It is said that after Wang Ding and Zhang Fatty separated their forces, they sent out scouts all the way north to search for them.

Not long after, a scout returned to report: "Going north from here, there are indeed traces of carriages, horses and pedestrians. There are probably more than a thousand people walking in neat steps. They don't seem to be ordinary people!"

Although Dang Shousu and Zhang Rukui were good at "running", these seven or eight hundred elite soldiers could not fly away and left all the way, leaving many traces behind.

Noisy footprints, broken vegetation, and things scattered along the way are all evidence of the escape of this rebel army.

"Where are you going?" Wang Ding asked calmly.

He was not afraid of anything, he was just afraid that this group of people would hide in the mountains.

Not only will it be inconvenient to search at that time, but if we are ambushed by thieves, we will lose our troops and generals.

"Go...go straight to the north!" The scout hesitated for a moment before responding.

"I originally wanted to run to Phoenix Ridge in the northwest after seeing their whereabouts, but after discovering our people, they went all the way north instead."

"This group of people is not simple!" Xiao Si couldn't help but interjected after hearing this.

"Maybe it's the rebellious border troops!" Jiang Yaozu asserted.

Green leaves, white lotus roots and red lotuses, the three religions were originally one family.

In this era, no matter the Ming Dynasty, Hou Jin Dynasty or the Rebel Army, they all came from the Ming Dynasty's frontier army system, and their tactics and tactics were almost the same.

Therefore, when these generals saw Dang Shousu and Zhang Rukui's methods, they immediately judged the opponent's heel.

"What should I do?" Zhang Hu couldn't help but look at Wang Ding and said.

"Let's follow. Xiao Si leads a group of troops to circle to the west to prevent them from escaping into the mountains." Wang Ding said calmly, "Everyone should pay attention to saving horsepower. I'm riding him, I'm afraid he can't do any tricks. !”

Just as the rebels discovered Dang Shousu and Zhang Rukui, the group also discovered Wang Ding and others.

"How did King Shun's troops and horses grow so fast?" Dang Shousu couldn't help being surprised.

"What should we do?" Zhang Rukui couldn't help but panic, "How about we surrender?"

"King Shun remembers our old friendship with the rebels, so he will not embarrass us."

"You're crazy!" Dang Shousu couldn't help but cursed when he heard this.

"If it was King Shun himself, then everything would be okay. If it falls into the hands of others, I'm afraid it won't be the first in military glory. Shouldn't we still go to the King of Hell to complain?"

"I said I wanted to surrender before, but you still refused. What should I do now?" Zhang Rukui couldn't help complaining when he heard that he had nothing to do.

"Stop talking, let's go north!" Dang Shousu couldn't help but calmly said.

"Earlier, the 'Yellow Mine Owner' and others said that Sun Chuanting would send soldiers to meet us. If what he said is true, it is estimated that it is not far from here."

"We have many donkeys, mules, horses and other livestock under our command. Please pay attention to your physical strength. Once the Qin soldiers attack, we will just flee to the mountains!"

"Then... what if Sun Gou breaks the appointment?" Zhang Rukui couldn't help but worry.

"If it doesn't work, let's run to the river and hide in the swamp!" Dang Shousu said through gritted teeth.

There are vast swamps along the Yellow River east of Hancheng, which became the famous Heyang Wetland in later generations, and are filled with reeds, lakes and swamps.

The ecological environment in the Ming Dynasty was better than that of later generations, and the swamp area was larger and extended to Hancheng, so Dang Shousu came up with this idea.

It's just that these swamps are distributed along the Yellow River, and the terrain is long and narrow. It's easy to hide in, but difficult to get out.

If the rebels are determined to wipe out all of them, they only need to send cavalry to patrol outside, and the army will press behind them, and they will die.

Therefore, Dang Shousu and Zhang Rukui did not want to enter this place unless they had no choice.

The two sides chased each other and fled, one was not chasing closely, the other was not escaping slowly. They traveled like this for three to five miles. When Wang Dingzheng was getting impatient, scouts from both sides happened to discover Wang Zhong, the commander-in-chief of Shanxi Province, who was coming from the north and south.

"Line up and prepare for battle!" Wang Ding calmly issued the military order, and then sneered.

"I'm afraid this is the opponent's back-up plan, but it's just a battalion of troops, what's it worth?"

"Everyone, please be careful and don't damage it too much!"

"Du Hongyu's armored soldiers are ready to rush into battle at the critical moment!"

