Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1154 This general is well versed in the art of war

"Master, three thousand more thieves have come outside. They have issued a gauntlet and agreed to fight tomorrow morning!" Liang Rong frowned and handed the gauntlet in his hand to Lu Yunchang.

"General Chen Changzhen of Zhenxi? What kind of birdman? You have such a loud tone, I have never heard of it!" Lu Yunchang grabbed a look and threw it into the tunnel.

"He is the sworn brother of the thief chief!" Bian Rong couldn't help but remind him.

"What do I care about him... Wait, what did you say?" Lu Yunchang couldn't help being startled, "Sworn brothers?"

"Yes, and he is also the sworn brother of 'Shun Thief'!" Baarong said with a bitter smile.

"Straight bitch, this is not going to be easy!" Lu Yunchang couldn't help but have a headache.

Why? The different status of the visitor means that the opponent attaches different importance to it.

Since the rebel army sent a trusted general like Chen Changzhen, it must mean that they are not prepared to return empty-handed.

"Stand tight to the city tomorrow and stay behind closed doors!" After pondering for a moment, Lu Yunchang couldn't help but order, "Let's see how good this person is before we make plans!"

Lu Yunchang was not an ignorant person. Although the determination of the rebels was unexpected, he could still clearly understand that "the situation among the rebels is unstable now, and the longer the delay becomes, the more favorable the situation will be for me."

"Yes, the general knows it!" Baan Rong had no objection when he heard the words and quickly agreed.

Early the next morning, the rebels buried pots and cooked rice. Most of the cavalry dismounted and lined up outside the city. Chen Changzhen ordered Wei Congyi to call for formation.

As a result, after shouting for a long time, his voice was almost hoarse, and the defenders in Hongchengzi Fort remained motionless.

"What should we do, general?" Wei Congyi ran back helplessly and asked for instructions.

"It doesn't matter, they can stay here if they like. Let's go to Zhuanglang!" Chen Changzhen sneered.

The Art of War says: I want to fight, but if the enemy has high forts and deep ditches and has no choice but to fight me, I will attack him and save him!

Liandeng, the administrative seat of Zhuang Langwei, is the residence of the chieftain of the Lu family. It has been in business for nine generations and has been in business for more than 200 years. I wonder if it can withstand the attack of our rebels?

" this too dangerous?" Wei Congyi glanced at Fei Yizai, the general next to him, and couldn't help but remind him.

"If a thief goes to Lanzhou, what can be done?"

"I trust Ren Jirong, but I don't know if the Lu family can trust their own century-old business!" Chen Changzhen smiled after hearing this.

"Okay!" Wei Congyi couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

Fei Yizai couldn't help but glance at Chen Changzhen in surprise, and thought to himself: No wonder King Shun specially sent this person here, this guy is really brave!

Not to mention the thoughts of Wei Congyi and Fei Yizai, let's say that Lu Yunchang sat firmly on Diaoyutai, but waited for the rebels to work hard but in vain.

Suddenly, Gao Rong burst in, panting: "Master, it's not good, the thief abandoned the castle and went all the way to the west!"

"What?" Lu Yunchang felt his heart suddenly shrinking and almost couldn't breathe.

" dare he? Isn't he afraid that we will go east to attack Lanzhou City?"

"As soon as Lanzhou was lost, our army sent its troops south and directly cooperated with the Dongqi and Dongli families to kill Zhang Yingchen, the pseudo-governor of Gansu. Isn't Gansu my treasure?"

"What the head of the family said is true, I will go and reorganize the troops and horses, and we will attack Lanzhou City!" Bianrong was stunned when he heard this, and then said with great joy.

"Idiot!" Na Lu Yunchang was talking proudly, but he was interrupted by the warrior Baan Rong, who couldn't help but cursed.

"I am a general who is well versed in the art of war. How can I be deceived by such a small skill? I just said the above words casually and cannot be taken seriously!"

"Now the thief is arrogantly heading west in front of everyone, clearly intending to attack Liandeng."

"Most of our soldiers come from Tumin, Fanmin, Zhuanglangwei and other places, and their families are all there. If it is obtained by thieves, how can our soldiers have the will to fight?"

