Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1098 It’s not easy to be a matchmaker

"Who are you going to punch?" Gao Guansuo suddenly became furious when he heard this and stood up suddenly.

"I'll beat whoever cries for a long time!" Wukong has a donkey's temper.

If it is stroked along the hair, it will be fine, but if someone strokes it in the opposite direction, the hair will explode.

"Go, go, go, while you're at it, quickly find a place to take off your armor, change into clean clothes, and come back!" Zhang Shun couldn't laugh or cry, and thought to himself: These two are really enemies. If they really become good friends in the future, Will I demolish the wedding house?

After finally driving away the monkey who failed to achieve anything but failed, Zhang Shun asked with a smile: "Mr. Gao Qian, as the saying goes: a man should be married when he is a college student, and a woman should be married when she is a college student. Since you are alone now, I wonder if you will be able to see the Dharma. man of?"

Zhang Shun asked this question very skillfully. He didn't ask whether you were married, but whether you were married.

What does he mean?

Seeing that there are groups of children around him, he must be a lustful person. Is he even willing to let me go?

Gao Guansuo struggled in his heart and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "Some fortune tellers said that my cheekbones are prominent and my nose is as sharp as a knife, which makes me the most weak person."

"I didn't believe it at first, but when my husband died, it was too late to regret it!"

"Therefore, even if there is a good partner, they will not dare to marry each other."

This is my life, if you have the guts, come and marry me!

It turned out that Zhang Shun adopted many abandoned babies along the way, and the older ones were temporarily kept in Huamachi. Only a few babies that had not yet been weaned were temporarily raised by Hong Niangzi, Ma Yingniang, Wang Qiying, Shi Moxi and others. Be around.

Gao Guansuo didn't know what was going on, so he said that Zhang Shun's "children are prosperous."


Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh in his heart when he heard this: "As long as you don't have syphilis and sexually transmitted diseases, how can you use this method?"

"What if there is someone who doesn't care about your husband's life?" He couldn't help but ask.

No, how horny are you?

Gao Guansuo wanted to buy a mirror and look at himself. Could it be that he had lived in vain for twenty years and didn't realize that he was a beauty until today?

"If that's true, then it's my destiny!" Gao Guansuo thought for a while and had no choice but to respond.

Although she is used to being alone, she may not want to find a man to support each other.

It's just that this man currently supports a lot of "people", and she doesn't want to accept it.

While the two were talking, Wukong rushed in again in a panic.

"Master!" Before anyone arrived, the voice came first.

"Hey!" Zhang Shun responded, but he was feeling funny in his heart.

It was obvious that Wukong was very nervous about Gao Guansuo, but he looked like he was quarreling when he opened his mouth.

If he hadn't intervened, these two people might have been fooled long ago.

No wonder there is a saying called "love, hate, love, and hatred." Emotions are the same thing in some people's minds.

"Come, sit here!" Zhang Shun looked up and down at Wukong, who was looking shady. Seeing that he had changed into clean clothes, he couldn't help but feel more pleased with him, and he couldn't help but greet him.

When Wukong saw that Zhang Shun didn't have "Bai Ri Xuan Yin", he was relieved and couldn't help but sit there honestly, looking like a good baby.

"Wukong, my master promised to find a match for you before. Now I see that this tall and handsome figure has a first-class appearance. What do you think?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said straight to the point.

Going around in circles with this guy is guaranteed to be useless.

"Ah? What a thief!" Wukong couldn't help but said in surprise.

"Who do you think is the thief?" Gao Guansuo was a little confused when he heard Zhang Shun's words. It turned out that it was not him, but him?

Originally, Gao Guansuo wanted to scold Wukong as a traitor and traitor, but thinking of Zhang Shun, the leader of the "rebellious traitor", he refrained from scolding him.

"Whoever is in a hurry will do it!" Wukong immediately retorted.

