With an expressionless expression, Baisanghurnuoyan led more than a thousand cavalry, hundreds of women, and more than a thousand animals, all the way north.

Those women were crying and dilly-dallying, which made him very anxious.

Baisanghurnuoyan couldn't help but drive his horse forward and waved the riding crop in his hand. He stepped forward and whipped several of them over in succession. He yelled in Chinese: "Go faster, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"Ji Nang, the Qingshui River is in front of us. After Qingshui Camp, our territory will be ours!" Just as he was showing off his power, a scout happened to come to report.

"Got it!" Baisanghurnuoyan twitched his lips and felt relieved, but there was no hint of joy on his face.

Mongolian people respect the strong. The reason why he attacked in such a big way this time was that it would be great if he could capture Ningxia and Lingzhou.

If he failed to plunder the cattle and horses of the Han people, use this to build up his prestige, and integrate the remaining tribes of more than ten tribes such as the Skote, Xibuqin, Wulate, and Tanggut in Yierdu in one fell swoop, it would be considered a success.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would first run into the main force of the Han people, and then be chased for a hundred or two hundred miles. In the end, he had to break into small groups and flee to escape.

Now not only is the "harvest" bad, but also the troops and generals have been lost. The clan has lost a lot of young men and its vitality has been severely damaged.

Don't talk about unifying all the ministries when you go back this time. I'm afraid this winter will be difficult, and many people may starve to death.

While he was thinking about it, the team had entered the Qingshui River Valley.

Contrary to what most people think, nomads generally like to move along river valleys when they invade in autumn.

One reason is that river valleys are often cultivated by farming peoples, making them easy to plunder.

Second, the nomads lacked logistical equipment and needed the lush aquatic plants in the valleys along the way to feed their war horses.

This Qingshui Valley is a common route for Taolu invasions.

In fact, there are at least three rivers in Shaanxi called Qingshui River.

The largest one originates near Liupan Mountain, passes through Guyuan to the north, and joins the Yellow River near Zhongwei, Ningxia.

The second is the current one and a river in Gufu County.

And coincidentally, there are forts built on the banks of these two Qingshui rivers, so they should be called "Qingshui Forts".

Baisang Khurnuoyan is very familiar with the current Qingshui Fort. He had brought the tribe's horses, cattle and sheep to exchange iron tools and tea leaves with the Han people.

He had already discovered that the fortress here was no more than two miles in circumference, and there were 120 soldiers stationed inside. There was no way he could stop himself from "going out".

Just when he was upset about this heavy loss, unexpectedly, a cannon sounded, and a large number of Han cavalry suddenly appeared on both sides of the Qingshui River Valley.

ambush? Baisanghurnuoyan was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but be horrified.

He quickly shouted: "There is an ambush, hurry up, drive away the livestock and women, disturb the enemy, and everyone will wait for an opportunity to escape!"

what is going on? Originally, he thought that the Han Dynasty had changed its master and the border defense would be in chaos for a while. Why was it now that the defense was tighter than that of the Ming Dynasty?

"Kill!" Zhang Shun gave the order early, and the rebel cavalry rushed over.

It turned out that after Zhang Shun listened to Gao Guansuo's words that day, he expected Taolu to think that the old and new places in Shaanxi were changing, and he would be careless.

So while he sent orders to Chen Changzhen, Cao Wenzhao, Wang Ding and others to continue to encircle and suppress the scattered bandits, he also led his two thousand cavalry to ambush in the Qingshui Valley.

Now after waiting for three or four days, Zhang Shun was bitten by mosquitoes seven or eight times, and finally waited until Taolu was passing by.

Baisanghurnuoyan had more than 10,000 cavalrymen who were no match for Zhang Shun at first, but now he only had more than 1,000 cavalrymen around him, and he was on the verge of collapse.

However, before the battle, Baisanghurnoyan drove away the captured women and livestock, causing a certain amount of chaos to the rebels.

A woman saw the two sides fighting and ran out.

