Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1148 Fundraising

"Welcoming ministers, please see the Queen!" Zhou Kui, the head of the state, bowed to his daughter, Queen Zhou, in a polite manner.

Today's Empress Zhou wears a Yanju crown, a large yellow shirt, and a dark green haori. She behaves dignifiedly and generously. She is truly the master of the harem with a mother-in-law.

"I'm free of charge!" Queen Zhou suppressed her excitement and raised her hand.

The Tian family is ruthless. Although Zhou Kui is the queen's biological father, since the queen married King Xin, the monarchs and ministers of both parties are different and cannot perform family rituals.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time. They were polite and chatted for a while.

Empress Zhou then said seriously: "Now the Ming Dynasty is suffering from internal and external troubles. It cannot make ends meet. There is no pay for suppressing bandits, and no food for the soldiers. The country is in danger."

"Nowadays, taxation is difficult and food prices are soaring. The imperial court is really unable to continue."

"The ancients said: If the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, if it is overturned, not to mention the Tian family, even ordinary people, who can escape?"

"Now, Your Majesty would like to ask all ministers and clan members to raise money to fund the military..."

Queen Zhou's words were thoughtful and emotional. Just as she was getting into her words, her old father Zhou Kui sneered and said, "My son, how can you coax me?"

"I heard that Mr. Wanli left a huge family fortune to his descendants, including gold and silver, probably tens of millions of taels."

"In addition, he borrowed several million taels from the outer court and never returned them. Where is the lack of food and salary?"

"Now, as the mother of a country, you don't advise him to be magnanimous and behave generously, but instead you plot the property of your subordinates?"

"Father!" Queen Zhou almost cried because of him when she heard this.

Emperor Chongzhen really had so much silver at his disposal. How could he, a man with such a great face, risk his dignity as an emperor and solicit donations from his ministers?

If it had been anyone else, she would have been dragged out and punished.

Now the person who said this was his biological father. His bones were broken but his tendons were still attached. He had to endure his displeasure. How could he be punished?

"Okay, okay, I'll stop talking!" Zhou Kui said angrily, "You know our family background. Yesterday I scraped together 5,000 taels by selling iron and donated it all. What else do you have to say? Want to say something?"

In the Ming Dynasty, in order to prevent relatives from interfering in politics, the queens, princesses and even concubines were all from small families and did not have much assets.

When Queen Zhou saw that her father had donated so much silver, she was speechless for a moment.

She had no choice but to ponder for a moment, then ordered the palace maid to take out her private money and give it to the head of state, Zhou Kui, saying: "Our family, our country, the world, our family, as relatives of the emperor, will suffer both losses and prosperity."

"Now that your Majesty is short of money to recruit troops, you can help as much as you can."

"Here are the 5,000 taels that I secretly sold off some gold and silver jewelry for. Tomorrow morning, you can donate it to the meeting. It will make up for the 10,000 taels. Your Majesty must look better!"

"Okay... okay, then Wei Chen will suffer a lot!" Zhou Kui rolled his eyes and couldn't help but agreed.

Poor Queen Zhou didn't know that her family was a small family before she entered the palace.

But after she entered the palace, the Zhou family became aristocrats of the Ming Dynasty.

His father Zhou Kui was also named Jiading Bo. In just a few years, he made a lot of money and accumulated a huge family fortune.

Now let alone five thousand taels, what is it worth even if it is fifty thousand taels?

Empress Zhou also said that her father Zhou Kui understood the righteousness well. After she and her father discussed the matter, she quickly sent someone to inform the emperor Zhu Youjian so that he could act in court.

When Zhu Youjian learned about this, he was excited and moved. He couldn't help but sigh: "I have a wife like this, what more could a husband ask for!"

In the morning of the next day, Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian had the father-in-law Zhou Kui as his foundation, and he felt a little hopeful in his heart.

"Nowadays, the national situation is difficult, there are no soldiers and no pay, and the country is in danger. If any dear friend is willing to donate some silver, I will remember it in my heart!" Zhu Youjian couldn't help but asked with a face.

Seeing that the Holy Emperor shouted three times in a row, there were more than 2,000 ministers and officials in the court, but no one answered.

