"Heshuo Baylor, after a long journey, we have to say goodbye. Yulin City is ahead of us, please stay." "Taoist Zhang" was riding a mare and couldn't help but say with his hands.

"Daozhang Zhang, don't you really think about it and stay in our Kingdom of Jin?" Dorgon said reluctantly.

The two chatted happily along the way, especially because "Taoist Zhang" knew everything about astrology, astronomy and calendars, which made Mergen Daiqing Dorgon admire him.

"This" "Taoist Zhang" hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but said regretfully, "Since ancient times, a virgin has no two husbands, and a loyal minister has no two masters. Please forgive me, Baylor!"

"Well, after saying goodbye, I don't know when we can see each other again in the future!" Dorgon couldn't help but sigh, then he took a package from the attendant behind him and handed it to "Taoist Zhang".

"There are no treasures in the mountains and wilderness. I only have a piece of clothing to give to my husband."

"This object is a tribute from the Sauron tribe. It is made entirely of ferret fur from the mountains. There is no trace of color on it. Sir, I am weak, so please accept it for warmth."

"Baylor!" "Taoist Zhang" was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Just as he was about to speak, some soldiers suddenly shouted: "Beile is being played, Bai Sanghurnuoyan, the governor of Yi'er, led more than 10,000 cavalry to the border. Jinong Elinchen could not stop him, so he sent someone to report. with me!"

"What?" Dorgon couldn't help but said angrily, "Now that Jin and Qin have made an alliance, how can he be allowed to act without authorization like this!"

"Sir, this..." Dorgon couldn't help but turned his head again and looked at "Taoist Zhang" in embarrassment.

"King Khan and King Shun are fully aware of their intention to make an alliance. Please advise King Shun promptly and not to act out of anger, so as not to damage the harmony between the two families."

"Are Heshuobele kidding?" "Taoist Zhang" smiled instead of being angry after hearing this, "If Baisanghurnuoyan has surrendered to the Later Jin Kingdom, he will be the sinner who destroyed the alliance between the two parties!"

"If the Later Jin Dynasty cannot control the Ao'er Dusi, then King Shun will find his way back to the situation without worrying about Beile."

Today's rebel army is not the Ming Dynasty, and "Daoshi Zhang" still has confidence in Zhang Shun to regain his position.

Dorgon also didn't expect that Baisanghurnuoyan was so bold that he almost ruined the plan of King Hongtai.

After hearing what "Taoist Zhang" said, he couldn't help but hurriedly patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, sir, I will lead the troops to Yao'er Dusi and recall this guy for punishment."

"I will ask King Shun to repay the loss of cattle, sheep and other things he suffered!"

It's no wonder that Dorgon became angry because of his shame. It turned out that when he was stationed in Guihua City to recruit the Chahar tribes to surrender, Jinong Elinchen, the governor of Ao'er, had secretly captured the remnants of more than a thousand households of Lin Dan Khan's tribe.

In the end, it was Dorgon's threat of force that allowed these more than a thousand households to be recovered.

Unexpectedly, seeing that all the Mongolian tribes had surrendered to Hou Jin, Dorgon originally planned to return east to Huang Taiji after sending "Taoist Zhang" away, but something like this happened.

Didn't he slap Mergen Daiqing Dorgon in the face in front of the civil and military ministers of Qin and Jin?

Even if personal grievances are put aside, Aoer Dusi is located within a few bends of the Yellow River. Strategically speaking, it can also threaten the rebel towns of Ningxia and Yansui.

Now, due to the general trend, both parties had no choice but to conclude an alliance. Even if Zhang Shunru had the edge at his back, there was nothing he could do for a while.

But if Zhang Shun's confession is false, let him take the opportunity to occupy the Loop. For Hou Jin, who finally gained the strategic advantage, it would be a huge loss.

