Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1143 The size of the temple counts

"Your Highness the King of Qin, Sun is too ashamed to deserve it. How dare he call it the Great Wall?" At this time, Sun Chuanting had just become an official because of his "border talent".

Without the record of capturing and killing the "Chuang King" Gao Yingxiang in his previous life, and the experience of countless battles with the "Chuang General" Li Zicheng and the "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai, how could he dare to boast of Tan Daoji?

Even Chief of Staff Hong Chengchou and Chief of Staff Lu Weiqi glanced at him expressionlessly. Although they didn't say anything, everyone could see three words in their eyes: Are you worthy?

Of course, since Zhang Shun said this, he actually had some basis for it.

Zhang Shun's basis is of course not his half-baked historical knowledge, but the conclusion reached by combining the practice of this life and the theory of previous lives in leading the rebel army all the way to the present.

"Don't think that I am trying to kill Mr. Sun!" Zhang Shun shook his head and smiled.

"The disadvantage of Ming Dynasty is that it destroys the foundation. The rich are connected with each other, while the poor have no foundation."

"However, there are people across the country who are full of rice and grain, and houses full of gold and jade, but they are linked up and down and refuse to pay a penny;"

"Those who do not have a standing cone will not have enough to eat and will not be able to survive, but they will be subjected to exorbitant taxes and various kinds of exploitation."

"Since then, the taxes cannot be collected, and the soldiers cannot eat. As a result, the Tartar border troubles have arisen from outside, and the people have caused troubles from within."

"We are besieged internally and externally, and are in dire straits, so the government and the public are helpless. Even if there are wise ministers and good generals who support us in every possible way, they can only stop the boiling water."

"Although Bai Gu was used because of his border talent, he happened to hit the shortcomings of the Ming Dynasty. His method of cleaning up farmland was almost the same as that of the rebel army."

"Although I expected that there would be resistance from the gentry and military households, I never thought that the people of the Ming Dynasty would dare to cut off their own life-saving straw when facing a huge military threat. It is really incredible!"

"This" Hong Chengchou, Lu Weiqi and Sun Chuanting couldn't help but look at each other when they heard this.

They are all smart people, and after a little thought, they understood what Zhang Shun meant.

The foundation of ancient farming society was people and fields.

If people have their own land, then the people will serve, the land will provide gifts, and the country will have both human and financial resources.

Then with the help of loyal ministers and famous generals, the country will be prosperous and the people will be strong.

If there is uneven distribution of land between people and land, there will be no way to supply troops and no way to collect taxes.

Naturally, good people are thieves, and the country's wealth and military are weak. Even if there are capable ministers and famous generals, it will only delay the time.

Today's Ming Dynasty is the latter. In the words of Zhang Shun in his previous life, it is called "serious land annexation and prominent social contradictions."

Sun Chuanting, the former governor of Shanxi, not to mention his ability, but this method of cleaning up the farmland was the only way to save the situation.

Although his power is limited, it is impossible for him to clean up the entire world. At least he can delay the "illness" and avoid "sudden death".

However, now that even Sun Chuanting's Qingtun strategy cannot be implemented, then the next attack by the rebel army and Hou Jin may be the day when the Ming Dynasty is destroyed.

"Except for the more than 100,000 border troops in the four towns of Jiliao and Xuanda, the Ming Dynasty is estimated to have tens of thousands of elite troops in Sichuan, Huguang, Henan and Shandong. The total number of elite troops that can be mobilized in the Ming Dynasty does not exceed 200,000!" Hong Chengchou frowned and calculated in his mind for a long time before coming to a conclusion.

"Mr. Hong is indeed a great talent!" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but admired after hearing this.

"Shanxi Town currently has 23,489 soldiers and horses. Except for most of them stationed at Yanmen, Ningwu and Piantou Neiguan, there are only more than 1,000 people at Yumen Crossing Zhengjiadong and more than 1,000 people crossing at Puban Crossing. There are only more than a thousand people in Fenglingdu."

