Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1151 Death of Wu Qinghou

"What, Wu Qinghou is dead?" Zhou Kui, the head of the state, Jiading Bo, couldn't help but be shocked.

"Yes!" Duke Dingguo Xu Yunzhen sneered, "It is said that he was forced by the tyrant and died of fear!"

"Ah?" Zhou Kui couldn't help but sweatdropped on his forehead after hearing this, and quickly advised, "Be careful what you say, be careful what you say!"

How did Wu Qinghou Li Guorui die? His death was so timely that his father-in-law did not dare to think about it.

"Then let this matter go?" Zhou Kui wondered.

"Come on, how can anything be so cheap in the world?" Dingguo Gong sneered, "If someone from the Xungui family dies, his Zhu family can't repay even one person?"

"What did you say?" Zhou Kui couldn't believe his ears, "Do you want to rebel?"

"Rebellion?" Duke Dingguo laughed loudly, "Only those with no food to eat rebel. Do you think we are like those people who can't afford to eat?"

"Don't worry, you are already one of ours, your family will not be involved this time, but it will be of some benefit to you!"

Xu Yunzhen has no memory of his ancestor Xu Da, the Duke of Dingguo, who was once what he calls "a poor man with no food to eat." Instead, he takes his family's wealth for granted.

Jiading Bo Zhou Kui was shocked and doubtful, so he said goodbye to Xu Yunzhen and hid in his home.

Then, within three to five days, it was suddenly reported that the fourth son of the emperor, Zhu Cizheng, was suddenly seriously ill.

The emperor looked at it and suddenly said: "Nine Lotus Bodhisattva said that if the emperor treats his relatives poorly, he will destroy all his sons." Then he died.

Jiulian Bodhisattva is the Empress Dowager Xiaoding Li, Shenzong’s biological mother. Because the Empress Dowager loved Buddhism, she was called Jiulian Bodhisattva. Many temples in the late Ming Dynasty worshiped her.

Empress Zhou gave birth to three sons and two daughters to Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian. Among them, the eldest son Zhu Cixiang was the crown prince. The second son died in infancy. The third son Zhu Cijiong was the famous "Third Prince Zhu" in Zhang Shun's previous life.

Therefore, the fourth son of the emperor, Zhu Cizhen, who was seriously ill, was the son of Concubine Tian. He was only three years old now, and he never imagined that he would die at such a young age.

No wonder Xu Yunzhen, Duke of Dingguo, said, "It's actually good for your family"!

When Jiading Bo Zhou Kuisi heard about this incident, he couldn't help being frightened and sweating profusely.

At the same time, Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian was in the palace confinement, and his hair could not help but stand on end, and his whole body was cold.

how so? Here we go again, here we go again!

Only then did he remember that after the "Ji Si Incident", Li Banghua, the Secretary of the Ministry of War who he appointed to reorganize the Beijing camp for several months, was impeached and resigned.

Zhu Youjian looked at the statue of "Nine Lotus Bodhisattva" in front of him for a long time, and couldn't help but smiled bitterly in a low voice: "I thought you were the clay Bodhisattva, but I didn't expect that I was the clay Bodhisattva in the end!"

"Declaration: Confess Li Guorui's son Cun Shan as a marquis, and return all the gold, silver, fields and houses he received."

"I confer my fourth son Ruxiao Mourning Spirit King Xuanji Ciying Zhenjun, and order the ministers of etiquette to discuss filial piety and the titles of the Queen Mother, Zhuang Concubine, and Yi Fei. I admire this."

"Your Majesty..." Wang Chengen glanced at Zhu Youjian, not knowing what his expression was.

"Act according to the order. It is also reported that Yang Sichang has entered the palace and comes to discuss the matter of sending more troops!" Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian couldn't help but closed his eyes in pain.

Although he knew it was poison, he had to drink it to quench his thirst.

"Dong Guo, is this over?" After Jiading Bo Zhou Kui found out what was going on in the palace, he couldn't help but look for Xu Yunzhen in fear and asked.

"His Majesty is not asking you to inquire, is he?" Duke Dingguo Xu Yunzhen couldn't help but asked first.

" can't you do that!" Jiading Bo Zhou Kui said with a bitter smile, "Because of the previous incident, His Majesty has a very bad opinion of me. How could he come to me?"

