Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1145 A wave of flow

It is said that since Hong Chengchou returned to the rebel army, although he took on the title of chief of staff, he did not really come up with many effective strategies.

However, this time he proposed the strategy of "stabilizing the town of Gan, clearing out the farmland, and recruiting Gan soldiers in preparation for the Eastern Expedition", which really made Zhang Shun's eyes bright.

It happened that he had an "idle man" Sun Chuanting under his command, so he immediately ordered him to take office.

As for Chen Jitai, this man is quite capable. Zhang Shun is going to wait for Fatty Zhang to convince the "chaotic soldiers" Dang Shousu and the "soap eagle" Zhang Rukui to put him in charge of these two people and set up another battalion.

"No, His Highness King Shun, are you just going to reuse us?" Sun Chuanting looked in disbelief.

"Aren't you afraid that we are spies sent by the imperial court, deliberately coming here to explore the intelligence of the rebels and sabotage their plans?"

"Don't be suspicious of those you employ, don't be suspicious of others. Don't say that you two are not, so what if they are spies of the Ming Dynasty?" Zhang Shun sneered when he heard this.

"Even if it is a spy from the Ming Dynasty, I dare to use it with confidence!"

Just kidding, if everyone in the Ming Dynasty was really aware of the threat of the rebels, how stupid would they have to be to send two spies at the cost of cutting off their own life-saving straw?

Even if they are so stupid, you, Sun Chuanting, can't really be that stupid!

"His Royal Highness King Qin!" After some testing, Sun Chuanting and Chen Jitai were truly convinced this time.

The two couldn't help but bow to him: "People often say that King Shun is magnanimous and courteous to the virtuous and corporal, which makes people willing to die for him."

"When we met today, it turned out to be true. The two of us wish we could have met King Shun when he was still in his early days of success, following him around all the time and listening to his teachings. We would have no regrets!"

Sun Chuanting and Chen Jitai are different from others. They are both serious people who understand the difficulty of doing things.

Now the two of them have just been jealous of everyone in the Ming Dynasty, and they are quite tragic: "I have not failed the people of the world, but I did not expect the people of the world to fail me."

As a result, after arriving at Zhang Shun's side, not only were they entrusted with important responsibilities, but they were also deeply trusted. How could they not compete to death?

After finally calming down the agitated Sun Chuanting and Chen Jitai, Zhang ordered Wang Jinyi to lead the two men down to rest.

Sun Chuanting and Chen Jitai knew that Zhang Shun, Hong Chengchou and Lu Weiqi had important matters to discuss, and Sun Chuanting himself was worried that his son Sun Shirui was frightened, so they bid farewell to Zhang Shun and went to check out the house Zhang Shun had given him.

"Your Highness King Shun, are these two people reliable?" Seeing that the two people had just left, Lu Weiqi couldn't help but ask.

"Reliability or not depends not only on you and me, but also on him!" Zhang Shun pointed in the direction of Shuntian Mansion in the northeast and couldn't help but sneered.

Hong Chengchou smiled bitterly when he heard this, who said it wasn't the case?

When I first besieged King Shun, wasn't it because of my own arrogance and the desperate urging of the imperial court?

"His Royal Highness King Shun, do you really want to change the originally stable strategy?" Hong Chengchou frowned and couldn't help but ask again.

"Time waits for no one!" Zhang Shun understood Hong Chengchou's mood and couldn't help but sigh.

"If what I predict is correct, I am afraid that between the end of this year and the middle of next year, there will be a battle between the Ming Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty and myself!"

"Oh? I wonder why King Shun made such a judgment?" Hong Chengchou frowned and couldn't help asking.

Too radical. The newly adjusted strategy of "King Shun" this time was too radical, almost to the point of all-or-nothing, life or death.

"Do you still remember my 'food war'?" Zhang Shun shook his head and said with a wry smile, "At the beginning, I just had a whim, and based on the mentality of 'beating children on a rainy day, it is also idle when you are idle', so I played such a trick .”

"Now it seems that this move will bear fruit!"

"King Shun, what are you saying?" Lu Weiqi was about to speak but stopped after hearing this.

"Yes, the Ming Dynasty's frontier army and Houjin are all short of food!" Zhang Shun sneered.

"Actually, we are running out of food! If we hadn't squeezed out millions of silver from the vassal kings of Fu Fan, Chong Fan, Tang Fan, and Qin Fan, and exchanged a lot of food and grass from Cheng Jia, where would we have food? Can you afford these more than 200,000 troops?"

"King Shun Mingjian!" Lu Weiqi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Sun Chuanting was present before, but Lu Weiqi did not mention this matter in order not to reveal the reality of the rebel army.

In fact, the original year's taxes in Shaanxi, if fully collected, would only support 100,000 soldiers and horses.

Even if the two prefectures of Henan, Nanyang and Ruzhou are added, they still cannot support an army of 200,000.

If you really want to feed an army of 200,000 people, that's easy to do.

The rebels can use their troops as a backing and send officials to measure the cultivated land one by one. According to the amount and infertility of the land, all they need to do is to collect grain as a whole.

However, a massive operation would not only take three to five years, but would also easily trigger a mutiny.

When the time comes, under attack from both inside and outside, it remains to be seen whether the rebels can overcome this difficulty.

Disarmament is even more impossible!

Nowadays, the reason why the rebel army is able to stabilize its rule in Shaanxi relies on the ability of the soldiers of the rebel army to conquer and fight and King Shun's reputation as a god in using troops.

If it is self-destruction, then it is called death without a burial place!

what to do?


Zhang Shun had a saying in his previous life, which was called "War is the continuation of politics." More straightforwardly, it was called "Internal conflicts must be resolved externally."

What does it mean?

If there is an internal problem, he will launch a war externally to divert the conflict. Now Zhang Shun has a bit of this idea.

"How long can the food last?" Zhang Shun asked solemnly.

"If we don't use the three million stones to reserve grain, we probably won't be able to survive next summer!" Lu Weiqi concluded.

"Isn't it enough to add grains from the fields in Gansu, Ningxia and Guyuan?" Zhang Shun said in surprise.

"Not enough!" Lu Weiqi shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "My Lord Shun!"

"Our rebels don't just have soldiers to eat food. We have officials, big and small, disaster relief in various places, plus cavalry and elites each with double pay. How can we support 300,000 elite soldiers with three million dan a year?"

"Okay, I'm greedy!" Zhang Shun shook his head and said, "Let's see. In the past few days, I have recruited my father-in-law Li Jingu and Cheng Jia to buy hundreds of thousands more grains and grains at all costs to make up for the shortfall!"

"No, His Highness King Shun, do you really want to crush the Ming Dynasty and Hou Jin Dynasty?" Lu Weiqi said in surprise.

"Not only did the run collapse? I also want to defeat them all together!" Zhang Shun sneered and said as if he was crazy.

"Have you heard the story of the land beneath my feet, right? The King of Qin used Shang Yang's plowing and warfare strategy to fight off the remaining warriors of the sixth generation, swallowing up the princes for two weeks!"

"The method is nothing more than 'sharpen a hole, farm and fight to build a country'!"

"Now I want to imitate the sages and take advantage of the shortcomings of the Ming and Jin countries to fight for the world!"

"From now on, when we expand our army and prepare for war, we must put military affairs first, followed by money and food. I want to exhaust all the manpower and material resources of Shaanxi and conquer the east and west to bring peace to the world!"

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