Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1127 Riding Battle

"General Wei, the Red City Pillar is ahead!" the scout said, pointing to the city in the distance.

"Oh?" Wei Congyi led more than a thousand musket cavalry, starting from Lanzhou, first going upstream along the Yellow River to Hekou Town, and then upstream the Zhuanglang River.

It took Wei Congyi two days to reach the vicinity of Hongchengzi.

Wei Congyi looked up and saw Hongchengzi to the east of Zhuanglang River.

Although the perimeter of the Red City is only three miles, the bell tower is so tall that it is very conspicuous.

There is a poem by Zhang Shun in his previous life, which is called "I stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, and the people watching the scenery are watching you upstairs."

Although Wei Congyi was not standing on the bridge now, he could not stop Lu Yunchang and others from watching him upstairs.

The Hongchengzi bell tower was the highest point in the city. Lu Yunchang and others had been warned and had already climbed up to the bell tower to look at the approaching rebels.

"The head of the family is suspected of being a bandit cavalry!" Lu Sheng had already concluded.

"Bang Rong, in a moment you will lead more than a thousand cavalry and teach that thief what cavalry is!" Lu Yunchang stood on the bell tower and watched for a long time, and couldn't help but sneered.

His Lu family was originally from Mongolia and had been good at bow and horse for generations.

Baarong was one of the four surnames Zhang, Yuan, Ba, and Man under the rule of the Liandeng Lu clan chieftain, and his ancestor was Timur.

In the early Ming Dynasty, Timur fought with Gong Bu Shijie, the ancestor of the Lu family, for his meritorious service. When the former was given the surname of Lu, Timur was also given the surname of Ba. He assisted the chieftain in managing the Turkish army. He served with the Lu family in recruiting and fighting for many generations, and served as a horse army for many times. Mr. Qian.

"What kind of bird cavalry are these!" Baan Rong couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "These guys are just good at riding horses. If you put them among the chieftains like us, they can't be herdsmen!"

Are the cavalry under Wei Congyi really so miserable?

In fact, this was not the case. These people were also selected by Wei Congyi from the tribal, Tuda and some border army elites brought by the Queen Mother Namuzhong of Nangnang.

These people are also good at riding and shooting, not half as good as the soldiers of the Lu family. Lu Yunchang and Ba Rong sang in harmony, just to boost morale.

Following Lu Yunchang's order, not long after, the south gate of Hongchengzi opened, and a large group of cavalry filed out.

"Who is coming? Tell me your name. An unknown person belongs to a certain family!" When Wei Congyi saw this, he didn't panic at all and instead rode forward.

"Hmph, you have been promoted to the top!" Bang Rong snorted and sneered, "You traitor and traitor, I will spare your life today!"

Following General Rong's order, the chieftain's cavalry had already been divided into more than ten teams with sentries.

Originally, the officers, soldiers and cavalry were arranged in a long snake formation, but ended up being scattered into a sky full of stars, galloping back and forth.

"Okay, let's try their methods too!" Wei Congyi also gave the order, and the cavalry were divided into about ten teams and started galloping.

"Kill!" Although they are all cavalry, they cannot fight without rules.

The teams on both sides looked chaotic, but in fact they were orderly within the chaos.

These small groups of cavalry were roughly divided into three formations, left, center and right, and began to move towards each other.

Hedging is impossible. Except for the specialized assault cavalry, most cavalry are not fools. Why do they want to play such a life-and-death game if they disagree with each other?

Therefore, when the two sides first come into contact, they first shoot each other with bows, arrows and projectiles to weaken their opponents before making plans.

Bian Rong is very confident in this. The cavalry under his command have both superb riding skills and excellent shooting skills. They are also equipped with good armor. They are simply not comparable to the thieves opposite who only wear a piece of blue cloth and iron armor. .

"Dong dong dong!" Wei Congyi gave the order, and the drums started beating in the rebel formation.

"Ansai waist drum?" Bang Rong couldn't help but be startled, and he couldn't help but wonder in his heart: The thief is not a foot soldier, why is he beating the waist drum?