Unexpectedly, a cavalryman came galloping towards him. The woman did not rush to avoid it, but was suddenly knocked to the ground. Her legs and feet were broken and she began to cry. If another cavalry passes by, I'm afraid he will be trampled to death by the horses next time.

"Be careful, please be careful!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel anxious and annoyed when he saw it, and ordered quickly.

If these people were kidnapped, it would be fine to kill them. How could they die at the hands of their own people after they finally survived?

But in this way, Baisanghurnuoyan escaped through the chaos.

"Chase!" How willing was Zhang Shun to give up? He immediately led his cavalry in pursuit and vowed not to give up until he killed the thief!

The Qingshui River Valley was only a few miles away from the border wall. The two sides chased and escaped, and soon they were out of the border wall and onto the vast prairie.

At this moment, a group of cavalry suddenly appeared in front and blocked the way.

Zhang Shun was startled and quickly reined in his horse to observe the situation.

Unexpectedly, a man appeared among the cavalry, wearing a white helmet and white armor. He shouted loudly: "Baisanghurnuoyan, you are so courageous. You dare to disobey King Khan's order and enter the territory of King Qin to plunder. What do you have to say now?" !”

"His Royal Highness King Shun!" Just when Zhang Shun saw someone coming to scold the leader of the captives from a distance, another horse came over and shouted loudly.

"Daozhang Zhang?" Zhang Shun was stunned for a moment and then realized what he was saying.

Since Song Xiance, who was on an envoy to the Later Jin Dynasty, has returned, that person must be Beldorgon, the great master of the Later Jin Dynasty!

When Song Xiance arrived, Zhang Shun couldn't help but asked quickly: "Sir, I am on a mission to Hou Jin. How is the situation?"

"His Royal Highness King Shun, you have fulfilled your mission and made an agreement with King Hong of the Jin Kingdom that Qin and Jin will join forces to send troops to defeat the Ming Dynasty in June next year!" Song Xiance said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Shun immediately understood what Song Xiance meant.

Now that both sides have important things to do, it is inconvenient for them to directly conflict, so they each took a step back and agreed to a deadline of June next year.

I don’t know what Mrs. Hong is planning, but the rebels can use these few months to structure Shaanxi institutions and reorganize the bureaucracy, which is a rare opportunity to breathe.

He couldn't help but nodded, indicating that he understood and would not reveal any clues to Dorgon for a while.

"King Qin, I have protected this man. What do you want?" After a while, Dorgon, guarded by more than a hundred cavalry, approached the rebels.

Zhang Shun estimated that Hou Jin's cavalry was probably one or two thousand, so he gave up the idea of ​​a surprise attack to recapture Baisanghurnoyan.

He couldn't help but sneered: "Protect? He killed my people and took away my women, cattle and sheep. His crimes are not punishable. How can you protect him?"

"Let's do this, Your Highness King Qin!" Dorgon hesitated for a moment and put forward an offer that Zhang Shun could not refuse.

"All the cattle, sheep and women he plundered have been recovered by King Shun, so let's not care about it for now. I want him to compensate King Shun for 500 cattle, 2,000 sheep, and 1,000 war horses. I wonder what King Shun wants?"

In fact, cattle and sheep didn't matter, but when he heard Dorgon talking about a thousand horses, Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Now that he has too few war horses, what if he can really exchange some war horses for him and store his head for a while?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but sneer and said: "In that case, I will expose this matter for the sake of Jin Guohan's face."

"But I want two thousand war horses, a thousand strong oxen, goats..."

"He is just one of the more than 40 tribes in Yierdusi. How can He De have such wealth to compensate the King of Qin?" Dorgon couldn't help but bargain.

"Since the King of Qin is interested, let's do this! This time I will make the decision and compensate King Shun with two thousand horses, five hundred cattle, and one thousand sheep. How about telling the truth about this matter?"

"Okay, let's do what you say!" Zhang Shun thought for a moment and nodded.

As for the alliance between the two parties, neither of them mentioned it.

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