Zhang Shun didn't know that Mrs. Hong outside the pass was sharpening her sword, preparing to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and then take advantage of it.

I didn’t know that someone in Beijing’s Shuntian Mansion was actually arrogantly talking about preparing for another “Ji Si Change”.

Little did he know that Chongzhen suddenly had an idea and planned to mobilize Zuo Zhuguo, Shaoshi, Minister of War, Governor of Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Huguang, Guangxi Military Affairs and Guizhou Governor Zhu Kuiyuan to Beijing to deal with the rebels who had been entrenched in Shaanxi and western Henan for a long time. .

But Zhang Shun knew that if he had food in his hands, he would not panic; if he had soldiers in his hands, the world would be in order.

Therefore, the "explosion of troops in one wave" strategy was initially formulated that day.

"Yi Bo Liu" is a classic play method used by Zhang Shun in ancient real-time strategy games such as "Warcraft" and "StarCraft" in his previous life.

The basic idea is to invest all resources in one or more very cost-effective units in the early stage when you are strong, and defeat the opponent in one fell swoop while the opponent is not yet fully developed.

Its basic characteristic is "all-or-nothing, life or death", which means that as long as the opponent can withstand this wave of attacks from "Yiboliu", everything will be over.

However, the key is how to withstand it?

Due to the limitations of the supply of supplies and soldiers, transportation and information transmission in this era, the speed of organizing battles and battles by both sides was very slow.

Since Zhang Shun raised his army, both the enemy and us have generally followed this basic principle: "mobilize and prepare personnel and materials, detect the enemy's movements, test each other and engage in confrontation, and finally fight decisively. The losing side withdraws from the battlefield and regroups, and the winning side cleans up the mess and digests the gains." model.

Previously, Zhang Shun personally directed the Zhangde Mansion Battle, the two Luoyang Defense Battles, the Southern Expedition, and the capture of Shaanxi. Basically, there were no exceptions.

However, this time, when chief of staff Hong Chengchou unexpectedly counted that the number of rebels had surged to 240,000, Zhang Shun suddenly dug out the "one wave flow" tactics from ancient times from the corner of his memory.

That's right, if you can do it in one wave, why delay it until later?

The nights are long and there are many dreams. Who knows how the world will change in a few years?

Only what you eat is yours, and only Da Ming and Hou Jin, whose vitality has been wiped out, are harmless opponents.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but said to Chief of Staff Hong Chengchou: "Immediately organize manpower for my king and coordinate with Governor Zhang, Wang Zheng, Lu Weiqi, Zhang Shenyan, Song Xiance and Li Zicheng to formulate a campaign plan."

"This includes the materials, personnel, equipment, horses, mules, cattle and other livestock required for the 200,000-strong army. The number of laborers that need to be mobilized and requisitioned must be drafted for me in detail."

"The bottom line is to seize Taiyuan and Kaifeng as defensive barriers; the second is to seize all of Shanxi, with Xuanda in the north to cut off the Jin left wing, and Taihang in the east to ward off the Zhili thieves in the north."

"The best result is to seize Shanxi and Beizhi, and occupy the nine-border defense line to reject Houjin. However, the rebels must be prepared to fight the main force of Houjin."

"Be generous when expecting the enemy. This 'main force' is first calculated based on the number of 170,000 troops. The quality of the soldiers is better than that of the Illumination Army to plan strategic decisive battles."

"This" Hong Chengchou pondered while writing rapidly.

The reason for him is not Zhang Shun's so-called "one wave flow", but just a hot head.

However, upon careful consideration of his words, it is clear that they are clearly organized and purposeful, and are obviously the result of careful consideration.

First, what is the minimum goal of this campaign?

It was to capture Taiyuan and Kaifeng.

If the rebels can seize these two places and hold on to them, they can form a solid northeastern defense line with Yulin Town.

As long as these three points can be defended, no matter who the enemy is, they will not be able to threaten the prosperous areas of Guanzhong, Hedong and Heluo controlled by the rebels.

In particular, there is only Pingyang Prefecture in Hedong, with a population of 180,000 households and an annual grain tax of 1,119,000 shi, second only to Suzhou Prefecture with an annual grain tax of 3.5 million shi, ranking second in the country.

If the rebels can secure these three places, their taxes will be enough to support an army of 300,000 people. Who will belong to the world at that time is not yet determined!

But there is a small question here. Who is King Shun's opponent?

Second, what were the general objectives of this campaign?

Take all of Shanxi and occupy Xuanda in the north.

Xuanda refers to the two towns of Xuanfu and Datong. It is located in the northwest of Shuntian Prefecture in Beijing and is the gateway to the capital.

The place where the Tumu Fort Incident occurred was that Tumu Fort was located in Huailaiwei, Xuanfu Town, so we know its strategic position.