Zhou Kui, the head of the state, quickly stepped forward and said: "I am willing to donate another three thousand taels to support the country!"

"How much?" Zhu Youjian suspected that his ears heard the wrong number.

"I voluntarily donate another three thousand taels..." Zhou Kui repeated.


Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, and then had people drag him out and chop him up!

You are really my good father-in-law. You even stole two thousand taels of jewelry money from your daughter to buy for me!

"Okay, okay, okay! The abbot really understands the righteousness, everyone must the abbot!" Zhu Youjian couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

When the others heard what Zhou Kui, the head of the country, said, they suddenly felt enlightened and shouted:

"I donate five hundred taels!"

"I would like to donate two hundred taels!"

"I will donate another fifty taels!"

For a time, the court hall was as lively as a vegetable market, but Chongzhen didn't want to listen anymore.

A massive fund-raising event ended. Emperor Zhu Youjian of the Ming Dynasty raised a total of 23,927 taels of silver.

"Hehe, hehe, are they treating me like a beggar?" Chongzhen was furious. He was about to throw the tea cup in his hand, but suddenly he remembered that this seemed to be worth a few taels of silver, and he couldn't help but give it up. He let go.

"Your Majesty, Taichang Shaoqing Xue Guoguan would like to see you!" Wang Chengen couldn't bear to look at the current emperor and asked for instructions in a serious manner.

"What is he here for?" Chongzhen asked dissatisfiedly, remembering that he seemed to have only donated nine hundred taels.

"Then the slave will send him away now." Wang Chengen said knowingly after hearing this.

"That's all, let him come in first." Chongzhen thought for a moment and stopped Wang Chengen.

I can't act on impulse when it comes to national affairs!

"Your Majesty, Xue Guoguan, pay homage to Your Majesty!" Not long after, Xue Guoguan rushed over under the guidance of a young eunuch.

"Come on, I wonder why Xue Aiqing wants to see me?" Chongzhen said unhappily.

"Your Majesty, this matter is about fundraising!" Xue Guoguan said after hearing this.

"Oh? If you come to dissuade me, then just stop talking!" Chongzhen sneered.

"No, I'm here to offer advice to His Majesty!" Xue Guoguan couldn't help wiping his tears and said.

"My hometown, Hancheng, was invaded by thieves, and my family property was almost plundered by thieves. I suffered deeply, so I couldn't help but lend a helping hand to Your Majesty!"

"Oh? How do you say this?" When Chongzhen heard this, he realized that he had misunderstood him and couldn't help asking seriously.

"Your Majesty works long and hard at night, worrying about state affairs, but unexpectedly he deceives the superiors and deceives the superiors and deceives the inferiors, and does not take out a cent!" Xue Guoguan couldn't help but remonstrated.

"If your Majesty wants to raise military pay, you must kill the chicken to scare the monkeys!"

"How can you kill a chicken to scare the monkeys?" Chongzhen was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help asking.

"Li Guochen, the concubine brother of the Marquis of Wuqing, once told me that his father's assets were 400,000 taels, and he should get half of it. Now I request that it be used to support the state!"

" is this possible?" Chongzhen couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this, "How did Marquis Wu Qing have so many properties?"

The current Marquis of Wu Qing is the grandson of Empress Dowager Xiaoding's brother, and Empress Dowager Xiaoding Li is the biological mother of Emperor Shenzong.

If we talk about it, Empress Dowager Xiaoding Li is still Zhu Youjian's great-grandmother.

But the Tian family is ruthless, not to mention Grandma's relatives, even brothers are killing each other, how can there be any family ties?

But how could a noble nobleman like Wu Qinghou accumulate so much silver?

"If your Majesty refuses to believe it, I can secretly bring Li Guochen and ask your Majesty to interrogate him personally!" Xue Guoguan could not help but promise.

"As long as Your Majesty opens this gap, everything will be easy to handle."

"When the time comes, His Majesty will be in charge of the royal family, and the ministers outside will be in charge of minor officials. We will surely be able to raise enough money to annihilate the bandits and wipe out the Tartars!"

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