"This is also the 'attack on the mind' of Soochow in the past. Even with the strength of the Guan Sheng Emperor, defeat is inevitable. How can I match it?"

"Ah?" Baan Rong was shocked when he heard this. Do you mean we can only wait to die?

"However, it's not that important. Let's set out immediately and follow him. If he wants to fight, I won't fight. If he wants to leave, I will disturb him." Lu Yunchang said with a confident smile.

"If he rushes to the city gates, he will be attacked from both sides and will be defeated without a fight!"

No, Patriarch, I have a bad heart and can't stand this. Can't you scare me?

Your surprise made my heart almost jump out of my mouth!

Bao Rong had no words to reply, so he had to quickly rectify his troops and horses, and followed Lu Yunchang all the way to the west.

Just after leaving the Red City Fort, Lu Yunchang smiled again and said: "This must be the enemy's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain. Let's be careful all the way and beware of being ambushed by the thieves!"

After hearing this, he quickly ordered his scouts to investigate around.

Especially mountains, forests, river valleys and other places must be searched repeatedly to prevent fraud. In this way, we will have traveled thirty miles in one day.

As a result, in the morning of the next day, a messenger rushed over to report: "Master, it's not good. Liandeng City was suddenly besieged by a large number of thieves."

"There are more than ten red cannons, which are firing day and night, blasting the city. Lu Hong can't resist it. Please come back quickly for rescue!"

"What a thief, you are such a thief. How can it be unreasonable for you to be so ignorant of the art of war? How unreasonable!" Lu Yunchang was stunned when he heard this, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

After repeated confirmations, he started to curse loudly.

Lu Yunchang spent a long time fighting wits and courage, but he didn't guess Chen Changzhen's thoughts at all.

It turned out that after Chen Changzhen left Hongchengzi, due to the large number of horses, he simply doubled his route and attacked the city continuously.

The acropolis was eight miles wide, with more than two miles on each side. Originally, Lu Yunchang only had 200 elite men left behind.

Lu Yunchang's son Lu Hong recruited another thousand officers and soldiers of the guard station, and deployed 300 generals on each side. How to defend?

They were caught off guard by the rebels, especially Lanzhou General Fei Yizai, who wanted to seize Chen Changzhen's thigh. He actually led the dead soldiers to the city in person and refused to retreat. He almost tried to seize the east wall of the city.

However, Lu Hong also knew that his family and life were at stake, so he led his elite troops to fight fiercely.

The soldiers around Fei Yizai were no better than the elite Lu family members. They fought hard for a long time and then escaped with the help of Wei Congyi.

Fei Yizai could not help but plead guilty to Chen Changzhen.

Chen Changzhen could not help but comfort him: "Victory and defeat are common matters for military officers. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. It just happened to kill Lu Yunchang!"

Not to mention how Chen Changzhen conspired, but also when Lu Yunchang succeeded in ascending the city and was surrounded, and when his actions were in danger, he couldn't help but hurriedly ordered: "Where is the glory, tell the whole army to me at once, double the number of ways, and defeat the thieves chieftain!"

"This...if we rush to Liandeng City like this, I'm afraid the soldiers will be exhausted..." Bian Rong hesitated and said.

"What do you know? Soldiers are very fast. Just when the thieves are exhausted from attacking the city, they attack from behind. 'Success to the thieves' is not enough!" Lu Yunchang couldn't help laughing.

Then he ordered the soldiers of the three armies to gallop forty miles straight to Liandeng City.

Along the way, the horses were running non-stop and the people were not disarming. Although it was the cold winter, the tired soldiers were sweating profusely, panting, their muscles and bones were weak, and their hands and feet were weak.

Seeing that Lianda was in sight, Lu Yunchang was about to send his soldiers to investigate. Suddenly, a group of men and horses emerged from the diagonal stab. The leader was not Chen Changzhen, but who was it?

When Lu Yunchang heard the sound, he went out and saw only three thousand fine cavalry. The frost swords and armor were as dense as ice and snow, and he suddenly felt like falling into an ice cave.

"Shuzi, you don't have martial ethics!" Lu Yunchang's eyes darkened, he had fallen into Chen Changzhen's plan of waiting for work!

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