Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1144 Offering suggestions

"Start the King of Qin!" Hong Chengchou thought for a long time and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

"Jingchen calculated that the King of Qin had 46,000 people in the old and new 13th camp in Shaanxi."

"There are seven battalions of 25,000 people who have taken refuge in King Shun's rebel army."

"There are 120,000 officers and soldiers who have taken refuge with King Shun on three sides and four towns."

"In addition, Xiao Qinhu has 15,000 men under his command, plus the 12 battalions stationed elsewhere, the total number is 50,000."

"The total number of King Shun's men is twenty-four thousand!"


Zhang Shun, Lu Weiqi, Sun Chuanting and others were shocked when they heard this.

It is said that King Shun had an army of 200,000 men under his command. Since his rule was divided into two groups, Shaanxi and Henan, no detailed calculation was made.

Now there are actually so many people, which is beyond everyone's expectation.

"Actually, if the King of Qin wants to conquer the Ming and Jin Kingdoms, it is not impossible!" After calculating his family wealth, Chief of Staff Hong Chengchou couldn't help but feel a little more confident.

"As long as Ganzhen is plowed deeply, at least 200,000 troops can be sent out to fight, enough to destroy the Ming Dynasty and reject the gold!"

"How do you say this?" Zhang Shun was stunned, and then he, Lu Weiqi and Sun Chuanting looked at Hong Chengchou.

“Among the three towns in Shaanxi Province, Yulin and Gan Town are the most prominent, followed by Guyuan and Ningxia, and Lintao is the largest town.”

"It's just that now Yulin cannot raise a large army due to the famine in Yansui. Ningxia has flooded the city due to the Kuaibai Rebellion, causing the farmland to be destroyed, and it cannot do its best."

"Guyuan was originally the center of the three sides. However, in the past, King Shun defeated Chen Qiyu, Wei Chen and Liang Tingdong. Guyuan Town suffered heavy losses and is now unable to hold its responsibilities."

"Except for these three towns, Ganzhen and Lintao have not suffered military disasters and have suffered minimal losses."

"Therefore, according to my plan, we should pass through Ganzhen to stabilize the Fan people; clean up Guyuan, Ningxia and Ganzhen military camps to recruit Gansu soldiers."

"I heard that in the previous dynasty, Guyuan cultivated 80,000 hectares of farmland and produced more than 300,000 dan of grain every year."

"Ningxia has 16,000 hectares of farmland and an annual harvest of 170,000 shi."

“Gansu has 111,000 hectares of farmland and produces more than 300,000 dan of grain annually.”

"In this way, we can get 700,000 stone grains, which is enough to raise an additional 50,000 to 60,000 soldiers."

"In this way, King Shun has an army of 300,000. He only needs to leave 15,000 soldiers in Nanyang, 5,000 soldiers in Luoyang, 5,000 soldiers in Xi'an, 10,000 in each of the other five towns, 5,000 in Shangzhou, and another 20,000. Just in case, that’s it!”

" this okay?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this.

He just had this idea, not that he planned to conquer the east and conquer the world immediately.

After Hong Chengchou's calculations, it seemed that things were not that difficult.

"Okay, so the pressure is on Mr. Lu's side. Mr. Lu, what do you think of this matter?" Zhang Shun chuckled and turned to ask Lu Weiqi.

"Ask me, I don't know what to do!" Lu Weiqi said with a dark face.

"Not to mention whether an additional 700,000 stones will be enough, let's just talk about clearing the farmland."

"One of Zhang Bojing and Li Zicheng was a good person, and the other was a bad person. They finally cleaned up Shanxi Mansion, but they encountered no one knows how much resistance they encountered."

"Now these two people are focused on cleaning up Yan'an, Qingyang and Suide. I don't know when they will be able to do it."

"Ningxia Town is okay. Now that Cao Wenzhao and Zheng Chongjian are handling it, it is estimated that it will be cleaned up by the end of the year."

"But what about Guyuan Town and Gansu Town? One is a rebellion of chieftains and is being quelled; the other is a general who went on an expedition and stayed behind to concentrate on horse administration."

