The development and growth of a normal political power cannot be separated from the mutual promotion of military and internal affairs.

In particular, the peasant uprising army that emerged from scratch first used force to occupy one of the separatist areas, and then established laws, recruited civil servants, encouraged farmers and mulberry trees, and levied taxes to consolidate the roots, and then it was completed.

Zhang Shun originally planned to take this path, deeply cultivate Shaanxi and western Henan, and then compete with the Ming Dynasty and Hou Jin Dynasty for the world.

Then Chongzhen failed to live up to his expectations. He couldn't even defend the "strategic location" specially reserved for him by Zhang Shun.

Shanxi is the backbone of the world. Since ancient times, Shaanxi and Hebei have competed for the world, but they have only competed for Shanxi.

If the land of Shaanxi is lost to Shanxi, the river can still be used as the boundary.

But if Hebei loses Shanxi, the natural danger of Taihang is not there. It stretches from the Yan Dynasty in the north to Shandong in the south and to the sea in the east!

Therefore, without Shaanxi, there would be no Beizhi, and without Beizhi, there would be no Shuntianfu.

As far as Shuntian Prefecture, Henan, Hebei, Shandong, and the south are bounded by plains, and most of them cannot be saved.

The area enclosed by these four provinces is the North China Plain, the largest plain in my country after the Northeast Plain.

The North China Plain, also known as the Huanghuaihai Plain, has been my country's main farming area since ancient times due to its very good rain and heat conditions, and it is also one of the most densely populated areas.

Historically, as long as the northern region with the North China Plain as the core is integrated, the great cause of unifying the world is basically completed by 70%.

As a result, Chongzhen, under pressure from the Shanxi gentry, captured Sun Chuanting, who was determined to reform.

So no matter who comes up, the current weak Shanxi Town will not be able to make it play the role of "mainstay".

If Hou Jin enters the border next time and Shanxi Town collapses at the first touch, the consequences will be disastrous.

God and God can't take it, but they are to blame!

Since the Ming Dynasty could not keep the land of Shanxi, Zhang Shun had no reason to let it fall into the hands of Hou Jin.

"His Royal Highness King Shun, this risk is too great!" After hearing Zhang Shun's crazy plan, Lu Weiqi couldn't help but tremblingly reminded.

"You used to say: If the foundation is not strong, the earth will shake. Now when the rebel army is newly established, it is militaristic."

"If the battle goes well, everything will be easy; if the battle goes badly, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Does what Lu Weiqi say make sense? It makes sense.

But now the Ming Dynasty can be seen with the naked eye running towards the abyss. Can Zhang Shun refuse to save him?

Of course not. What Zhang Shun needs to do is to prepare as soon as possible and wait for the fleeting opportunity.

Therefore, Zhang Shun smiled and said: "Plan, plan, if everything goes according to plan, I'm afraid I will still be chewing tree bark in the ravine!"

"Sir, you are in charge of internal affairs. Don't you know that even without today's army expansion strategy, the land of Shaanxi and western Henan cannot support these 240,000 troops?"

"The left and right can't afford it, so why not expand the army and prepare for war, and decide the world in one battle?"

"The unfavorable situation that sir is concerned about is nothing more than field battles, sieges, and harassment."

"Although the Ming Dynasty has many officers and soldiers, they actually lack the ability to fight large-scale battles. Therefore, the more soldiers it has, the weaker its combat power will be."

"Among the original Ming generals, Chen Qiyu, Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng, Fu Zonglong, Liang Tingdong and Sun Chuanting were well versed in military affairs."

"With experience and training, you may not be able to command an army of 100,000 people."

"However, all the ministers above are either dead or surrendering, and the rest are powerless!"

As a civilian official, Lu Weiqi didn't know anything about military affairs and the difficulty of commanding an army of 100,000 people.

In fact, since the Battle of Korea in the late Ming Dynasty, there has never been a well-organized large-scale battle.

This is also the origin of the saying in the late Ming Dynasty that "one general soldier fights the enemy back and forth, but if multiple general soldiers cooperate in the battle, the fight will be a mess."

In the original history, only Hong Chengchou and Sun Chuanting regained this ability after training with the peasant army.

As a result, in the Battle of Songjin and the Battle of Shiyuan, the two of them killed the elite of the Ming army one after another, and Ming Sui perished.

