Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 115 Breaking the City

According to Zhang Shun's thinking, in fact, it would be best if Huang Lai'er, the "advocate", was not notified. Neither the left nor right were good birds. If he died, he would be regarded as eliminating harm for the people. However, this person was in a better position and his subordinates were more fierce. Following the advice of "Purple Gold Liang", he was notified. If the official army attacks, "Lao Huihui" blocks in front, and this "invading general" takes the opportunity to escape. When I turned around to react, I learned that they had already evacuated first and were afraid of this person.

This is a matter of winning people's hearts. Even if a fool thinks a lot, he will gain something. "Purple Golden Liang" has been intrigued for a long time, and finally learned this skill. He then ordered the Taoist Taoist Qi Xu to be sent to communicate with him in order to win over the hearts and minds of the "general".

When Taoist Qixu arrived at the camp of "Chuang Jiang" Huang Lai'er, Huang Lai'er was discussing the attack on the city with his nephew and subordinates. When Taoist Master Qi Xu saw Huang Lai'er's appearance, he couldn't help but be startled: He looked like an emperor again!

Taoist Qi Xu was shocked and thought: "There are no two days in the sky and no two masters in the country. How can a second emperor be born?" So he pretended not to know, went to tell his name, approached Huang Lai'er, and lowered his head. The voice conveys the order of "Purple Gold Liang". Huang Lai'er, the "traveler", was shocked when he heard this. He didn't shy away from Taoist Qi Xi, and directly greeted the two people on the left and right, saying: "Chixin, Jiexuan! What do you think of this matter?"

Qixu Taoist didn't care about their discussion, but took a closer look at Huang Lai'er's appearance, and then observed the faces of "Chixin" and "Jixuan", and was greatly surprised: "Chixin" and "Jixuan" were both Huang Lai'er is indeed an extraordinary person who can be granted the title of marquis and general. However, upon closer inspection, it was discovered that these three people were all in their prime. He couldn't help but sneered, there was no need to force anything in his life. This person is a powerful enemy and must be guarded against in the future, that's all!

Afterwards, the rebels each withdrew without mentioning anything. The "Chuang Jiang" only said that "Lao Huihui" had also received a notice from "Zijinliang" and swept the snow in front of him, pulled up his camp and withdrew his troops and left. As a result, only one "Lao Huihui" was left to die alone in Huaiqing Mansion.

Shortly after the death of "Lao Huihui", "Zijinliang" and others once again passed through Tianjingguan and crossed the Taihang Mountains to Zezhou, Shanxi, catching Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, by surprise. There were originally Ningshan Guards stationed in Zezhou City. The last few times the rebels passed by, Ningshan Guards shrank into the city, and "Zijinliang" and others had no way to deal with Zezhou City.

It's just that this time Zezhou Zhizhou Wang Yunchang was careless. By the time he learned about the military situation, "Purple Golden Liang" Zhang Shun and others had already led an army to the city. The Zezhou magistrate, Wang Yunchang, was originally a decent bureaucrat. Since the peasant army entered Zezhou, he had no soldiers or generals. He worked hard all day long and had trouble sleeping and eating.

Because the Ningshan Guards in Zezhou could not be used, he specially recruited more than a thousand new soldiers and stationed them outside the city to guard against rebel attacks. As a result, the rebels did not wait, but instead waited for the arrival of officers and soldiers from all walks of life. As the saying goes: "Thieves are like a comb; soldiers are like a grate." The officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were more ruthless than thieves.

This is exactly what "the thieves come and the soldiers come, the thieves come and the soldiers go. The high and middle-ranking soldiers come one after another. They demand pay like tigers and poison like wolves. They regard the officers and soldiers in the state as nothing more than fish and meat on the table." Wang Yunchang originally expected them to deal with the bandits, so how could he dare to offend them? We had to ask the gentry in the city to donate money, and the people in the city to contribute their efforts to satisfy the officers and soldiers who came and went.