"The general goes out to fight" refers to Chen Changzhen, and "left behind" refers to Chen Jindou. Before he set off, Zhang Shun repeatedly asked him to help stabilize Guyuan and at the same time do a good job in horse administration.

So now Chen Jindou is leading Jicheng everywhere to select stallions, recruit people, and buy foals. He is so busy that he has no time to deal with farm matters.

"Sir, don't be anxious, sir, don't be anxious, aren't we here to help?" Zhang Shun comforted with a smile after hearing this.

"Where is it? Where is it? King Shun, please don't coax me!" Lu Weiqi looked around, but saw no one.

"Far away, yet so close. Isn't this Mr. Sun, Sun Baigu, a good candidate to be in charge of Qingtun?" Zhang Shun said with a smile.

"What?" Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Before Lu Weiqi and Hong Chengchou could say anything, Sun Chuanting was the first to refuse: "No, no, this can't be done!"

"In the Ming Dynasty, I served as the governor of Shanxi and was in charge of the Qingtun military training. When I came to the King of Qin, I was demoted and was still in charge of the Qingtun military training. So wasn't my surrender in vain?"

No, Fujun, what do you mean? If you leave King Shun here to show off and pretend to be an uncle, could it be that the birthday boy is tired of hanging himself?

Chen Jitai couldn't help but break into a cold sweat when he heard this, and wished he could go forward and cover Sun Chuanting's mouth.

"Haha!" Zhang Shun laughed heartily after hearing this.

"It's not in vain, it's not in vain!"

"Over there in the Ming Dynasty, when you were in charge of Qingtun, no one would support you; in Qingtun here in the rebel army, you should keep your heart in mind. If anyone dares to touch you, ask me if I will agree!" Zhang Shun He couldn't help but open his mouth and promise.

"I don't care about any monsters or monsters. If anyone dares to resist, just kill them. I will take care of you!"

"As for governors and governors, they sound like big officials. I don't know how many of them have been killed since I started the army. What is it worth?"

"Just do it, and there will be a shortage of governors and governors all over the world. Tell me which one you want, and I will keep it for you!"

Good guy, Zhang Shun's call made Sun Chuanting burst into tears.

"I am just a demoted official. If I have great merit and reputation, King Shun will entrust me with important tasks. Aren't I afraid that Sun will screw up King Shun?" Sun Chuanting couldn't help but ask.

"Afraid, why aren't you afraid?" Zhang Shun looked solemn when he heard this.

"Time waits for no one. Not only is this king afraid of you, but I am also afraid of him! And him!"

Zhang Shun stretched out his hand and nodded at Hong Chengchou and Lu Weiqi, saying with sincerity.

"I'm afraid that you will be wronged by me and have nothing to say; I'm afraid that you will despise me for my simple conditions and will not be able to enjoy the glory and wealth; I'm afraid that you 'choose your ministers and ministers will choose their king', and you will despise me for not being a wise master and leave me. go……"

When Hong Chengchou, Lu Weiqi and Sun Chuanting heard Zhang Shun's words, they did not expect that they and others were so important in King Shun's heart. They couldn't help but be moved, and they quickly knelt down and said: "Understanding that the Lord of the Ming Dynasty is like this, Hong Chengchou (Lü Weiqi and Sun Chuanting) dare not to bow down and die exhausted." Huh!"

Especially Sun Chuanting, who had just been "abandoned" by Chongzhen, was in tears.

He couldn't help but pull Zhang Shun's clothes, and cried bitterly: "Thanks to the kindness of King Shun, it is like Zhuge meeting his late master, or Taigong meeting King Wen. Even if he is broken into pieces, Sun will bear it on his shoulders!"

Hey hey hey, that’s too much!

Hong Chengchou and Lu Weiqi were quite moved at first, but then they didn't feel that way after listening to it.

What does "Zhuge meet his late lord, Taigong meet King Wen" mean?

Who do you think is Zhuge Wuhou? Who do you think is Taigong Lu Shang?

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