The rebels in front of them started to control the speed of their horses according to the sound of the drums, loaded the projectiles, lit the match ropes, then took up the blunderbuss and rushed towards the Lu family's cavalry.

Two hundred steps, one hundred steps, eighty steps, fifty steps

"Why don't these thieves disperse? Could it be that they just want to charge like this?" Bian Rong was stunned and couldn't help but wonder.

It turns out that cavalry fighting requires breaking up into large formations and breaking up into small groups to shoot at each other.

As a result, although the rebels had been divided into small groups, they did not disperse. Instead, they continued to move towards the Lu cavalry.

The speed of these cavalry is not very fast, and the consumption of horse power is not very large.

"Shoot!" As Wei Congyi pressed down the horse in his hand, the drummer beside him stopped beating the drumsticks, and the continuous drum sound suddenly stopped.

"Bang, bang, bang!" As soon as the drum sound stopped, the rebel cavalry who had been aiming for a long time quickly moved the trigger in his hand.

The two sides were only thirty or forty steps apart, and before they were within the range of the cavalry bow, the rebel fire cavalry started shooting.

"Ah!" The officers, soldiers and cavalry were caught off guard, and thirty or fifty people were shot off their horses.

The armor on the cavalry was almost like paper and could not withstand the fire of the rebels' new muskets.

"Charge, charge forward!" Jing Rong was startled, but then he reacted.

Gun cavalry? ,

Although the rebels' cannons were more powerful, it wasn't like he had never seen them before.

How can the reloading speed of a fire gun be as fast as that of a bow cavalry?

As long as the elite cavalry of the Lu family rushes forward, they won't be able to fight while hanging!

"Abandon the blunderbuss and replace it with a gun!" Wei Congyi snorted coldly and calmed down Ma Shan.

The original tactic envisaged by the rebels was to fire volleys with muskets first, then switch to bows and arrows, and finally charge with lances.

After training, Wei Congyi found that firing a volley of firecrackers first, and then charging with a lance was more effective, so he changed the tactical regulations.

"Charge!" The dense drum beat was as rapid as a downpour, and the thump-dong-dong sound sounded again. This was the charge order of the rebel cavalry.

"What's going on? Quick, get out of here!" Liang Rong was startled and couldn't help but ordered. He quickly changed the spear in his hand and led the guards around him to charge forward.

Are you kidding? How can any cavalry charge and fight hand-to-hand as soon as they come up?

In fact, Rong made a mistake in directing this time.

According to usual combat habits, cavalry battles, whether it is a wandering fight or a hedging, are the corresponding response methods.

For example, if you were originally preparing to fight, but the opponent rushed over, the cavalry scattered left and right to avoid the enemy, and then followed them. This turned into a free fight between the two sides.

It's just that the range and power of the rebels' muskets were far greater than those of the officers and cavalry. This unexpected situation made him subconsciously order the cavalry to approach the rebels for a wandering fight.

As a result, they never expected that the enemy suddenly gave up their guns and replaced them with guns. The order that seemed to be no problem at all suddenly became a military order for the soldiers to "commit suicide".

The distance between the two sides is already very close. How difficult is it to order the cavalry to avoid it at this time?

"No!" Especially when facing the rebel cavalry, the cavalry of the Central Army were the first to bear the brunt.

The left and right wings are full of cavalry, where is there a place to hide?

Their despair only aroused the ferocity of these people.

"Fight them!" Some of the local soldiers couldn't bear it any longer. They abandoned their riding bows and grabbed their spears, trying to trade their lives with the rebels.

However, when the rebels moved toward each other, they began to approach each other and formed a dense formation ready to charge.

As for the officers, soldiers and cavalry, when the two sides were heading towards each other, they began to distance themselves from each other and prepared to fight. How could they withstand the rebels?

Not only the formation is like this, but the speed of both sides is also different.

The physical strength of the war horse is limited, so when riding and shooting in a battle, the horse speed needs to be adjusted appropriately in order to shoot smoothly.

The charge is different. It requires the war horse to go from slow to fast, and try to use a gradual acceleration method so that the war horse reaches top speed at the moment when the two sides fight.

After going back and forth like this, how could the officers, soldiers and cavalry be spared?

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