Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1122 Chieftain Lu

"Father, are you really sure about this?" A young boy with an immature face asked a rather dignified middle-aged man worriedly.

The middle-aged man was tall and burly. Although he was wearing a Confucian uniform, he still couldn't stop the fierceness coming from his bones.

This middle-aged man is none other than Lu Yunchang, the head of Liandenglu Tusi family.

In the twenty-eighth year of Wanli, after his father Lu Guangzu resigned, Lu Yunchang took over as the commander and became the head of the Lu clan's chieftain family. It has been thirty-five years now, so he has a high prestige.

However, since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, his ancestor Tuohuan took refuge with Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and has experienced nine generations.

The successive heads of the Lu family used a series of means such as marriage and military exploits to expose the frost and cut off the thorns.

With great difficulty, the Liancheng Lu family grew from a small family of 100 households to a famous chieftain in Gansu Province.

After Lu Yunchang took over as the head of the family, he worked hard. Seeing the changes in the world, he was naturally worried about the future of the Lu family.

If the Lu family was still the little chieftain who had the hereditary position of a hundred households, then naturally nothing would be mentioned.

But now Chieftain Lu is already the number one chieftain in Gansu Town. Due to his strength, if Chieftain Lu doesn't quickly take sides, no matter who the winner is in the future, they won't be able to spare the Lu family.

Because of this, before Lu Yunchang raised his army, he analyzed the Lu family's interests day and night.

First, whether to follow the Ming Dynasty or the Qin Dynasty is a big deal.

One wrong step would lead to death.

Secondly, the Liancheng Lu chieftain's family had a great business. Even if they excluded the local and non-local people under their control, there were still more than a thousand people in the family.

If you want to maintain such a huge family fortune, in addition to power, you must also need a lot of wealth to maintain the corresponding status.

Whether their smuggling trade can still be maintained.

Thirdly, the Liancheng Lu family has touched the ceiling of Tusi. If they want to go further, they can only fight to the death.

"How can there be any certainty about things in the world?" Lu Yunchang couldn't help but sneered after hearing this.

"My name is Lu Yunchang. In this Gansu province, I can be considered a local emperor."

"Those who obey me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish! Without my permission, the Lu family, who dares to prosper? Without my Lu family's nod, who dares to let him perish?"

"But if we take a longer view, what are the similarities and differences between us and the native and foreign people under our rule?"

"My family, the Lu family, is full of loyalty and passion for nine generations, which is why I have gained such a huge family fortune."

"But if one day, the bigger 'chieftain' doesn't like us, then whether we prosper or die, it's all a matter of one's thoughts!"

"Father!" His son Lu Hong couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

What is "bigger toast"? As the first chieftain of Gan Town, when he said this, he obviously referred to the two forces of "Qin" and "Ming".

Despite the fact that most of these chieftains were born from foreign races, they actually changed their surnames to Han within one or two generations, and read the Four Books and Five Classics, almost the same as Han children.

They even agree with the concepts of loyalty, filial piety, justice, monarch and minister, even more than some Han children.

The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty was originally the monarch of Lu Tusi. Lu Yunchang said this, which was simply treason.

"You are still too young!" Lu Yunchang frowned and shook his head after hearing this.

"Don't you hear the principle of 'the emperor takes turns to sit at my house next year'?"

"Father, be careful what you say!" Lu Hong suddenly sweated on his forehead when he heard this.

"Look at your potential, it's because you are my son that I tell you the truth!" Lu Yunchang couldn't help but said quickly.

"This time I contact the Dongli and Dongqi families to raise an army together."

"The slogan on the surface is to wipe out the bandits and restore China. In fact, our intention is to separate Qinggan and follow Zhang Gui's example!"

"This...this, father, the commandments of Yang Yinglong, She Chongming, and An Bangyan are right in front of you!" Lu Hong couldn't help but said with fear.

The Bozhou Rebellion and the She'an Rebellion had only just passed, so it was no wonder that Lu Hong was frightened.

