Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 114 Retreat (Part 2)

This "Lao Huihui" also has a lot of thoughts. Although "Optimus Prime" and "Purple Gold Liang" are fighting fiercely, at least he has some affection for him. At that time, when "Optimus Prime"'s steward Ma died, he still came with the gift. What's more, this "Optimus Prime" is a kind-faced and soft-hearted person. He will shed tears even if he kills several civilians. He will definitely be easy to talk to.

"Lao Huihui" has been in the world for so many years, and he knows that some people are more willing to accept the soft than the hard. People who are usually kind and charitable are the easiest to be deceived and the easiest to help. Among the many gentry who were killed by him before, there were also many such characters. When the time comes, as long as I say a few nice words, I will definitely be able to make the "Optimus Prime" happy, regardless of the relationship between the "Optimus Prime" and the "Purple Golden Beam". If conditions permit, seizing the cannon and soldiers of "Optimus Prime" in the future will be the perfect way to make a comeback.

That "Lao Huihui" wasn't pretty, but he thought pretty, so he quickly led his family guards to fight out. However, the soldiers in front of them were quite organized and not as cowardly as the soldiers who defended the city the day before. These soldiers had their heads wrapped around their heads, using bows and arrows from afar and spears from afar, just like a copper wall or an iron wall.

"Lao Huihui" personally led people to break out of the formation, but was killed several times. Many of the family guards under his command were like the delicacy of his hometown, mutton skewers. Three or two were strung together and died miserably. There were also some who didn't have time to die and just wailed on the ground in pain. Then he was trampled by a neatly formed team and was trampled to death on the spot.

"Lao Huihui" suddenly felt cold in his heart, thinking: "I was so pious in the past, so why didn't God protect me?" In desperation, he had no choice but to order his relatives' guards to fight against the messy soldiers under his command, and drove them away. Attack the gun array of officers and soldiers.

How could the officers and soldiers show mercy? A rain of arrows fell, and the rebel soldiers fell instantly. Then the spear was raised, and the phalanx was like a hedgehog, slowly advancing into the crowd. How dare those rebels come forward? However, there was a wolf in front of them and a tiger behind them. They huddled together in panic, not knowing where to go or where to go. Until the spear array advanced forward, they watched helplessly as the opponent stabbed and retracted, and the people around them screamed and fell to the ground; after stabbing and retracting again, their bodies hurt, and they fell down helplessly.

Finally, some people couldn't stand it anymore and brandished their swords and guns everywhere, killing people without caring whether they were friends or foes. As a result, this burst of random killing accidentally disrupted the spear formation of the officers and soldiers. "Lao Huihui" was overjoyed when he saw this, and shouted: "God will not kill me, God will bless me!" Then he rushed over with the dead soldiers.

This spear formation is very strong, and they are most afraid of being disturbed by the formation. If the enemy gets close to them, they will not be able to use the four-foot-long spear in their hands. The "Lao Huihui" led four to five hundred people to fight in. He only killed the phalanx of spearmen of the officers and soldiers until they fell over and fled in disarray. "Lao Huihui" was about to pursue him when he saw another formation of spears approaching from the left and right. A hail of arrows came and hit a dozen of his dead soldiers. "Lao Huihui" had no choice but to rush to the "Optimus Prime" camp.

In order to maintain their formation, the officers and soldiers' spear array did not move quickly and could not catch up, so they had to stay far behind. "Lao Huihui" secretly felt cruel in his heart, thinking: "When I get to the 'Optimus Prime' camp, I will let him hit you hard with artillery and kill you all, so that I can relieve the hatred in my heart."

The officials and thieves chased each other for a mile or two, and finally arrived at Zhang Shun's camp. When "Lao Huihui" arrived, he saw that the camp was quiet. He was shocked in his heart: "We are fighting so loudly outside, how come this 'Optimus Prime' is still sleeping in the camp? He is not even the slightest bit vigilant. He is really wasting his reputation!"

Thinking of this, "Lao Huihui" quickly led people to push open the camp door. As soon as they entered the camp, torches were lit all around. "Lao Huihui" looked up and saw that there were officers and soldiers all around. "Lao Huihui" didn't know that this "Optimus Prime" had sneaked away without knowing when, and he just tricked himself to death.

Where has he ever suffered such a loss in his life? He couldn't help but curse loudly: "'Optimus Prime', you hypocritical villain, I'm going to die!"

The officers and soldiers didn't care how he yelled and cursed, they just surrounded him on all sides and shot from a distance with bows and arrows. Poor "Lao Hui Hui", a lifelong hero, how can he suffer such a boring loss? He led his dead soldiers to attack desperately, and all the officers and soldiers were sent back. No matter how heroic he was, the spears were as dense as wormwood in the wilderness. They were so dense that when they were stabbed, it was bloody.

Sometimes the leader of "Lao Huihui" had great difficulty in deflecting the first spear, but before he could get close, he was stabbed by the spearmen in the second and third rows, and a dozen brothers were immediately turned into a hornet's nest. Even if you are wearing armor, you cannot withstand such a stabbing blow. "Lao Huihui" and the others were surrounded from all sides and stabbed, and the guards guarding him were "peeled off" layer by layer like a carapace. In less than half a moment, "Lao Huihui" felt his eyes light up, and there were only densely packed officers and soldiers left around him.

"Lao Huihui" smiled sadly, looked at the three or two remaining brothers around him, and had nothing to say. He just shouted: "Kill!" Before he could make a move, he was killed by dozens of people. The spears all struck. "Lao Huihui" felt like his whole body was punctured by a rubber ball, and he suddenly lost all strength.

However, he was used to being cruel, so under such circumstances, he gritted his teeth and used the last bit of strength to throw the steel knife in his hand into the crowd of officers and soldiers. He only heard a scream from one of the officers and soldiers, and it was unknown who he hit. The "Lao Huihui" laughed so hard that the wounds all over his body began to bleed.

At this time, another officer said angrily: "You dare to be so arrogant when you are about to die, pick me up!"

I heard the crowd shouting "Get up" in unison, and the "Old Huihui" was picked up alive by dozens of people with spears. "Lao Huihui" was so painful that he almost fainted. He gritted his teeth and tried to insult the damn "Optimus Prime" a few more times, but he opened his mouth and became deflated. Just like a dying toad, I struggled to kick my legs several times, but I could no longer use the strength.

The blood on his body was dripping down the spear, and "Lao Huihui" finally felt the passage of his life this time. He smiled strangely, as if he saw God calling him from the sky, where there were many beautiful women waiting for him to be blessed. Perhaps, he would have the opportunity to enjoy the legendary emperor's seventy-two concubines in heaven.

Just when "Lao Huihui" was dying of anger, Zhang Shun had already left Huaiqing Mansion and arrived at Wanzi City. It turned out that on that day, in order to retaliate against "Lao Huihui" for "forcing the palace", "Zijinliang" actually proposed not to notify "Lao Huihui" that Henan Governor Fan Shangxuan was coming with troops. As expected, Fan Shangxuan heard that the rebels were still besieging Huaiqing Mansion, so he took the opportunity to attack at night and cut off the "Lao Huihui"'s chance of survival.

Thanks to fan "Po Shui" for the reward! Po Shui is a long-time reader and has been supporting the author silently. The author expresses deep gratitude!

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