Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1136 Losing his wife and losing his troops

"President Wang, what's going on outside?" When Sun Xiuzhi saw Shanxi Commander Wang Zhong return, he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

"It's okay, it's a misunderstanding, it's all our own!" Wang Zhong waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Since... one of our own?" Sun Xiuzhi looked confused. Are there any officers and soldiers in Shaanxi?

"Yes, one of our own!" Wang Zhong said with an evil smile.

"I am the queen of the Wang family in Yulin. The seven families in Yulin are of the same spirit, so naturally we are all our own!"

" don't want to be a good Shanxi general soldier, but you want to be a rebel!" Only then did Sun Xiuzhi understand what Wang Zhong meant by "one of his own people", and he suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body was as cold as ice.

"Don't say it so harshly. It's not certain who is an official and who is a bandit!" Wang Zhong said warmly.

"Isn't this how Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, came to be? Why didn't anyone follow his example?"

Damn it, Sun Xiuzhi cursed secretly and thought to himself: I'm afraid I won't be able to escape this time. If I haven't captured this person alive, I have to control this battalion to have a chance of survival.

This battalion under Wang Zhong was personally selected one by one by Sun Chuanting, the governor of Shanxi Province. Naturally, he also placed some people in it, so it was not without a glimmer of hope.

Thinking of this, Sun Xiuzhi reached out and grabbed the spear of the soldier beside him, swung it up, and tried to capture Wang Zhong.

It's just that no matter how good his personal martial arts skills are, Wang Zhong is a general, how can he be without his servants and guards by his side?

Suddenly, more than a dozen people swarmed forward and fought with Sun Xiuzhi.

What a good Sun Xiuzhi, who is strong and unafraid.

He held a spear in one hand and a saber in the other, trading wounds for wounds and lives for lives, killing three of Wang Zhong's servants in a matter of seconds.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to have such abilities!" Wang Zhong couldn't help but be surprised when he saw it.

"If you are willing to surrender to me, I will guarantee your wealth for the rest of your life!"

"Hahaha, you protect me?" Sun Xiuzhi pointed at his nose and laughed, "How dare you speak harshly when you are about to die?"

"Sun Fujun is both civil and military. He can run the army immediately, and he can govern the people under the horse. He is both civil and military. When he has trained his soldiers and horses, you can wash your necks and wait to die!"

"Haha, you are quite brave!" Wang Zhong sneered, "You guys move faster to avoid a long night and lots of dreams!"

The servants got Wang Zhong's order and stabbed him with swords and guns.

Sun Xiuzhi resisted for a moment, but a servant accidentally shot his calf through.

"Ah!" Sun Xiuzhi screamed, and just as he was about to cut off the gun barrel, seven or eight more spears came at him.

Now his armor could no longer withstand it. At least three spears pierced the armor, and one pierced about three inches into his body.

"Stab again!" The spear that could not penetrate was withdrawn, and then stabbed again.

"Ahhh!" Sun Xiuzhi couldn't help but screamed, "Okay, okay, grandpa is waiting for you underground!"

"What? Wang Zhong, the commander-in-chief of Shanxi Province, killed Sun Chuanting's confidant Sun Xiuzhi and defected to the rebel army!" Zhang Shun, who was in the same state, couldn't help being shocked after receiving the news.

"Yes, that Wang Zhong is from the Wang family in Yulin, the direct grandson of Grand Master Wang Bao!" Wang Jinyi said with a look of surprise on his face as he led the soldiers who came to deliver the message.

"Yulin General, Yulin General!" Zhang Shun muttered both sides again, and then he understood the intricate relationship between the Ming Dynasty's frontier armies.

"Okay, tell Fatty Zhang later, let's pack up and head to Hancheng!"

"This battle is almost over, why does King Shun bother?" After all, Hancheng was close to the front line, and Wang Jinyi deliberately dissuaded Zhang Shun.

"What an unnecessary move? Haha!" Zhang Shun shook his head and said, "Since Sun Chuanting dared to reach out and chop off his claws this time, how could I not go and see his expression?"

"I'm sure his face will be very exciting after getting the news!"