But now among the rebels, there is still a serious shortage of generals who actually have the ability to conduct large-scale operations.

Only Zhang Shun has experienced hundreds of battles, and has experienced the battle of Zhangdefu, two Luoyang defense battles, a southern expedition and the attack on Shaanxi.

Finally, in the last battle, he broke through the shackles of commanding 50,000 troops and jumped into the ranks of being able to command nearly 100,000 troops.

In addition to Zhang Shun, the other talents he carefully trained, such as Chen Changzhen, Xiao Qinhu, Zhang Sanbai and the talented Li Xin, could barely command 10,000 to 20,000 soldiers in combat, and they were still far from being able to command large-scale operations.

Of course, the rebel army is difficult, the officers and soldiers are even more difficult, and the situation in Houjin is not much better.

As the Khan King and military leader of the Later Jin Dynasty, Huang Taiji's personal abilities were not to be said. He spent most of his life as a soldier, conquering the east and west. Even if he cannot command an army of more than 100,000 at present, he is probably not far behind.

However, except for himself, the other flag masters, Gu Shan Ezhen, were only capable of commanding more than 10,000 people.

The rest, Daishan and Amin, were quite good, but they were jealous of Huang Taiji, so they were naturally not considered by Zhang Shun.

Therefore, Zhang Shunsi thought about it and thought that although there are many people in the world, there are only one and a half opponents.

One is Hong Tai, who also has the ability to command an army of 100,000 people, and the other is a Ming general who is still in an unknown corner, barely commanding about 50,000 people to fight against the rebels.

"King Shun is wise!" Lu Weiqi couldn't help but look stunned because he didn't know how to fight, but Hong Chengchou was a knowledgeable person and couldn't help but stepped forward and saluted.

In fact, after hearing Zhang Shun's words, Chief of Staff Hong Chengchou couldn't help but get excited.

Yes, now that King Shun lacks generals capable of commanding large-scale operations, will I, Hong Chengchou, also have the opportunity to go out and earn some credit?

Although Hong Chengchou today does not have the ability to command an army of 130,000 in history, he previously led an army of 40,000 to fight Zhang Shun, which proved his ability.

Judging from this, he still has the ability to lead 40,000 to 50,000 troops.

At this moment, Lu Weiqi realized what he was doing and couldn't help but ask: "So, King Shun can command an army of 100,000 people, but what about the other 100,000 troops?"

Since you can't command this 200,000-strong army by yourself, how are you going to fight this battle?

"It doesn't matter if I can't command you. Isn't there someone who can help?" Zhang Shun pursed his lips and said to Hong Chengchou.

"Thank you, King Shun, for your appreciation!" Even though Hong Chengchou had expected it, he still couldn't help but be extremely excited when he heard this.

"Mr. Hong can command a hundred thousand troops?" Lu Weiqi couldn't help but wonder.

I don't have much education, don't lie to me, I don't think this guy has this kind of ability!

"Don't dare, don't say 100,000 people, if I can command 50,000 people, I will be satisfied!" Hong Chengchou's family knew about his family affairs, and he quickly said his attitude.

"Him? He's just one of them!" Zhang Shun chuckled and said, "I've already thought about the other one."

"Who?" Even Hong Chengchou asked in surprise.

"Your old rival, 'Running General' Li Zicheng!" Zhang Shun raised his eyebrows and said.

It turned out that after the rebels crossed Mianchi, Li Zicheng and others returned to Shaanxi and had gathered tens of thousands of troops.

At that time, everyone elected Li Zicheng to be the commander-in-chief, and he led the army to confront and fight Hong Chengchou many times, which once caused Hong Chengchou a very headache.

It wasn't until later that Hong Chengchou found a loophole and broke up the rebel army, forcing "General" Li Zicheng, "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai and "Eight Kings" Zhang Xianzhong to leave eastward.

These three people later came to Luoyang to seek refuge with Zhang Shun, but were fooled by him into heading east to capture Fengyang, the central capital.

As a result, Hong Chengchou was freed up to lead an army to conquer Luoyang, which led to a series of subsequent stories.

"Is it him?" Hong Chengchou and Lu Weiqi were stunned when they heard this, and asked in surprise, "How dare King Shun use him?"

You can't survive without being crazy, the plan can't keep up with the changes, and the protagonist will take the evil path again.

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