Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1101 How is Mrs. Hong?

"How is the Khan of the Jin Kingdom?" Zhang Shun, escorted by Wukong, Wang Jinyi and others, asked Song Xiance while walking in the bustling mule and horse market.

"He is a gloomy and ruthless man, looking down upon wolves and eagles. He is truly a great hero!" Song Xiance couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "If King Shun hadn't obeyed Tian's orders and sat at the Hundred and Second Qin Pass, who would belong to the world would not have been determined!"

"Is Mrs. Hong so awesome?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but asked in surprise.

In fact, he had heard of Huang Taiji in his previous life, but he didn't expect Song Xiance to think so highly of him.

"The customs of straight women are different from those in China. Brothers and uncles all support their own tribes and watch with eager eyes." Song Xiance couldn't help but explain.

"After the old slave died, he was neither an elder nor a child, and he was not in compliance with the etiquette and law. He was able to defeat the eight Baylors and sit alone in the south, which shows his character and skill."

"Afterwards, he conquered Korea in the east, invaded the Han and Mongolian tribes in the west, collected the Sauron tribes in the north, and plundered the Ming Dynasty, Beizhi, Xuanda and other places in the south. If he entered an uninhabited country, it shows how ambitious he was. He still invited Shun Wang Shenzhi should be more careful!"

The original historical Song Xiance did not have such insight, but this time he went north from Yulin, detoured to Guihua City, and traveled three thousand miles through the northern desert and grassland to Shenyang to pay a visit to the Khan of the Jin Dynasty, Hong Tai.

Along the way, Empress Jin Bing showed off to him such things as "going south from here is Datong" and "going south from here is Xuanfu", which shocked him greatly.

After arriving in Shenyang, he learned from Zhubeile's words that in addition to taking advantage of the opportunity of conquering the Han'er tribe to conquer the Mongolian tribes, Hou Jin was also constantly conquering Korea in the east and Sauron in the north. .

People are often limited by their situation and unable to sense distant threats.

But this time Song Xiance came to Shenyang and had a rare change of perspective.

However, he suddenly discovered that Hou Jin had now besieged the "prey" from three sides: east, west, north, and west. As long as the blood of the "prey" was drained, he could strangle its throat and eat its flesh.

Today the prey can be the Ming Dynasty, but will the prey tomorrow be the rebels?

Thinking of this, how could Song Xiance, who thought he had a complete plan, not be deeply frightened?

However, Song Xiance was not idle either. On his way back, he laid a hidden secret for Mrs. Hong, the Khan of the Kingdom of Jin.

When Dorgon presented him with a fur coat, he pretended to be very impressed and reminded him in a low voice: "When Zhang was in Shenyang, King Khan once asked me to visit his descendants and all the Belles, and asked me who had the gift. The appearance of wealth.”

"Zhang didn't know what he meant at that time, so he had to tell the truth: They all have the luck of a prince, but they don't have the talent of a Khan. Please be careful with Heshuo Baylor!"

What is "the talent of a king without a sweat"?

In fact, it was Song Xiance who told Hong Tai that apart from you, there is no one here who can succeed you as King Khan.

Since there is not one here, then there must be one who is not here!

How could someone like Mrs. Hong believe his lies?

Even if I believe it in my heart, I'm afraid I won't show it at all.

But when Song Xiance relayed this to Dorgon, it completely changed its tone.

In view of the fact that Hong Tai has successively defeated the methods of Big Beile Daishan, Er Beile Amin and Third Beile Mang Gurtai, who can guarantee that Hong Tai will not use them on herself one day?

Dorgon was not a fool. Hearing this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "King Khan has a respected position and is magnanimous. Even if you say something inappropriate, I will not blame you!"

Although these words sounded as if Mergen Daiqing Dorgon did not understand what Song Xiance meant, it is not clear what he was thinking in his heart.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but nodded when he heard this, and said in a low voice: "We are not only competing with the Ming Dynasty, we are also competing with the Hou Jin Dynasty!"

"The world is not a world for one person, but a world for everyone. Anyone with ambition can fight for it, so why should there be any doubt?"

"Today, the only heroes in the world are Mrs. Hong and I, who have thousands of sons and grandsons like pigs and dog ears!"

Seeing that Zhang Shun knew what he was thinking, Song Xiance stopped worrying about it and instead smiled and said: "Actually, if you look carefully, Mrs. Hong is just a person with destiny but no luck. How pitiful!"

"Oh? How do you say this?" Zhang Shun seemed to remember that in the previous life, the Manchu Qing Dynasty took control of the Central Plains, and it was the young emperor Shunzhi, but he was not a bird named Hong Tai.

"Hong Tai was fat and suffered from epistaxis. She kept bleeding constantly, so she used a bowl to hold it!" Song Xiance explained.

"If a person has a dark complexion and a weak kidney, and the fire is scorching the Yin, his life span will not be long!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he immediately understood what was going on.

There is a saying that "no money can buy you old age." Once a person reaches a certain age, his metabolism slows down. If he continues to eat and drink indiscriminately, he will easily gain weight.

Once you gain weight, it can easily lead to a series of complications such as "hypertension", "hyperlipidemia", "hyperglycemia", coronary heart disease and fatty liver.

The so-called epistaxis is actually nose bleeding.

Hearing what Song Xiance said was so serious, Zhang Shun suspected that Mrs. Hong's nosebleed was actually caused by high blood pressure, but he didn't know medical skills and couldn't tell what the disease was for a while.

If this is the case, and there were no antihypertensive drugs in this era, he might just be like Zhang Shun's father in this life, and it is possible that he suddenly fell ill and died.

"How is his sleep? How is his diet?" Zhang Shun frowned, trying to search for some useful information.

"She eats quite a lot, and eats two meals a day. She just feels unwell, so according to the custom of female straights, she eats two starving meals to cure her illness!" Song Xiance couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, "As for sleep, it's a female straight secret. I really haven't. Smell it!”

Zhang Shun thought about it after hearing the words, and couldn't help but feel happy and worried.

Fortunately, since the sleep of the Jin Dynasty Khan Hongtai is a Jurchen secret, but there is no three hundred taels of silver here, it must be difficult to sleep peacefully.

Worryingly, it is the custom of straight women to "eat two meals a day", but common sense suggests that it has certain effects on diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia.

However, this matter is a probabilistic event and cannot be done.

In fact, some people have been sick for a long time and look like they are dying, but in the end they have killed young and strong people. Who can the young and strong people ask for explanation?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Let him go, no matter he is a hero or a bear; whether he lives a long life or a short life, after all, to make iron, you need to be strong."

"This time we opened the market in Qingshui Camp as usual, just to buy some war horses for the rebels."

"Now that I have left everyone else behind in Xi'an, you should go and help Sun Chengzong and others to select a good horse and bring it back. I will use it to build a new cavalry battalion."

Song Xiance was born in the market, and he was not as good as other elders in military affairs or internal affairs.

The advantage is that he has a deep understanding of human nature and sophistication. Apart from fortune-telling and fortune-telling, he can do some miscellaneous things with ease.

The three women, Ma Yingniang, Hong Niangzi and Wang Qiying, are all good at riding and have a female instinct for shopping.

They saw that there were so many mules, horses, cattle and sheep here, and it was so lively, how could they hold back? They couldn't help but pull Zhang Shun and pick them one by one.

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