Unexpectedly, the officers and soldiers were plundering and extorting, and in a few months, the prosperous and prosperous city of Zezhou was almost completely wiped out. Wang Yunchang had no choice but to talk hard and finally send away such a plague god.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the officers and soldiers left, three rebel troops - "Purple Gold Beam", "Optimus Prime" and "Chuang Jiang" - descended from the sky and instantly surrounded the city of Zezhou. Wang Yunchang was about to cry, but had no choice but to gather more than a thousand new soldiers who had fled back to the city and some of the available Ningshan Guard soldiers to defend the city.

It is said that among the three people outside the city, "Zijin Liang" was the most powerful, so he was responsible for attacking two walls of Zezhou, while Zhang Shun and "Chuang Jiang" were each responsible for one side of the other two walls. There is a local Shanxi rebel army under the command of "Zijin Liang", and the leader is called "Nine Dragons". These "Nine Dragons" were originally bandits in Shuiyu Village, Lingchuan County, Zezhou. They suffered heavy losses due to the encirclement and suppression by officers and soldiers. After "Zijinliang" and other Shaanxi rebels entered Zelu Prefecture, he defected to "Zijinliang".

This time, "Purple Golden Liang" ordered him to lead the troops to attack the north gate of Zezhou, and he himself led the troops to attack the west gate of Zezhou. Zhang Shun attacked the south gate of Zezhou, and Huang Lai'er, the "general", took charge of the east gate of Zezhou. The three came to a conclusion and each ordered an attack on Zezhou City.

The "Purple Golden Liang" troops did not have many tactics to attack the city. They were just attacking the city with ants or making some simple siege equipment. Zhang Shun's siege method was more brutal, and it was nothing more than cannon bombardment. Only the "breaking general" method of siege is quite unique.

Although this "general" may seem dull, once he reaches the battlefield, he is like a wolf and a tiger. He was already strong and strong, and he walked like a tiger with great strength. He was good at riding and shooting, so he was called "Chuang Jiang" and had a reputation for being good at attacking.

This time, he sent his fierce general "Mountain Harrier" to attack the city. This "mountain-climbing harrier" is tall, mighty, and handsome, but he is a fierce warrior. He made a forty-pound iron rod in his hand and waved it on the battlefield, invincible.

Therefore, the "general" ordered "Mountain Harrier" to take people to retrieve the Zezhou city bricks first. If each person could retrieve one brick, he could return to the camp to rest; if he failed to retrieve the bricks and returned, he would be killed immediately. on the spot. After a large area of ​​bricks was removed from the city wall, he ordered people to drill through the city wall.

By the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Chinese-style city walls were just bricks on the outside and rammed earth on the inside. Although it seems to be extremely strong, it cannot withstand the drilling method of "breaking into the general". Soon, the "Mountain Harrier" led people to dig a "cave" in the city wall.

At first, the "cave" could only accommodate one person. As the "cave" gradually expanded, it could accommodate dozens of people, and gradually it could accommodate more than a hundred people. Then, the "Mountain Harrier" continued to lead people to dig into the city wall, leaving an earth pile every three or five steps to support the city wall.

In this way, the city wall, which was only about a foot wide, was actually more than half of it was pierced by the "Mountain Harrier" leaders. Wang Yunchang didn't know the art of war, so he was anxious in the city, but he couldn't do anything.

When the "Mountain Harrier" had dug almost all the city wall, he withdrew. He ordered people to tie ropes to the piles of earth, and asked thousands of people to pull the ropes. How do these piles of earth withstand the pulling of so many horses?

As slogans rang out one after another, the pillars suddenly collapsed and the city collapsed. A gap was created in Zezhou City by the "Mountain Harrier" and others. Wang Yunchang was shocked when he saw this. He dragged his sick body to supervise the battle regardless of his illness, and ordered his soldiers to fight to the death to block the gap.

Thanks to fan Angry Narcissus for the large reward and book friend 20180308135359153 for the reward. Thank you for your support!

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