In fact, if we look at it carefully, if Xuanda fails, the door to Beijing will be opened. Without the reinforcements of King Qin, the fall of the capital is just around the corner.

But this alone shows how King Shun was thinking.

However, in addition to this, there is also the "left wing of the Jin Dynasty that cuts off the Hou Dynasty". Hong Chengchou does not understand that Zhang Shun clearly regards Hou Jin Dynasty, who is far away in Liaodong, as his opponent for the world.

Finally, what is the highest goal of this campaign?

Capture Shanxi and Beizhi, and occupy all nine sides to deny Hou Jin.

As the picture shows, Zhang Shun revealed his target without scruples, which was Houjin in Liaodong.

It even specifically mentioned that if Hou Jin wanted to take advantage of the situation, the rebels would launch a strategic decisive battle with Hou Jin.

It has to be said that Zhang Shun's plan is too huge and too bold.

However, the strategic goals are divided into three levels and one preparation, and the money, food and materials used are astronomical.

"His Royal Highness King Shun?" Chief of Staff Hong Chengchou was a little frightened by Zhang Shun's grand plan. After a while, he whispered, "There are too many war goals. It is difficult to formulate this plan!"

"There are not many goals. The only one is to seize Shanxi and Beizhi, and occupy all nine sides to deny Houjin. The other goals are to settle for the next best thing!" Zhang Shun shook his head and said.

"First make a main plan based on this, and then make a secondary plan based on this, or call it a backup plan!"

"Then we won't care about the officers and soldiers in Huguang and Sichuan?" Hong Chengchou hesitated and asked again.

"Never mind, Nanyang is in charge of Zhennan General Xiao Qinhu and Military Niu Jinxing. He is allowed to reward Guo Sanhai, Liu Hongqi, Shen Wandeng and Yang Si. They try to hold on to Nanyang. If it doesn't work, they can retreat to Ruzhou." Zhang Shun shook his head and said .

"As for matters in Shaanxi, let Chen Changzhen and Lu Weiqi, the generals of Zhenxi, take full responsibility. Stabilizing the situation in Shaanxi is the first priority."

"For an army of 200,000 people, one pound per day per person, 50,000 shi per month per person, and 600,000 shi per year! Among them, the loss of fodder and transportation for cattle and horses, if not a million dan, is not enough to feed the soldiers." Hong Chengchou hesitated after hearing this.

"Among them, the military salary expenditure is even larger, with one stone per month and two hundred and forty dollars per year. If double pay, transportation losses, etc. are added to it, three million is not enough."

"Taking it all together, if we don't have four million stones, I'm afraid it will be difficult to mobilize an army."

Are you kidding me, four million stones?

Such a big canal can only transport four million shi of grain to the capital a year.

With the help of Cheng Jia, a salt merchant from the Huaihe River, the rebel army took the Yangtze River, Han River waterway, Huaihe River, Yingshui waterway and Yellow River waterway. It was difficult to accumulate three million stones. Now you tell me that one year's military pay and food need four hundred Wan Shi?

"Let's do this!" Zhang Shun frowned and suggested, "Let Wang Zheng try out the pay stamps and try them out in the army."

"It is said that in order to prevent officials from deducting food and salary from their hands, the king specially issued pay bills to pay for the march."

"Soldiers can go directly to the rebel granaries and grain stores to redeem their tickets with their tickets, and no one may refuse for any reason."

"What's the use of this?" Hong Chengchou was a little confused, switching his left hand to his right hand, it didn't help!

"Why not? The sergeants and their families will definitely withdraw their paychecks immediately after they first get them, for fear of being deceived." Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile evilly.

"If you can withdraw money normally every time, your credit will become deeper and deeper over time. Someone must delay the withdrawal to save trouble, not to use it urgently, or for other reasons."

"Wouldn't this save a lot of food and grass? This is one of them."

"Second, transporting grain from Shaanxi to Beizhi and the capital is more than a thousand miles. How much is lost in the middle?"

"And the soldiers are in the military camp. Even if they receive their monthly salary, how can they carry it with them?"

"After going back and forth like this, I don't know how much money was wasted along the way."

"In this case, why not issue paychecks that are easy to carry, or carry them with your family members, or by yourself? Wouldn't it save a lot?"

"Do the soldiers believe this?" Hong Chengchou couldn't help but wonder.

"If it were anyone else, they would definitely not believe it. If it were me, the king, I should be fine!" Zhang Shun said with a slight smile.

Do you think that I have suffered and accepted defeat for so many years and developed a good reputation of honesty and trustworthiness? Is this just because of my high moral character?

Wrong, this is called sacrificing small gains for great righteousness.

With this, I can call upon the wind and rain, and turn stones into gold.

This is the cornerstone for the issuance of credit currency in the future!

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