"Fu Jun, Fu Jun, something bad has happened!" Almost at the same time Zhang Shun received the news, Shanxi Governor Sun Chuanting also heard Zan Hua Chen Jitai running in shouting.

"Why are you panicking?" The reason why Sun Chuanting came to Pingyang from Taiyuan was to facilitate the command and dispatch of the combat work against Hancheng.

Now that Chen Jitai suddenly lost his composure, he had a bad feeling.

"I heard that Wang Zhong, the commander-in-chief of Shanxi Province, surrendered the 'Shun bandits'. I'm afraid Shanxi has no enemy soldiers!" Chen Jitai reported breathlessly.

"How is this possible? Wang Zhong is also a veteran general. How can he surrender a traitor if he is a good officer and a good soldier?" Sun Chuanting said in disbelief.

"But, nothing may come true. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst," Chen Jitai couldn't help but remind him.

Sun Chuanting was also a smart man. When he heard this, he was stunned and couldn't help but quickly ordered: "Let's do this. You can draft two letters for me."

"A letter was written to Zhang Fengyi, the governor of Xuanda, asking him to lead more than 10,000 elite troops to garrison Taiyuan; a letter was written to the Chinese Army Staff General Zheng Jiadong, asking him to quickly lead a group of troops to help me!"

"It's okay to recruit General Zheng, but it's just asking Governor Xuan to help. Isn't this a bit too much?" Chen Jitai was stunned and couldn't help but said in surprise.

"I wish I had passed!" Sun Chuanting sighed, "I'm afraid that even if Zhang Fengyi comes in person, the matter will still not be resolved!"

"Fujun, how can you say this?" Chen Jitai said in disbelief.

"I know Wang Zhong!" Sun Chuanting said with a stern face, "He is greedy for life and afraid of death. He drinks the blood of soldiers and eats everything without money. But the only thing he has is that he will never engage in loss-making business!"

"If he is willing to surrender without even using a single blow after meeting a thief, he must have encountered a thief that he cannot deal with!"

"As for those who have the courage to recruit and surrender to him, apart from the succumbing thieves, there is no other person in the world who can be born!"

Chen Jitai was stunned and immediately became frightened.

Sun Chuanting's guess was correct. Apart from Zhang Shun, which rebel general would dare to make his own decision and directly recruit and surrender his three thousand elite soldiers?

Although Wang Ding personally came forward to recruit Wang Zhong to surrender this time, the root cause was that he "played freely" under Zhang Shun's direct command.

After three or five days of this, it was easy to wait until Chinese Army Staff General Zheng Jiadong led eight or nine hundred people to Pingyang. Before Sun Chuanting could breathe a sigh of relief, Chen Jitai came back with a sullen face.

"What's going on?" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but feel relieved again.

"Shun Thief gave Fu Jun a gift, plus a letter!" Chen Jitai said, holding a box and handing it over.

"What gift?" Sun Chuanting asked strangely while opening the box.

As a result, he only asked half of the question, and he couldn't help but show a strange expression on his face, which was mixed with three parts of horror and seven parts of anger.

"What's wrong? Damn it!" Chen Jitai stretched his head and saw a human head with wide eyes in the box.

This head is none other than Sun Xiuzhi, a member of the Sun Chuanting clan who has gone never to return.

"Xiuzhi." Sun Chuanting couldn't help but burst into tears, "I was the one who hurt you!"

Sun Chuanting has always prided himself on being a "borderline talent". Now, in just three or four months after taking office, he has carefully reorganized an elite battalion and organized and trained more than a thousand standard battalions.

As a result, he never expected that his simple test move would cost his wife and his army.

Not only did Wang Zhong lead a battalion of men he carefully selected and trained to surrender to the enemy, but he also killed the Sun clan members he had carefully trained.

Alas, alas, alas!

Sun Chuanting looked up to the sky and sighed, wishing he could hit his head against a pillar in Pingyang Yamen.

"Fu Jun, Fu Jun!" Chen Jitai shouted twice, holding back tears.

"This traitor has led a battalion. No, two battalions of troops are approaching Yumen Crossing. The people in Shanxi are still counting on you to resist!"

Which two battalions of men and horses?

One battalion is Wang Ding's cavalry battalion, and the other is Wang Zhong's Shanxi battalion!

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