Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1128 Showing Power

As for the effectiveness of the new tactics of the rebels, although Wei Congyi carefully selected riders who were good at riding and shooting and trained them rigorously for more than a month, he himself had no idea.

As a result, when the two sides met like this, his confidence suddenly came out.

First they fired a volley of firecrackers, and then they charged with lances.

So simple, so unreasonable.

The cavalry on the opposite side belonged to the chieftain soldiers of the Lu family. Not only were they carefully selected and skilled in martial arts, but they also wore excellent armor and had good tactical qualities.

In the past, they accepted conscription from the imperial court, fought in the south and north, fought against the Tatars, destroyed the rebels, and fought against the Jurchens. Their reputation was not in vain.

However, everyone is equal under fire cannons. One or two fire cannons newly equipped by the rebels can easily penetrate most armors at a distance of thirty or forty steps.

The more than a thousand cavalrymen led by Jia Rong were only equipped with common dark armor, bright armor and chain armor. How could they withstand the fire of one or two fire cannons?

Suddenly, these cavalrymen shot a bloody hole, and thirty or fifty people were shot dead.

The powerful firepower caused panic among the cavalry under Jiang Rong's command.

However, just as Ba Rong was scolding and giving orders to approach, more than a thousand cavalrymen of the rebel army had already rushed over, carrying long spears of Zhangsi Xiaoqi.

Due to the prevalence of firearms from the early Ming Dynasty, the cavalry weapons of this era degenerated to a certain extent.

There are fewer and fewer users of heavy and heavy weapons such as the Zhangba Snake Spear and Ma Shu. Instead, some light and simple weapons are becoming more and more popular.

For example, the weapons used by the Mongolian cavalry, in addition to bows and arrows and waist knives, the commonly used hook and sickle spears are only six or seven feet long.

At the same time, the Ming cavalry was not much better.

Except for the waist sword, the broadsword and Yanyue sword used on horseback are only nine feet and two long, and the line spear is about nine feet long, which is far shorter than the standard of the four-foot-long Xiaoqi spear in the early Ming Dynasty.

Even if there are still some soldiers who are still equipped with knight's spears, most of them use the spears with their barrels shortened.

In the battle formation, the strong will fight the weak, and the strong will bully the weak.

The spears used by Wei Congyi's newly formed cavalry battalion were all Zhangsi Xiaojun's spears. Where are these chieftain cavalry opponents?

Wei Congyi shouted loudly and rushed forward with his eight-foot-long horse in his arms.

The heavy horse-stem was coiled up in his hand and whirred like a windmill. It was so perfect that water could not be poured into it.

"Kill!" When the officers and soldiers saw Wei Congyi rushing over, the man in front of him had nowhere to hide, and they couldn't help but become ruthless.

"What are you afraid of? What can he do alone!" The three or five people didn't care about being at a disadvantage. They just grabbed the thread guns in their hands and stabbed them all.

Thread guns, which Qi Jiguang described as "50-50 equal to waist swords", can't deal with even Zhang Sixiaojun's spears, let alone Zhang Ba Ma.

But when he saw three or five spears poking at him, Wei Congyi turned a blind eye and just continued to make the horse dance like a tiger.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The sound of guns and guns clashing was heard, and all the guns were knocked out by Ma Shan.

As soon as the line gun was knocked open, the three or five cavalrymen suddenly opened their doors wide.

"Death!" Wei Congyi turned away the enemy's spear at a glance, thrust Ma Shan forward, and stabbed an officer and soldier.

The sharp horse spear pierced the breastplate of the officer and soldier facing him with a "stab" sound, and penetrated three or four inches.

If it were an ordinary person, Ma Shan would probably have to let go under the influence of this huge recoil.

And who is Wei Congyi?

It is known as "Yansui Masha No. 1", is it a vain claim?

Seeing the cavalryman landing, the horse fell down. Wei Congyi flipped his wrist, grabbed the tail of the horse and used his horse power to pull the horse out.

At the same time, the other chieftain cavalry almost had similar experiences.

Or he would be shot off his horse by the rebel cavalry without waiting for the line gun to reach the rebels;

Either he was fighting against two or three rebels, and he suddenly had a few bloody holes in his body.

Using the prepared to fight the unprepared, the long spear to fight the short spear, the dense formation to fight the loose formation, how can the cavalry of the Chieftain of Lu be the opponent of the rebel army?

Seeing the rebel cavalry swarming in, they were like rolling rocks, blindly knocking open Lu's sparse front line and killing each other directly.

"Damn it!" Ba Rong wiped the blood spattered on his face, turned around and saw that almost seventy or eighty riders had fallen behind him.

Far inferior to human beings, close yet inferior to human beings, what can be done?

Jian Rong couldn't help but make a quick decision and loudly ordered, "The thieves are too cruel with their guns and are good at charging into battle. They are invincible."

"So the knights all dispersed into one sentry and fought with the thieves!"

He was also a veteran on the battlefield, and he immediately thought of a solution.

If it’s not close and it’s not far, then it’s okay to be neither far nor close, right?

Wei Congyi and others only felt that their eyes were bright and they had penetrated the enemy's formation.

He quickly ordered loudly: "Adjust the formation and load gunpowder!"

Immediate fire blunderbuss are not as fast as bows and arrows, so they need to be reloaded in time to adjust the formation after the charge.

In fact, reloading immediately is more laborious than reloading on the ground, so the mounted gun should be shorter than the walking gun to minimize the difficulty of loading.

The cavalry quickly dumped out the residue in the gun chamber, took out the fixed charge and poured it into the gun chamber, then wrapped the lead bullets in paper and passed them into the chamber with a rod.

The loading of the riding gun is different from that of the infantry gun. In order to prevent the ammunition from slipping when the muzzle of the gun is pointed downward.

Compared with the method of loading the lead shot first and then the paper, it is more convenient to wrap the lead shot with paper or rags and then insert it.

Not long after, the rebels finished loading and adjusted their formation.

Wei Congyi looked up and saw that the officers and soldiers had dispersed earlier, even more dispersed than before.

"It seems that a forced charge won't work!" Wei Congyi couldn't help but shook his head.

The opponent's Youdou formation has already been deployed, so if the rebels charge intensively, not only will they not be able to find a focal point, but they will also easily be avoided by the opponent, and then kill them from both sides and behind.

"Okay, if he wants to fight, just fight with them!" Wei Congyi looked at the cavalry on the left and right wearing armor modified from green cloth to iron armor, and couldn't help but sneered.

Following his order, the rebels immediately dispersed, divided into more than a dozen sentries, and rushed towards the officers and soldiers.

"Bang bang bang!" As the two sides approached, the rebel cavalry took the lead in shooting.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, wait until the thief gets close to make him look good!" Seeing the brothers around him being knocked off their horses one by one, the chieftain cavalry generally encouraged each other and set up their bows and arrows to fight back at the rebels.

Many of them were skilled in riding and archery. They held three arrows with their fingers, and when they saw that the rebels were within shooting range, they shot them in succession.

"Swish, swish, swish!" A group of arrows swarmed in, many of which hit the rebels in front of them. However, most of them were bounced away by the armor, and only a small part hit the limbs of the war horses and the rebels.

"Kill!" The rebels were not afraid, leveled their spears, and charged over again.

"Straight bitch, you're doing this again!" Baan Rong couldn't help but cursed sadly and angrily, clasping his hands behind his back, he almost fainted.

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