"Although these three people are all heroes, how can they not be defeated tomorrow without knowing the geography?" Lu Yunchang sneered when he heard this.

"Now the traitors are occupying Shaanxi and blocking my communication with the imperial court. This is the time to show great justice and use great loyalty. This opportunity cannot be missed, and it will never come back!"

"The best policy is for our three families to unite as one, resist the bandits in the east, and separate Qing and Gan, waiting for the world to change!"

"The middle strategy is to destroy this beast and regain the three sides and four towns. This will bring great merit to future generations and make them rich and noble for generations to come."

"The next best thing is to stay in Hehuang and wait for changes."

"Now that the thieves have taken over Shaanxi, they are surrounded by enemies on all sides, and they have no time to take care of themselves. How can they have any idle mind, idle generals, and idle soldiers to care about me?"

"I see that Zhang Yingchen has no soldiers or generals, and only has the support of three to five thousand thieves. What can he do to me?"

"Even if the thieves launch a massive attack, all we have to do is hold on. If we delay it for just a little while, they will retreat without a fight!"

Lu Yunchang made it very clear that they raised the army this time to "uphold the righteousness" and to "get benefits". It would be beneficial without any harm. It was really a rare opportunity.

As long as you hold high the banner of "loyalty", you will be able to separate one party from another; if you don't become a distressed "successful traitor", you will have no time to look west.

"What if we are a thief?" Lu Hong was indeed a successor trained by the chieftain of the Lu family, and he was quickly freed from the shackles of morality.

"Not to mention that the thieves have their own soldiers and horses, we can still decide whether to use them or not." Lu Yunchang nodded appreciatively.

"Even if our original grammar is smashed to pieces, will our family still be involved in the business of smuggling tea and salt?"

"How can such a huge family fortune be undefeated if the small amount of power is gone?"

The arrival of the rebels, even if they are not capable of killing, will inevitably occupy the ecological niche of the upper and lower Gansu towns, and with it the power of the chieftains will shrink.

While the power of the chieftains is shrinking, their economic interests will also be greatly affected.

One of the most intuitive examples is the tea smuggled by the Lu family. Originally, seventy or eighty kilograms could be exchanged for a war horse. But now because the rebels have not taken over the Tea Horse Company, they can only be bought and sold freely.

The price of a horse has soared to 1,560 pounds per horse, which is really unbearable!

Not to mention, once the rebels take over the Tea Horse Division, the interests will be re-divided.

So, as the "remnants of the previous dynasty", they, the chieftains, would still be suppressed even if they did not spit out their flesh. How could they endure this?

"Father is right!" Lu Hong pondered for a moment and then added.

"My Lu family has been stationed in Liancheng for two hundred years. How can we produce capable people from generation to generation?"

"As long as the family business is still there and the children of the clan study and practice martial arts, they will be able to stand out sooner or later."

"If the family fortune is ruined, even if Han Bai comes back to life, how can Marquis Wu live long?"

After the discussion between the father and son was completed, Lu Yunchang again gave instructions: "Send the order to the soldiers again and ask them to investigate carefully. Don't let anyone slip through the net, so as not to ruin the great affairs of our Lu family."

Lu Yunchang served as a general and guarded Hexi for decades, which made sense.

All his judgments about raising troops were based on the fact that the rebels had no time to look west.

But if you are careless and catch the thief off guard, your family and family will be destroyed right before your eyes.

"Understood, I'll tell you this a few more times, kid!" Lu Hong cupped his hands and nodded.

"Report, Patriarch, there is an urgent military situation!" As soon as the two of them finished speaking, there were soldiers reporting outside the door.

"Come in and answer!" Lu Yunchang was not surprised by this and said with confidence in his chest.

"The army of thieves has arrived in Lanzhou City, which is only 270 miles away from me. Please make a decision early."

"What?" Lu Yunchang's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and his face turned pale.

"How could a thief be so fast!"

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