Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1150 The crowd is excited

"Li Guorui, I heard that you have a fortune of 400,000 yuan. I wonder if you can donate some to the military?" Chongzhen looked at Wu Qinghou in front of him with a cold face.

There was no trace of warmth between relatives in his eyes, but instead they were full of greed and viciousness.

"Your Majesty, I am a noble marquis whose annual salary is less than a thousand dan. How can I get such a lot of silver?" Li Guorui was shocked when he heard this and quickly denied it.

"No?" Chongzhen sneered, turned around and said, "My eldest companion, give it to him to see!"

When Wang Chengen heard this, he handed a piece of paper to Li Guorui. Wuqing Marquis Li Guorui took it and looked at it. He saw that it read: "Somewhere, somewhere, there is a house, worth more than 180,000 taels of silver; at a certain time, at a certain time At this moment, the profit from the transaction was 13,000 taels; in a certain year and month, the harvest from the farm was 3,700 taels," and so on.

The Marquis of Wu Qing, Li Guorui, suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart. His first reaction was "there is a spy"!

Is what is written on this paper true?

It was indeed true, it was just like checking his own account books, which made Li Guorui tremble.

"How is it? Are you donating the salary or not?" Chongzhen asked, staring at Li Guorui with eyes like a hungry wolf.

"Donate, isn't it enough for me to donate?" Li Guorui said in a tearful voice.

These family properties were accumulated from generation to generation since his great-grandfather Li Wei. Now they have been taken away by the "tyrant". How can he not be inexplicably sad and angry?

When Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian saw Li Guorui leaving the Qianqing Palace dumbfounded, he couldn't help but feel a little unbearable in his heart.

But this trace of intolerance was immediately overwhelmed by the fear brought by the two hostile forces of Eastern and Western invaders.

If it doesn’t work, we must try our best!

Zhu Youjian secretly muttered: This time is my chance to make a comeback. I must collect enough silver to recruit troops, train soldiers, regain my homeland, and revive the Ming Dynasty!

It turned out that Xue Guoguan led Li Guochen to meet Emperor Chongzhen last night. Only then did he learn from Li Guochen that the Marquis Wu Qing's family had "millions of assets. The other gardens include Qinghua Garden, Huailou, Shijing Garden, and West Garden." Suburban Diaoyutai and many other places.”

"Each site ranges from several hundred acres, with thirty to fifty acres of various flowers planted. Among them, Shijingyuan is surrounded by restaurants, wine shops, pawn shops, cake shops, fish markets, and villages, all of which are owned by the Li family and make money every day. "

"From the capital to Zhangjiawan, Marco Polo Bridge, Linqing Market and other places, there are countless official stores, collapsed houses, merchant houses, and shops."

"As a result, my family has rice that I won't need in eight or nine years, silk that I won't wear in ten years, and gold and silver that I can't use up in my lifetime."

"Although a certain person has no virtue, he still knows that without a country, there is no family. He is willing to serve the country to support the military and exterminate the bandits!"

Only then did Chongzhen order Li Guorui, Marquis of Wuqing, to enter the palace and force him to "borrow pay".

Not to mention what Chongzhen thought about it, he said that after Li Guorui, the Marquis of Wuqing, returned home, he couldn't help crying.

When his wife heard the sound, she was surprised and asked the reason. Li Guorui cried and said this.

"The world is big and the earth is big, and the truth is the greatest. Even the emperor, I have no reason to seize other people's property." Li Guorui's wife thought for a while and couldn't help but come up with an idea.

"In the past, all your little friends were pretty nice. Now that something has happened, why don't you discuss it with them?"

"That's right!" Wu Qinghou Li Guorui slapped his forehead when he heard this, and couldn't help but burst into tears and laughed, "Which of them doesn't have a fortune worth millions?"

"It's me today, who knows it won't be them tomorrow!"

Immediately, Wu Qinghou Li Guorui held a private banquet and invited other distinguished officials to the banquet.