At the same time, Shanxi Commander-in-Chief Wang Zhong also discovered the rebel cavalry and quickly ordered: "The cavalry obeyed the order and wandered outside to cover the infantry."

"The infantry obeys the order and forms a formation to wait for the enemy!"

"Mr. Wang, how many people are there on the other side? Can we win?" Sun Xiuzhi asked in surprise.

"I don't know how I found out so much in such a hurry!" Wang Zhong responded impatiently, and then continued to order.

"Send soldiers to contact the defeated soldiers, and try to ask them to rectify their soldiers and work with us to deal with this group of thieves!"

The old and weak men under his command had been eliminated, and the empty pay was replenished as expected. Wang Zhong also felt quite confident.

"No, General!" As soon as Wang Zhong finished speaking, a scout came to report.

"When the defeated soldiers saw that we had attracted the thieves, they ran straight into the mountains to the west and never looked back..."

"Straight bitch!" Wang Zhong cursed loudly and thought to himself: He spent the whole day hunting geese, but he was pecked and blinded by the geese.

In the past, I would go to Rufeng to trick others. Unexpectedly, I finally showed some kindness today and was tricked by others.

Damn it, if you look at it like this, there will be no shortage of cavalry on the opposite side, otherwise this group of defeated troops wouldn't be able to run so fast.

Not long after, as expected, another scout came to report: "The thieves are one person and three horses, their armor is like snow, and their swords and guns are like frost. They are suspected to be an elite battalion of thieves!"

"General... General, can we still do it?" Sun Xiuzhi was startled and asked quickly.

"One person and three horses!" Wang Zhong, the commander-in-chief of Shanxi Province, almost cried. As an officer, the elite of the Ming Dynasty had never been so extravagant.

"If you can beat me, then fight. If you can't beat me, then defend. What are you afraid of?" Wang Zhong scolded, while thinking about how to save his life.

After the two sides formed their formations, dozens of horsemen and horses came out of the formation not long after. The leader asked loudly: "I wonder who is leading the troops in front, but this military strategy seems familiar!"

Wang Zhong couldn't help but be startled when he heard this accent, and couldn't help but tell him: "Sun Shen, don't move for now. I'll go back and see what medicine he bought in the gourd!"

Not long after, Wang Zhong also led thirty or fifty riders out of the formation and asked: "I don't know who is in front of me. What should I do?"

"I am Wang Ding of Yulin, and I am from the Wang family of Yulin General. I wonder who you are?" Wang Ding laughed when he heard this.

Although the Ming Dynasty, Hou Jin Dynasty and the Rebel Army's tactical war mage came from the same school, it does not mean that there is no difference between the three parties.

In fact, according to different objective conditions, not only the tactics and tactics of the Ming Dynasty, Hou Jin Dynasty and the rebel army were slightly different, but also the differences between the border troops of various regions in the Ming Dynasty were also small.

When Wang Ding and others fought against Wang Zhong's scouts and cavalry, they immediately felt that this was a typical Yulin general's fighting style, so they stepped forward to ask questions.

We all look up and don't look down, we are all our own people, why bother to beat them to death and make noise?

"Wang Ding?" Shanxi Wang Zhong was stunned, and couldn't help but lower his voice and said, "I am Wang Zhong of the Yulin Wang family!"

"Ah? It turns out to be an old friend!" Wang Ding was stunned, never expecting that he was actually a soldier of the Wang family.

As we mentioned before, just because there are two royal surnames in the Yulin general family, it is called "seven families and six surnames".

Wang Ding is a member of the Wangwei family in Yulin, and Wang Zhong is a member of the Wangbao family in Yulin.

Wang Bao successively served as the commander-in-chief of Jixian Town and the commander-in-chief of Liaodong. His descendants Wang Xueshu, Wang Xueshi and Wang Xueli also served as deputy commander-in-chief and were quite prestigious.

And this Shanxi commander-in-chief Wang Zhong is none other than the third-generation general of the Wang Bao family. How come they are not familiar with each other?

Note: Historically, the origin of Wang Zhong, the commander-in-chief of Shanxi Province, is unknown. However, given the huge influence of Yulin Jiangmen and his historical refusal to obey the court's orders to "suppress the bandits" in Henan because he claimed to be ill, this person is most likely to have been born as a general, and according to the Due to naming habits, he is most likely from the same family as Wang Ding, but in this book, in order to add some drama to the other Wang family, he is set to be a member of the Wang Bao family, which is hereby explained.

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