"You are so itchy, you want to taste the artillery of my Gao family!" Gao Guansuo couldn't help but became furious, turned around and was about to take the Franji and fight to the death with Wukong.

"Okay, okay, you two, stop making trouble!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said with a headache, "Wukong, please go out and Gao Guan and I will have a word!"

"Okay, master." Wukong responded, and before leaving, he gave Gao Guansuo a look that made you look good.

Gao Guansuo was so angry that he almost died. He had lived for more than twenty years, and no one dared to give him this kind of anger. He immediately felt itchy with hatred.

"Okay, okay, calm down!" Zhang Shun saw Wukong walking out, and then he comforted him, "Look at my disciple, he is tall and powerful, and he is also the leader of my bodyguard, and he has a bright future. I don’t know how many ladies of the world want to marry her, but they can’t get her.”

"It just so happens that he is ambitious. He must find someone he likes before he can retire. He claimed that if he couldn't find one, he would shave his head and become a monk."

"As a result, he is now very old and his hair has been shaved off, but he still can't be found."

"Ah? Isn't he bald?" Gao Guansuo was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but wonder.

"What a bald man, if you tell him in front of him, he will definitely be anxious!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said happily, "What do you think of him?"

"Looking at his body, he is a good hand at plowing fields, raising cattle and horses." Gao Guansuo couldn't help but muttered after hearing this.

"It's just that now I'm a widow, and I'm clumsy. I don't know how to sew or cook. How can I be worthy of him?"

"You two are both officials now. If you can't do it, just spend money to hire a few wives. What's it worth?" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard her being so sincere.

"That apprentice of mine is a fool. He's good at everything except being smart."

"If you married him, you would still be the one in charge of everything in the family, and you wouldn't have suffered any grievances!"

"That's it. That's it. It's all up to King Shun!" Gao Guansuo thought about it and thought to himself: If that's the case, it's just a donkey at home.

She couldn't help but blush, and quickly bowed her head in response.

"Okay, that's very good!" Zhang Shun said with his hands, "You go out and help me stabilize the situation in Lingzhou. Wukong has my own king to go and talk to him."

Not to mention what Gao Guansuo planned, but when Wukong left the door, he was reluctant to leave and couldn't help but wander back and forth in front of the door.

"Big man, what are you doing?" Mo Xixi couldn't help but wonder.

"Oh, Master offered me a marriage, and I'm thinking about whether to accept it or not!" Wukong couldn't help but said proudly.

"Oh? How can anyone like you like this?" Mo Moxi couldn't help but tease.

"Why not?" Wukong couldn't help but frown when he heard this, "Earlier, a little nun to the east of the temple wanted to sleep with me."

"What happened next?" Mo Moxi couldn't help but be surprised.

"Later. Later, I disliked her insisting on being squeezed together with me, so I pushed her out of bed." Wukong couldn't help but said melancholy.

"Haha!" Mo Moxi almost laughed out of his nose when he heard this, "It's just you, how can you still find a wife like this?"

"What should we do?" Wukong was stunned and couldn't help but sincerely asked for advice.

"Me and you." Shi Moxi is only in his teens, how can he know what to do?

However, she couldn't help but say, "You should put her on the bed and do whatever you want!"

"Huh? What a good idea!" Wukong slapped his forehead and happened to see Gao Guansuo coming out. He quickly stood up and tried to pounce, which shocked Gao Guansuo.

"Wukong, come in!" Zhang Shun's voice sounded in real time, interrupting Wukong's absurd attempt.

"Master, my disciple is polite!" Wukong walked in and said respectfully.

Good guy, your monkey head is so realistic!

Zhang Shun secretly complained, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and said: "Gao Guansuo is easy to talk about, but I don't know what you mean here?"

"Master, I want to sleep with her!" Wukong couldn't help but shout loudly when he saw no one around him.

Zhang Shunyi covered his head, this is crazy!

I'm asking for advice on how to be a matchmaker for a fool. I'm waiting online. It's very urgent!

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