Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1121 Carrying the coffin to the battle

Since Chen Changzhen arrived in Guyuan, he has been so busy cleaning up troops, farmland, inspecting pastures, etc. that he has not been able to have a moment of leisure, which has caused complaints from his left and right staff.

Hearing this, Chen Changzhen couldn't help but explain: "As the elder brother of King Shun, I have not made many achievements. If I can no longer share the worries of King Shun, wouldn't I be ridiculed by others?"

After Zhang Shun found out, he reciprocated the favor and ordered his soldiers to escort Tao to accompany him, which made Chen Changzhi live a good life.

It turns out that Tao was also tough and wouldn't let Wang get three points.

When Chen Changzhen was at home, the two of them would often get into a fight and make a big fuss, which would make Chen Changzhen restless sooner or later.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun was eloquent and persuaded for a long time, and then Wang reluctantly agreed.

On this day, Chen Changzhen had just finished inspecting Wei Congyi's cavalry training. When he returned to the garrison, the soldiers reported: "King Shun has sent an envoy here and is waiting for the general in the living room."

"The man claimed to be the general's old friend and said he had brought a great contribution to the general."

"Oh?" Chen Changzhen raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Although he didn't agree in his heart, he was also noncommittal.

"Why, General Chen, don't you believe it?" At this moment, a familiar voice came over.

"Chen...Mr. Chen?" Chen Changzhen was stunned when he heard the sound and said with a smile on his face, "Why do you bother to come here?"

"I was born to work hard!" Chen Jindou couldn't help but sigh when he heard that Chen Changzhen praised him so much.

"There were not many old people who followed King Shun at first. Taoist Ma helped King Shun sit in the center. Zhao Yutou is too old to travel around."

"It's just you and me, one is in charge of the other, and the other is taking the lead wherever there are difficulties, enduring all kinds of hard work!"

Good guy, are you trying to sell me your seniority?

Chen Changzhen was a man of the scene, so he didn't know what Chen Jindou was thinking, and he felt dumbfounded.

But what Chen Jindou said is also true. Apart from Liu Yinggui and Song Xiance, who else can compare with him in terms of seniority alone?

"Mr. Chen, please come inside, please come inside!" Although Chen Changzhen was quite disapproving of him in his heart, he was very considerate.

"'Hey, invite us together, invite us together!" Chen Jindou pulled Chen Changzhen's sleeves and said with a smile, "If the guest does not deceive the host, how can he dare to take advantage of Changzhi?"

The two of them exchanged polite greetings before leaving the living room together.

After the two of them sat down and Mrs. Tao served tea, Chen Changzhen lowered his attitude and asked, "I don't know what King Shun's will is. Please teach me, Mr. Chen!"

"Hey, I don't dare to take it seriously. If you think highly of me, just call me 'brother'." Chen Jindou knew the importance of Chen Changzhen in Zhang Shun's heart.

Since Chen Changzhi gave him enough face outside, he didn't mind giving Chen Changzhi enough face.

"This is a letter written by King Shun to Changzhen. Please read it before talking about it."

"Gansu chieftains rebelled?" Chen Changzhen opened the letter and glanced at it in surprise.

"You see, this is what I call a great contribution!" Chen Jindou said with a smile.

"It's just a few households, how can it be considered a huge achievement?" Chen Changzhen couldn't help but wonder when he saw that Chen Jindou stopped being pretentious.

"It's because the opponent is from a low-income family, so it's a huge credit!" Chen Jindouruo pointed out.

"Then...what does King Shun mean?" Chen Changzhen was stunned and asked quickly.

"The priority is to attack the heart, and the next priority is to attack the city!" Chen Jindou said with a mysterious smile.


"Although the three chieftains Dong Qi, Dong Li and Lu are powerful, they are actually only three or four thousand elites." Chen Jindou couldn't help but show off.

"No matter how powerful he is, what can he do?"

"So the key is not to eliminate the rebellious chieftains, but to overwhelm everyone so that Ganzhen can be used for my use instead of for my inner trouble!"

"This...I understand!" Chen Changzhen nodded and asked, "I wonder if King Shun has anything else to explain?"

"One of them is: tea." Chen Jindou said with a smile when he heard this, "They are just brokers. They use the Ming Dynasty's laws to privately sell tea to good people and make huge profits from it."

"Now King Shun has ordered that private tea is prohibited, but merchants are allowed to sell it on their own in order to compete for the hearts of the people and isolate them."

"The second one is: prestige. Prestige at the border is not due to harsh punishments or cruelty, but because merit must be rewarded, crime must be punished, and vice versa must be punished!"

"The third one is: Trust. If you have tea to benefit it, if you have power to show it, then make an alliance with it, be impartial, fair and honest, and the people's hearts will definitely be able to use it!"

"King Shun is wise!" Chen Changzhen couldn't help but cupped his hands toward the west after hearing this, "General, I will order the troops to be reorganized right now, and we can go to war tomorrow!"

"Is fast?" Chen Jindou also followed Li Jiyu, and he even knew the difficulties of marching with large groups of troops.

"My solid land, after occupying three sides, is not facing the enemy." Chen Changzhen couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"The reason why this heroic town is established is that it interacts with other towns to prepare for emergencies!"

"Therefore, after I took office, I mobilized elite personnel, compiled a roster, and called them for training at any time to prepare for the police."

"Now I have organized two thousand elite cavalry. After simple preparations, we can set off immediately!"

"Okay, okay, King Shun really did not misjudge you!" Chen Jindou couldn't help but said with his hands.

"To tell you the truth, King Shun is first worried that you will be reckless and ruin a big thing. Secondly, he is worried that you are unprepared and will delay the time. Thirdly, he is worried that after you go to war, there will be no one in Guyuan to take charge of the overall situation..."

"Changzhen understands, now he summons the generals and asks them to meet Mr. Chen!" Chen Changzhen understood the elegant meaning after hearing the string, and immediately understood that Chen Jindou was worried that he would not be able to control the situation after he left.

"No, it doesn't have to be so troublesome!" Chen Jindou said with a smile, "I'm not afraid of anyone else. I'm just afraid that Wei Congyi has always been unruly and unwilling to obey my orders."

"Since Changzhi intends to pass through Ganzhen, why not bring this person with him so that I can restrain everyone!"

"This...King Shun ordered him to train a new type of cavalry here..." Chen Changzhen couldn't help but hesitate.

"How much training have you had?"

"About a thousand riders, I still don't know how effective it will be!" Chen Changzhen said honestly.

"Here, why don't you tell him that he is taking this opportunity to train his troops and test them before making a decision?" Chen Jindou couldn't help but laugh.

"That's... yes!" Chen Changzhen pondered for a moment and nodded.

"In that case, I'll leave Zhang Rujing to you so that you can have someone to help you!"

"It's easy to talk about!" Chen Jindou couldn't help but smile, "It's just right for him to help train the remaining cavalry, so as not to delay the formation of the new cavalry!"

Okay, I’ve let you tell me the truth and the truth, what else can I say?

Chen Changzhen shook his head and couldn't help shouting: "Come here, buy me a good coffin as soon as possible. I will use it when I go on an expedition tomorrow!"

"General Chen, what are you doing?" Chen Jindou was startled when he heard this and felt a chill on the back of his neck.

Happy New Year to everyone!

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