Who are the invited people?

There were Duke Xu Yunzhen of Dingguo, Duke Chunchen of Chengguo, Zhang Zhiji of Yingying, Marquis of Wuding Xu Yingyuan, Marquis of Taining Chen Yanzuo, Marquis of Yangwu Xue Lian, Marquis of Wuan Zheng Zhijun and others. All the Dukes, Marquises and Counts in Beijing arrived on July 8. layer.

"Is Uncle Jiading here? Is Uncle Jiading here?" Someone had already shouted.

"Come here, come here, Dukes, Marquises and Earls, this is polite!" Jiading Bo Zhou Kui said with a smile.

"This is one of our own!" Someone else said with a smile, "Thanks to him in the court a few days ago, it's better for everyone to have a bad beard!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed when they heard the words, and couldn't help but say everything.

The Jiading uncle was secretly frightened and said to himself: My dear daughter, my dear daughter, it’s not my father who tricked you. This time, thanks to me, I have always been diligent and thrifty, otherwise our family would be in great trouble!

Sure enough, someone immediately shouted: "Wu Qinghou, what are you afraid of? This time you just hide the gold, silver, jewelry and other valuables, and only sell the cumbersome and worn-out things on the street."

"You just say: Just because the bandits are on the rise and the country is short of funds, the Wuqinghou family is willing to sell their property to support the court with 400,000 taels of silver. Which family can still live there?"

"Okay, this is a good plan. This is Chi Guoguo hitting someone in the face!" Someone heard this and laughed.

"This...can such a hard-top be achieved?" Wu Qinghou Li Guorui said hesitantly.

"Someone has the best face and makes everyone unable to get off the stage. Let's see how he ends up!" The man sneered after hearing this.

"Okay, let's do it. I'll rely on everyone to work harder later." Li Guorui thought for a long time and finally said through gritted teeth.

"If you can't handle it anymore, please give me a few kind words. You must know that it's me today, who knows it won't be you tomorrow!"

Everyone agreed, and early the next morning, Li Guorui ordered his servants to take old clothes, furniture, chaff and other items and sell them along the street.

Anyone who came forward to inquire said that "Li Guorui, the Marquis of Wuqing, ruined his family and wanted to save his family and wanted to sell off all his property to collect 400,000 taels of silver for national use."

For a time, the whole city was in a commotion, and everyone was in danger.

It turns out that today's Ming Dynasty has "no officials and no business", which can be regarded as a model for all people to do business.

From the royal family to the vassal kings, down to the literati and petty officials, everyone racked their brains.

One is to invade and occupy "state-owned assets" such as Huangzhuang, Huangdian, Guandian, landslides, pastures, and farmland.

The second is to take advantage of privileges and adopt methods such as occupying official businesses, forced buying and selling, and monopolizing operations to make huge profits.

Now that the emperor has broken the "rules", how can these "officials and businessmen" not be surprised?

The people in the capital are still worried about the "Ji Si Change" in the second year of Chongzhen.

Now that this "ruining families to provide relief and confiscating money to borrow money" suddenly comes, who doesn't understand that the Ming Dynasty can't even pay out wages?

Suddenly the crowd was furious and public opinion was in an uproar.

"What a treacherous thief, he openly opposed me!" Not long after the incident, a Jinyi guard reported the matter to Emperor Chongzhen.

Hearing this, Chongzhen became even more furious and couldn't help but order: "When Wu Qinghou Li Guorui enters the palace, I want to ask him what he wants to do!"

"I accept the order!" Jin Yiwei had already responded and was about to summon Li Guorui.

"Wait a minute, my eldest companion, please help me draw up the decree." Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian suddenly changed his mind.

"The Marquis of Wuqing, Li Guorui, is a treacherous and treacherous man who resists and disobeys the decree. He is immediately dismissed from his salary as a Marquis and has no other residence. He uses it to support the military. I appreciate this!"

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