"It's okay if it's not." Duke Dingguo Xu Yunzhen couldn't help but said with lingering fear, "This matter is not over yet!"

"Ah? What else are you doing?" Zhou Kui was almost stunned.

"Us? No, no, no, we can't do this." Xu Youzhen said with a bitter smile.

"Isn't this the result of your nobles' manipulation?" Zhou Kui said in surprise.

"Us? With just us, how is it possible?" Xu Yunzhen said with a mysterious smile.

"Think about it, we noble people can embezzle official stores, ruined houses, and monopolize shops. How domineering and arrogant are other clan members, civil servants, and military generals?"

"Why didn't Yang Sichang, the Minister of War, mention the idea of ​​'borrowing salary'? The Minister of Cabinet, Wen Tiren, didn't mention it. The Minister of Household Affairs, Hou Xun, didn't mention it either? He was the only one who was born, a little Taichang Shaoqing Xue Guoneng, and he treated everyone else as someone else. Are you a fool?"

"We are not one person, nor are we a group of people, we are all people, do you understand?"

Jiading Bo Zhou Kui seemed to understand something, but he seemed to understand nothing.

"Then... what do you... or they, plan to do next?" Zhou Kui asked uneasily.

"First of all, Taichang Shaoqing Xue Guoguan cannot stay. Since you have broken the rules, you must accept the price!" Duke Ding said with a smile.

"You said this guy used to hang out with the eunuchs when they were strong."

"When the eunuch lost power, he immediately added insult to injury and blindly speculated. Isn't this quite clear? Why can't he think about it all of a sudden?"

"Oh? What should I do? Let him die without knowing it?" Zhou Kui asked strangely.

"No need to go to such trouble!" Duke Dingguo said with a smile, "Have you ever heard that killing someone requires a heart attack?"

"Since he says that others take advantage of their privileges, take bribes and bend the law, and amass wealth, why don't they look at whether his butt is clean?"

"This time I will definitely ruin his reputation and then kill him! This is called killing his heart first and then his people. After knocking him down, he will step on ten thousand feet so that he will never be able to stand up again!"

Zhou Kui couldn't help but shudder when he heard this. As the saying goes: people live for one life, and grass and trees live for one life.

Everyone comes thousands of miles to become an official, either for power, wealth, or fame.

Now these people actually made him lose all his power, wealth and reputation, and then killed him. How vicious! !

"What is this!" Xu Yunzhen, the Duke of Dingguo, saw the look on Zhou Kui's face and couldn't help but disapprovingly said.

"You think this is called poison? Where is this?"

"Did you know what has happened? They are preparing to do it again!"

"What!" Zhou Kui, the head of state, suddenly stopped sitting and fell to the ground with a "plop".

" colluded with the Tartars?" He pointed at Xu Yunzhen with trembling fingers.

"Collusion? You think so!" Xu Yunzhen couldn't help but sneered.

"Back then, he didn't send Minister of War Li Banghua to clean up the capital camp. This matter might not have been so serious. Now some people want him to have a longer memory!"

"If you believe me, just listen to my advice and sell the property outside the city quickly to avoid damage!"

"No, you are... aren't you afraid of losing control?" Zhou Kui couldn't believe his ears.

"Afraid, why aren't you afraid? Didn't the previous changes make us out of control?" Xu Yunzhen said.

"Originally they wanted to attract the 'Shun Thief', but firstly it was too difficult, and secondly they were afraid that he would not leave once he came, so in the end everyone agreed that it would be better to attract Houjin."

"At that time, as long as we hold on to the city, these barbarians will plunder for a while and then leave. It won't be worth anything. We just want to give the emperor a warning to let him understand who has the final say in this world!"

In the history of the Ming Dynasty, Xue Guoguan almost fell into the standard template of traitorous ministers except for being included in the biography of traitorous ministers. The author also thought so when he didn't think about it seriously at first. But after I carefully read about Wu Qinghou Li Guorui, I have to say that history is really a little girl who can be dressed up by anyone. For a simple matter, the right and wrong of loyalty and traitor can be reversed at will. I don’t know how many such things are there in the historical materials of the Ming Dynasty.

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