"In the fourth year of Chongzhen's reign in Datong Town, Zhang Fengyi, then Minister of War, found out that the number of soldiers was actually 75,000. It was surprising that the Xuanfu army had 80,000 troops, but today it is only 60,000."

"The total number of Jiliao, Miyun, and Changping towns is only 150,000 or 60,000, and the total number should be 300,000 Youqi."

"If these 300,000 soldiers and horses are eliminated from those who are empty, old and weak, etc., the actual number would be 200,000 ears."

"If we follow the old rule of seven defenses and three battles, the imperial court can only mobilize 90,000!"

"That is to say, seriously speaking, the number of men and horses in Ming Dynasty and Qin Dynasty is almost the same!" Zhang Shun nodded after hearing this, and asked, "I don't know how many troops and horses Hou Jin has, but does anyone know?"

This is the benefit of the governors of the Ming Dynasty constantly joining the rebel army, and the truth and falsehood are well known to the rebel army.

"This" Hong Chengchou, Lu Weiqi and Sun Chuanting had never been in charge of Liao affairs, and they really knew nothing about it.

Alas, if only Liang Tingdong, the Minister of War, had not hanged himself!

Zhang Shun looked at the expressions of the three of them and knew that their levels were still inferior and they could not know the core secrets of the Ming and Jin countries.

"His Royal Highness King Qin!" Sun Chuanting was silent for a moment, and then he responded when he saw that Hong Chengchou and Lu Weiqi were both silent.

"Although the number of troops in the Later Jin Dynasty is a secret and is not known to outsiders. However, according to its grammar, we can also get a glimpse of the leopard."

"It is said that each of the Eight Banners has a total of 7,500 soldiers, and the Eight Banners have a total of 60,000 soldiers."

"I also heard that the new Eight Banners of Mongolia should have 60,000 soldiers. If we add the troops of Jin Kong Youde, Shang Kexi, Geng Zhongming and other Han people, the number will be at least 150,000!"

In fact, Sun Chuanting's algorithm is literally meaningless, full of a lot of imagination, and is basically all nonsense.

It turns out that under the rule of Hou Jin, there are now 308 Niulu in Manchuria, about 80 in Mongolia, and one banner of Han soldiers.

Among them, the number of Han soldiers in each banner is unknown. It is only known that one of the ten Han soldiers from each household in the eight banners was selected, and there were approximately six to seven thousand.

Generally speaking, the amount is probably around 100,000. If calculated based on the maximum number of mobilizations that Hou Jin Erding could draw, it would be possible to mobilize around 170,000 to 80,000 people.

So sometimes the strange things in the world are to blame here. Most of the basis for Sun Chuanting's calculations are wrong. On the contrary, the estimate of Hou Jin's military strength is very close to the actual situation.

Of course Zhang Shun didn't know the fallacy, but in his previous life he had heard about the Battle of Songjin between Hong Chengchou leading 130,000 elite Ming troops and the Manchus.

This number was of little use to Zhang Shun in his previous life, but it was an important reference for Zhang Shun in this life.

Having experienced battles for a long time, he has understood that under normal circumstances, the strength of the two sides in a battle must be almost the same, otherwise it will reveal a one-sided situation.

So Zhang Shun nodded and said: "Okay, I understand!"

"If we look at it from the perspective of mobilization alone, both the Ming and Jin kingdoms have the ability to mobilize 100,000 field troops to launch battles. Am I right to understand this?"

"That's right!" Hong Chengchou, Lu Weiqi and Sun Chuanting nodded together after hearing this, and then they understood what Zhang Shun meant.

"Then the question is, how many troops can our army mobilize to fight at once? How many troops, food and wages should be needed to wipe out the main forces of the Ming and Jin Dynasties in one go!"

"This... King Qin will wait for a moment and wait for the ministers to calculate carefully!" Hong Chengchou hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but said respectfully.

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