Not to mention how Dorgon and "Taoist Zhang" argued with each other, Zhang Shun finally corrected Wukong's "full of nonsense" that he learned from Shaolin Temple with great effort. Only then did the two of them reluctantly get together.

All in all, it turned out to be more difficult than marrying a third-bedroom wife.

But now that the military situation is urgent and it is not the time to pay attention to the personal relationship between children, the wedding of the two has been postponed for the time being.

After Zhang Shun and others occupied Lingzhou City, they immediately sent people to exterminate and expel the Tao bandits and the rebellious Tuda, and restored order in the city.

He also appointed Gao Guansuo as the general of Lingzhou to temporarily manage all affairs in Lingzhou.

However, he had already sent people to inform Cao Wenzhao and Chen Changzhen to lead their troops to pursue, intercept and intercept Baisang Hu'ernuoyan.

The Taolu tribes that invaded this time seemed to be very powerful, but in fact their combat effectiveness was just that.

The key is that there are many horses on the other side. They come and go suddenly, but it is difficult to find a trace, which also causes a lot of trouble for the rebels.

In particular, there were many livestock raised in Tuda in Lingzhou, which was convenient for the captives to drive away and plunder, resulting in even greater losses.

There was already a man who was skilled in bowing and horse-drawing and sent a letter to Zhang Shun through Gaoguansuo. He wanted to act as a "righteous follower" and destroy the bandits.

The rebel army was preparing to form cavalry. Zhang Shun couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this. He quickly met with several leading figures in person and asked them to lead the warriors to explore the enemy's situation.

Anyone who detects the traces of the captive will be rewarded after verification; if he can obtain the head of the captive, he will be rewarded with two taels of silver.

After hearing this, Natuda liked each other and prepared their own bows, arrows and horses, and wandered around looking for the enemy.

For a time, I don't know how many of the banditry and plunderers were wiped out, but the losses were heavy.

Just as Zhang Shun was rejoicing, he unexpectedly received a messenger sent by Chen Changzhen to report: "Wang Jinyi and Wang Ding will pursue and kill Baisang Huernuo Yan to Guyuan."

"That guy thought he was no match for the rebels, so he scattered in all directions. There were police in many places, so it was really hard to guard against him."

This is the power of the Dangqi. Even if you can't defeat them, they can travel hundreds of miles, divide into dozens of groups, and plunder each other. It's really hard for you to guard against them.

"This...is there any way?" Zhang Shun still didn't believe it. The Ming army was worse than him, how could he prevent the trap?

"The only thing we can do is 'avoid its edge and strike it back'!" Gao Guansuo pondered for a moment and couldn't help but cup his hands.

"I've heard that autumn defense has always been about not only strictly guarding, but also taking the initiative."

"Although the officers and soldiers have fewer horses and fewer cavalry, they can ambush the captives at places they must pass through and recapture the plundered people and livestock."

"If you are more daring, you can find people who are familiar with the captives' love, go deep into the captives' territory, destroy their lairs, and slaughter their young and old!"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel excited after hearing this. The bandits can come, and I can go, too. If I go deep into Yaoerdusi and destroy his tribe, I will be angry.

"It's just that we don't have anyone who is familiar with the captives. In my opinion, it is better to ambush near Qingshui Camp and wait for them to return, kill their young men and take back their women and livestock." Gao Guansuo couldn't help but suggest.

"If those people work hard without success, they will either die of famine this winter, or they will be absorbed by other tribes, and there will be nothing to fear next year."

"Qingshui Camp?" Zhang Shun heard this and felt strange, why he chose this place.

"Yes, when bandits invade Lingzhou, they must enter through Qingshui Camp. Qingshui Camp is the throat of Lingzhou!" Gao Guansuo explained.

"In addition, there is a mule and horse market here. In addition to the monthly purchases of war horses by the court, there is also a small market for private transactions, where plows, iron pots, tea and other items can be exchanged for cattle, horses, sheep and other livestock."

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