"King Khan!" Fan Wencheng said with a frown, "The situation is not good. The price of food outside has skyrocketed, reaching the point where one bucket of rice is eighty taels, and many of the servants at home are starving to death."

"The gold and silver that were originally allocated to each banner were coaxed away by these profiteers, and everyone suffered terribly."

"A few days ago, some slaves who wanted to die rebelled and were killed by their masters before they were calmed down."

"It's just...it's just that there are a few masters who are not hurt by dog ​​slaves, and two of them are Niu Lu'erzhen..."

At this point, Fan Wencheng secretly glanced at Khan King Hongtai's expression and saw that he had no reaction, so he continued.

"Now the crowd is excited, and they are all clamoring to kill these birdmen..."

"Bastard!" Jin Guohan Hongtai was silent now. When he heard this, he really couldn't help it.

"Who said this bastard thing? Isn't this killing the goose that lays the egg?"

"If you run out of gold and silver, you can rob again. If you run out of slaves, you can rob again. If you run out of food, you can rob again. But if you don't have credit, then you really have nothing!"

It turns out that the Hou Jin plundered the pass, mainly focusing on people, gold and silver and other easily portable people, livestock and a large number of valuables.

However, as a result, a large amount of gold and silver will pour into Houjin, which will inevitably lead to skyrocketing prices and inflation.

Therefore, it was necessary to rely on Fan Yongdou, Wang Dengku and others to smuggle materials from the Ming Dynasty to maintain the economic order of Houjin.

As a result, due to successive natural disasters and military disasters in the north, the Later Jin Dynasty increasingly relied on robbing the Ming Dynasty to maintain social order.

Originally, the two sides entered and exited, except for the soldiers who died in vain and the people who suffered the disaster, a perfect dynamic balance was achieved.

Unexpectedly, after Zhang Shun robbed Fu Fan, Chong Fan, Tang Fan and other vassal kings, he actually hooked up with Yangzhou salt merchant Cheng Jia and placed an order for five million shi.

As soon as the rebels bought food, it didn't matter. Suddenly the whole world began to be short of food, and even the supply of the Ming Dynasty's border army and the capital was affected.

Although Fan Yongdou, Wang Dengku and others are bad to the core, the most basic professional ethics are still there.

What is "hoarding" and what is "sitting on the ground and raising prices" are all self-taught and do not change based on the customer's identity, status, ethnicity, or country.

But Hong Tai, the Khan of the Jin Kingdom, who was famous for his cruelty, couldn't do anything about them.

What is a monopoly?

This is called monopoly.

The eight families who smuggled and betrayed the country were all led by them.

If Hong Tai, the Khan of the Jin Kingdom, got angry and killed them, he might not even be able to buy the "eight taels and one dou" of food next time.

"Can you invite them over and discuss with them, using my reputation as a guarantee, to get a hundred thousand shi of food on credit?" Hong Tai frowned and made a suggestion after a while.

"Cash transactions are not allowed on credit!" Fan Wencheng said with a wry smile and shook his head.

What is our current situation? King Khan, can you still not see clearly?

As the saying goes: "If a drum is broken, thousands of people will beat it; if a wall falls, everyone will push it."

It's okay to expect them to be the icing on the cake, but to expect them not to take advantage of the situation, it's better to expect the sun to come out in the west.

"By the way, has the food from North Korea been delivered?" Hong Tai suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but ask.

In the seventh year of the Apocalypse, Hong Tai, who had just ascended the throne, sent Bel Amin to conquer North Korea. North Korea lost consecutive battles and asked for peace.

The two sides formed a "brotherly alliance" in Pyongyang. In addition to not being able to accept refugees from Liaodong and supporting Mao Wenlong on Pidao, North Korea also had to pay three thousand shi of food as a stipend every year.

Now that the Jin Kingdom is short of food, Mrs. Hong is thinking about this food again.

"Give it, I gave it a long time ago, three thousand shi of grain, not less than one tael!" Fan Wencheng laughed when he heard this.

"How can the small country of Korea dare to stroke the beard of King Khan?"

"Oh? It seems that the people of North Korea are living a prosperous life and have plenty of food!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but sigh.

"Huh?" Fan Wencheng was stunned when he heard this, and immediately realized what Jin Guohan Hongtai meant.

"What King Khan means is 'what is lost is harvested in the east'?"

"Yes, since the Ming Dynasty cannot be moved now, it is still possible to move the North Korea!" Mrs. Hong couldn't help but sneered.

"Brothers' Alliance, whose brother is he, Li Zhu!"

It turns out that in the original history, after Hongtai conquered Mongolia, he also realized that the title of "Khan of the Jin Kingdom" could no longer satisfy the need to rule Mongolia, Sauron and other tribes, so he began to consider proclaiming himself emperor.

However, North Korea happened to be sandwiched between the Ming Dynasty and Jin Dynasty. Later Jin Dynasty forced North Korea to become a vassal, but it failed. Then Hong Tai led his troops to conquer the country.

At that time, Hong Tai led a luxurious lineup such as Daishan, Dorgon, Duoduo, Duoluobele, Yuetuo, Haoge, Dudu, etc., and recruited Manchu and Mongolian elites, known as one hundred thousand, to invade North Korea on a large scale.

They besieged the Korean King Li Ju in Nanshan Seoul, broke through Ganghwa Island, and captured many Korean ministers, clan members, concubines, etc.

North Korea was wailing from top to bottom, with nothing to do, and finally had to accept the alliance under the city and become a vassal state of the Qing Dynasty.

But now because of Zhang Shun's unexpected emergence, Hong Tai had to postpone the matter of proclaiming himself emperor. The original reason for attacking North Korea has now become "losing the south and making up for the east".

"Then what's the good reason?" Fan Wencheng frowned.

He knew very well that repairing North Korea this time had violated Jin Guohan's strategy of stabilizing the eastern flank.

But things have to be prioritized, so this is the last resort.

Rather than offending North Korea, it is better to bring bad luck to Ming Dynasty at this time.

Otherwise, it would be a lose-lose situation with the Ming Dynasty and let the "successful thieves" benefit, which would be called more losses than gains.

"In this way, you send a few slaves to North Korea with money to buy grain according to the standard of one tael and one stone." After hearing this, Mrs. Hong pondered for a moment and said.

"If you agree, you should buy everything; if you don't, tell them to just make the matter bigger. If something goes wrong, I will make the decision for them!"

"Understood!" Fan Wencheng didn't understand when he heard this. King Hongtai wanted to exchange the lives of several slaves for an excuse.

Ever since Hong Tai sent Beil Amin to conquer Korea, people in Korea were furious and deeply ashamed.

This time, just sending a few slaves to show off their power and buy and sell by force will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the Korean people.

And these slaves rely on human power and are used to being arrogant and domineering in daily life. They will definitely not restrain themselves when they come to North Korea.

When the two sides collide, their lives will be in danger.

Of course, although they lost their lives, Jin Guohan also had an excuse to attack North Korea, so it was all worth it.

"King Khan is so wise that he kills two birds with one stone. It not only solves the problem of lack of food in the country, but also avoids conflict with the Ming Dynasty. It's really great!" Fan Wencheng couldn't help but flatter him.

"This is nothing!" Hong Tai was quite proud of this, but still said reservedly.

"Some trivial skills, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

"By the way, tell the merchants and spies in the Ming Kingdom to preach to me about the 'threat of the shun thieves'. The Ming Kingdom and the shun thieves must be allowed to fight together so that we can reap the benefits!"

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