroy the border wall and enter, they attacked Lingzhou City from both inside and outside.

As a result, no one expected that this group of captives would run into the elite led by Zhang Shun as soon as they entered the border.

Not mentioning the loss of troops and generals due to Sanghurnuo's delay, he immediately became suspicious of General Zhao's motives.

It's just that he himself was chased by Wang Jinyi all the way and couldn't control the team. So some of the separated prisoners came to Lingzhou City as promised.

But no one expected that at the critical moment, General Zhao was chopped into pieces by a woman. Suddenly, the whole group was leaderless and turned into a mess.

The Tuda family in the city, his life and all his property are here, how can he allow others to take them away?

Immediately, both sides looked for armors and weapons and fought together, killing everyone in darkness.

At that time, those who surrounded the general's office and attacked Gao Guansuo were Tuda who was colluding with General Zhao and was preparing to cause rebellion in the city.

These people are often called to fight, so they are fully armored, which is completely different from the captives who enter the city to plunder.

This was one of the reasons why Zhang Shun almost recognized the wrong opponent at that time. Who would have thought that things would be so complicated.

"Where is my master?" Wukong walked around the city, hastily calmed down the chaos in the city, and then hurried back.

Shi Moxi was coaxing the child outside. When she saw Wukong covered in blood, she was startled. She quickly reached out to cover the child's eyes, glared at Wukong and said, "What are you doing? You scared the child!"

"It's not like you don't know your master's virtues. He likes masculine women the most."

"I see that the woman is tall and fat, no bigger than a man. I think he must be having sex in the house!"

"Ah? could he do this!" Wukong couldn't help but said angrily after hearing this.

"What's wrong? Do you also have a crush on that woman?" Mo Moxi said in disbelief.

What do you think, master and disciple? If you don't want a good-looking beauty, two of them will fight for a "manly man"?

"Hey, where is it?" Wukong couldn't help but said a little shyly, "Didn't I suffer a loss and haven't had time to take revenge?"

"If she marries my master and becomes his master's wife, how can I have the chance to express such a bad temper?"

"Wukong, what are you mumbling outside? If you have anything to do, come in and talk about it. If you have nothing to do, just change your clothes quickly!" Zhang Shun chatted with Gao Guansuo for a few words in the room, and suddenly he felt uncomfortable all over.

In this era, it is important to protect men and women. Apart from the relationship between men and women, it is difficult for young men and women to have other relationships.

If the age gap between the two parties is large, it is better to talk a little.

As a result, seeing that this high-ranking official was only around twenty, and she was a widow, Zhang Shun felt that something was wrong as he talked.

He happened to hear Wukong yelling outside and quickly called him in.

"Master, you..." Wukong walked in and looked at Gao Guansuo, then at Zhang Shun, and couldn't help but wonder.

"Oh, I would like to introduce you to you! This is Gao Guansuo, the Firearms Chief Qian; this is my most powerful general, called Wukong!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but find something to say.

In fact, although this high-profile guy has a pretty average appearance, he is still good in age and tall. It is not impossible to let Zhang Shun into the room.

But he already has a group of women at home, working day and night, so there is no need to get into heat when he sees a woman, right?

Of course, although Gao Guansuo didn't know Zhang Shun's convoluted thoughts, he also felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Originally, she wanted to emphasize that her husband was killed by her, so as to stop Zhang Shun from missing him, but unexpectedly she saw Wukong and was immediately startled.

Wukong was already tall, even Zhang Shun and Gao Guansuo, who were also tall, looked shorter in front of him.

Now he was wearing heavy armor, and the armor was covered with sticky blood. He looked like a demon crawling out of hell.

Zhang Shun suddenly remembered the promise he had made to Wukong before, and couldn't help but smile: "Wukong, I wonder what you think of this woman?"

"Ah?" Wukong was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but said honestly, "I should... I should be able to cry for a long time with one punch!"

Gao Guansuo, a native of Lingzhou, was a female general recorded in history books. She was awarded the title of Firearms Chief Qian for her merits in resisting an ox becoming a tiger. Since there is no time recorded in the book, the author moved it here.

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