"His Royal Highness King Shun, Blackwater Garden is ahead!" Chen Changzhen, riding a war horse, pointed to Zhang Shun with a riding whip.

It turned out that after Zhang Shun opened the market in Qingshuiying, he went for a stroll to Ningxia while Song Xiance, Sun Chengzong and others tried their best to buy horses, which took a total of seven or eight days.

When the Ao'erdu headquarters paid tribute to Sanghurnuo, they managed to collect two thousand horses, five hundred cattle, and one thousand sheep, and paid compensation to the rebels. This was the end of the invasion.

Because of the opening of the mule and horse market, the rebels took the opportunity to purchase 126 more horses, 307 more horses, and 443 more horses. Including those captured in Lingzhou, they obtained a total of more than 3,000 horses. A war horse.

Zhang Shun said goodbye to Cao Wenzhao and led his troops on a hunting tour to Guyuan.

Blackwater Garden is located on the bank of another Qingshui River flowing through Guyuan, ninety miles north of Guyuan City.

"This garden has two enclosure chiefs, 379 stables, and nine pastures and horse pens." Chen Changzhen couldn't help but introduce.

"The land extends to Hongchengzi Road in the east, to the land of Yang Jian, a native of Shengou, in the south, and to Luandui Gou in the north."

"There are 11,627 hectares and 96 acres of grassland, 15 boundary stakes, and 276 troops."

"There were originally 1,400 horses and colts, but there were actually five or five!"

"What? Didn't I remember that there are still seven horses left?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but raised his forehead and asked, what the hell is this that made me lose 30% in the blink of an eye?

"Seeing the 'change of dynasties', the only two remaining chiefs of Yu had already stolen two good horses and escaped!" Chen Changzhen couldn't help but said in embarrassment.

"Because the racecourse was too huge, the remaining five horses ran away and could not be found for a while, so they survived."

Zhang Shun knew in his heart that this was actually Chen Changzhen's euphemistic statement.

In fact, all the horses and colts raised in Heishuiyuan have already been stolen and sold out.

However, due to the vastness of the pasture, I don't know if they were breeding foals or wild horses, but only a few survived, which was better than nothing.

"Okay, let's go in and take a look!" Zhang Shun said helplessly.

Everyone rushed to the Black Water Garden and saw that the water and grass here were lush and winding.

The two tributaries of Qingshui River meet here, and the clear river water reflects the white clouds in the blue sky.

Looking far into the distance, you can see the undulating terrain, green grass stretching to the sky, and the winding rivers seeming to flow from the distant sky.

Zhang Shun opened his mouth to say a few words of praise, but then he realized that he had little talent and knowledge, and racking his brains, no words could describe that feeling.

"What a grassland, I'm afraid it can't raise 20,000 good horses!" Wang Qiying, who was born in Yulin, which eats sand all year round, couldn't help but sigh.

"You only raise 20,000 horses?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but couldn't believe it when he saw such a huge horse farm.

"Isn't this all grass? You can raise a horse on just a few acres of land!"

Wang Qiying couldn't help but laugh and said: "Raising horses is different from raising cattle, sheep and other livestock. They cannot tolerate rough feeding, and they cannot eat grass as long as it is available."

"Such as foxtail grass, thatch, vetch, and buckwheat are all pastures."

"The best among them is alfalfa, which is also called golden leaf by southerners. It can not only be used to raise horses, but also save famine."

"Someone said at that time that if you plant alfalfa in July, you must sow it with autumn buckwheat; if you plant it in May, you must sow it with millet!"

"In autumn, they are harvested and dried into hay for roughage."

"In addition to weeding, it is also necessary to prepare black beans, buckwheat and other grains as concentrated feed, mixed with salt to increase strength..."

Zhang Shun listened for a long time, seeming to understand, but couldn't help but have a flash of inspiration, and couldn't help laughing: "My good lady really knows astronomy and geography, why don't you become a minister of Yuanma Temple for me, who is responsible for horses to prepare for military needs?"

When Lady Hong and Ma Yingniang heard Zhang Shun call Wang Qiying "good lady", their faces suddenly dropped.

As a result, when I heard the next words, I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"If you want to die, who will be the Minister of Yuanma Temple!" Wang Qiying suddenly changed his face and said in anger.

You said you wanted me to be someone else, but I might as well stay by your side.

If you let me stay in Guyuan and drink the northwest wind, will I have sand in my head?

"Just a joke, just a joke!" Zhang Shun quickly apologized and said with a smile, "I happen to have a good veterinarian under my command. He has been following me for many years, but he has not achieved anything positive."

"It's just right for him to do this. It can be considered that people can make the best use of their talents and materials."

"That's pretty much it!" Wang Qiying curled her lips and said.

"Which one did King Shun say? Could it be Ji Cheng, Ji Dan and his son?" Chen Changzhen couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

"That's right, Ji Cheng is suitable for this position, but Ji Dan has another use!" Zhang Shun nodded.

It turned out that after Jicheng followed Zhang Shun, although he had some strength, he had no advantage compared to other generals, so he served as the veterinary leader of the rebel war horses.

His father and son had previously made meritorious deeds with Li Sanniang, and had a pretty good relationship with Chen Changzhen.

Nowadays, war horses are the most important thing for the rebel army after food, so it is reasonable to send one of your own to supervise and work on them.

"King Shun is thinking about his old friendship, so it's not in vain for the father and son to follow him!" Chen Changzhen couldn't help but sigh.

"There is just one person left. I wonder what King Shun plans to do with him?"

"Oh? I don't know who it is, but I can intercede with my sworn brother?" To be honest, ever since Chen Changzhen followed Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun had always been the one to follow him and he had never asked for mercy.

"Master, do you still remember Wei Congyi?" Chen Changzhen couldn't help but asked after hearing this.

"Little Marquis Wen?" Wang Qiying was shocked when she heard this and couldn't help shouting.

Wukong grinned behind him. He originally wanted to give this woman a stick, but because his master told him about the woman in the house in the past few days, he was quite familiar with it, so he forgave her in his heart!

"Do you also know Wei Wuyi's name?" It turns out that Zhang Shun had taken this person in when he was under the command of "Zijinliang" Wang Ziyong.

It's just that this guy was arrogant and disrespectful. Later, he followed Zhang Shun's order to "expedition northward" to the capital, and he became quite famous.

But later, his aide Azabu defected to the officers and soldiers, almost causing irreparable losses to the rebels, so Zhang abandoned this person by the way.

"This man is a good horseman, and he was once called 'Yansui No. 1'!" Wang Qiying couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

"But later on, I was dissatisfied that I couldn't be promoted, so I became angry... and joined the rebel army."

"Until last year, some people still talked about him, saying that he was beaten to death by officers and soldiers, and his good martial arts skills were lost in vain!"

Time has passed, and Zhang Shun couldn't help but be filled with emotion when he heard these words again.

Back then, the rebellious man's martial arts skills were not inferior to his sworn brother Chen Changzhi, and the two even fought to a draw.

He never thought that not only could this guy not pose any threat to him, but he was even worse than Chen Changzhen.

"Let's do this." Zhang Shun pondered for a moment, and then said to Chen Changzhen, "I remember that I sent him to your command later."

"I will see him again when I arrive in Guyuan tomorrow. If he really wants to make progress, I will allow him to have a battalion of people and stay in Guyuan under your control. How about that?"

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