Ma Yingniang was furious when she heard this. She drew out the two swords from her waist and pointed at Chen Jindou. Chen Jindou was immediately startled, and quickly laughed and said: "Men, since ancient times, there is no one who hates the new and hates the old, and who is lecherous. Why should the mistress be anxious? Let her be proud for a few days and lend her skills to the master until he is proficient in them. Now, the left and right sides are still yours, Ying Niang. When the time comes, I’ll reward her with being a married woman.”

She didn't hear Chen Jindou's compliment to her just now, but when she heard Chen Jindou calling her mistress, she felt so happy that she didn't care about their deliberate behavior to make her angry. Then he asked: "You are such a cunning fellow, is there anything you can do? If you do well, my brother will go out to lead the troops in battle, and you will have the power in the court. I will help you by blowing wind beside the pillow, and I will ensure that you will be prosperous and wealthy in the future!" "

When Chen Jindou heard this, he couldn't help but look at Ma Yingniang. Originally, he thought she was just a little girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, and he could take some time to send her to his master's room, as long as he didn't anger Zhang Sanbai. Now it seems that this girl has her own opinion, and she should be careful not to steal the chicken but lose the rice.

Ma Yingniang suppressed her angry mood and calmed down. She swaggered and sat down on the main seat, took a cup of tea, and took a sip. It was already a little cold. However, she remained calm and said: "Now that the deal is done, there is nothing we can do for the time being! But sitting back and waiting is not my style, Ma Yingniang. Since the three of us have been helping each other, we need to use our respective abilities to get this matter done."

"It's not that I, Ma Yingniang, am confident about my appearance. I thought this failure was mainly due to the lack of contact between me and my lord. I am in the women's camp and my lord is in the men's camp. My lord does not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, how can I find opportunities? ? On the contrary, Li Sanniang, who we have been with day and night, found an opportunity to pluck the master's Yuan Yang, which is really abominable. When I succeed in the future, I will cut off his hands and feet and make him a human pig before he can show off this bad temper."

Zhang Sanbai and Chen Jindou were shocked when they heard this, and quickly tried to dissuade them: "This is not what humans do, and you must never do this." The general idea is that this is not what humans do at all, and you must not do this.

The two of them spent a long time trying to persuade Ma Yingniang. Ma Yingniang said with joy: "Sure enough, these two people only paid attention to this and unintentionally agreed to my other proposals."

So, she arranged: "From today on, Mr. Chen, please help me find out my lord's movements, so as to give me a chance to meet my lord by chance. My brother needs to train his troops well and fight a few victorious battles for me. When the time comes, my lord If I can't live without you, I can't live without you. Otherwise, I will be powerless and afraid of being abandoned by my lord."

The two men were overjoyed when they heard this and were ordered to go out. Only then did they realize that they had unintentionally obeyed Ma Yingniang's order. Then Chen Jindou couldn't help but sigh: "Brother Zhang Sanbai, you have a good sister. With such ability, if you are a man, I am afraid you will be a hero in your lifetime."

Zhang Sanbai also sighed after hearing this: "I just don't know if it's a blessing or a curse! I would rather she continue to hide behind me as before, and let me protect her and take care of her, and not be competitive with others."

"The bright moon is not enough to compete with the scorching sun! The rice grains are not enough to compete with the sun and the moon. This cannot be blocked by Zhang Sanbai. If there is such a person in the world, it must be the Lord!" Chen Jindou sighed.

Not to mention what the people behind this were planning, Zhang Shun's "newly married woman" was so addicted to women that she couldn't help herself and ignored business for several days. Zhang Shenyan was quite happy to see this, and thought to himself: "Sure enough, Wenwen Township is the Tomb of Heroes, but I think highly of this 'Optimus Prime'. He is just a country girl, but he is reluctant to leave. It really makes me laugh."

Not to mention everyone's thoughts, since "Lao Huihui" left "Zijinliang", Zhang Shun was the only leader of the joint venture under his command. Under Han Tingxian's malicious slander, he also became somewhat wary of Zhang Shun.

On this day, "Purple Gold Liang" was watching a song and dance in Jiyuan. Suddenly he heard a letter coming. When "Purple Gold Liang" opened it, he found that it was Zhang Shunxin who was in love with a woman. She was addicted to women all day long and could not extricate herself. The soldiers under her command were in danger of collapse. .

"Purple Golden Liang" was shocked when he heard this. He was originally Zhang Shun and was very conflicted. He was afraid that Zhang Shun would grow stronger and threaten his position; he was also afraid that Zhang Shun would be too weak to help him suppress other forces.

Previously, the "Purple Golden Liang" heard that Zhang Shun had collected hundreds of bandits and his power was growing, and they were afraid that he would be difficult to control. As a result, now that he suddenly heard that his soldiers were about to be defeated, how could he still sit still? He quickly ordered Zhang Shun and other rebels to surround Huaiqing Mansion and give the Henan governor a show of disdain.

When "Zijinliang" listened to Zhang Shun's intelligence in Jiyuan, Zhang Shun was not as obsessed with the gentle countryside as outsiders imagined. He was listening to Chen Jingzhi's report with a sullen face. In just ten days, hundreds of Mengjin soldiers under Zhang Shun fled. Even though Zhang Shun repeatedly ordered his officers to strictly control his soldiers, good results were still not achieved. As the soldiers approached their hometown, they were all homesick. Zhang Shun never expected that it would have such serious consequences.

This is also one of the consequences of Zhang Shun's soldiers having no family members. Although the soldiers under his command did not bring their families with them, they were not worried about being relaxed, and it was extremely easy to move and raid. But because there are no worries, it is very easy to escape. Relatively speaking, the rebels who fled from Shaanxi had a strong cohesion because of the concerns of their families, and they could easily unite after being broken up.

The reason why Zhang Shun pretended to be addicted to women in the past few days was that he did not want to conflict with the big men in Meng County for the time being, and the other was to be careless "Zijin Liang". Regarding the matter of Yellow River construction and disaster victims, "Zijinliang" did not understand the situation at first and did not care. If he really heard the prophecy by the river and the unusual movements of the Yellow River river workers, Zhang Shun was worried that the "Purple Golden Liang" would find a way to deal with him and come to snatch troops.

Facts have proved that Zhang Shun thought too much. The "Purple Gold Liang" was still such a fool and had no thought of development and growth. He was just a little unhappy that Zhang Shun had recruited some "thieves".

As a result, Zhang Shun himself was having a headache as to how to make an excuse to leave Meng County early to prevent the soldiers from escaping. Zhang Shun just received the order from Zijin Liang, and immediately reorganized the army and went north to encircle the city of Huaiqing Prefecture.

Originally, Zhang Shun had four generals under his command, who happened to form the Five Elements Formation, but Chen Changzhen took charge of the Ma Army. Although Jiang He had a large number of troops, because he had recently joined the army, it was inconvenient to reduce his military power, so he reluctantly appointed a vanguard to solve the problem. In this case, this combat formation is incomplete.

It happened that Li Jiyu came to surrender here, bringing more than a hundred soldiers and horses with him. Therefore, Zhang Shun simply added some more troops to him and asked him to serve as the rear army.

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