Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1155 Warm wine and kill Hua Xiong

"Honor, glory! Quick cavalry, lead the cavalry to fight for time!" Lu Yunchang couldn't help shouting loudly when he was suddenly attacked.

Lu Yunchang had only led four to five thousand men. In addition to more than a thousand cavalry, the remaining three or four thousand infantry would take a certain amount of time to form a formation.

Although the rebels are mainly cavalry, they do not rush forward in a hurry when fighting. They still need to reorganize their formation before launching an attack.

As the saying goes: "Fight after formation, this is the normal art of war."

It is said that Chen Changzhen and his three thousand cavalrymen saw Lu Yunchang and other thousands of people hurriedly approaching from a distance. He quickly ordered Wei Congyi to lead the fire gun cavalry to harass them, and at the same time ordered them to reorganize their formation and prepare for battle.

The formation of cavalry is different from that of infantry. It does not require a fixed location to form the formation, but can change the formation during movement.

After Wei Congyi received the order, he quickly led the guards around him to leave, turning the long column of cavalry into a small combat formation with sentries as the unit.

The rebel scouts and detachments also began to circle with the officers, soldiers and cavalry, chasing each other and fighting each other.

While Chen Changzhen arranged for his personal guards to reorganize the formation of the main force behind him, he rode his horse to a high place to overlook the formation of the Lu family soldiers.

"Huh?" While the two sides were quarreling, Chen Changzhen discovered something keenly.

Not far away, I saw flags waving and people and horses circling in formation, but the commander's flag pointed at the man who seemed to be farther away.

Chen Changzhen couldn't believe his eyes. He rubbed it and took a closer look. This was indeed the case.

"Jiang Fa, hold my flag and stabilize people's hearts. You will come as soon as you go!" Chen Changzhen suppressed his joy and couldn't help but turn his head and said.

"What are you going to do? Don't do anything stupid!" Jiang Fa's hair and beard were all white now. Just because he had good martial arts skills, he followed him this time.

"Have you seen that person? I want to warm the wine and kill Hua Xiong!" Chen Changzhen pointed at the Lu family soldier's flag and said.

"Are you crazy?" Jiang Fa was shocked when he heard this, "The enemy has thousands of troops here.

"You are the 'Second Guan Gong', but you are not the real Guan Gong. How can this be the case?"

"Why can't I do it? If I fall into the enemy's formation, just lead the cavalry to rescue me!" Chen Changzhen raised the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand and ordered after hearing this.

"What Guan Gong can do, I, 'Second Guan Gong', can also do!"

"The children of Huaiqing have obeyed the order. King Shun has supported us for several years. Now the time has come to repay the favor!"

"Repay the favor, repay the favor!" Following Chen Changzhen's order, more than a hundred people behind Chen Changzhen raised their swords, pen knives and Yanyue knives.

The sharp blades clashed with each other, and murderous intent surged for a moment.

At the same time, the leader of the chieftains, Lu Yunchang, was still commanding the formation without any notice. While commanding, he would also look around from time to time at the cavalry confrontation between the two sides outside the formation.

Since Liandeng City was to the west of Hongchengzi Fort, both the rebel army and the Lu soldiers marched westward one after another.

It was evening, and the soldiers of the Lu family were arrayed facing the west, which was very disadvantageous. Lu Yunchang had to try his best to make the soldiers array facing the northwest.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Just as Lu Yunchang half-squinted his eyes, he glanced in the direction of the sun without warning.

I saw two green mountains carrying a red sun in the distance, before it fell, emitting thousands of rays of rays of light.

Under the glow of the twilight, there were more than a hundred "Guan Gong" who could not see each other, riding on their tall horses and raising their swords, they rushed over.

"Hurry, hold on!" Lu Yunchang's heart was broken and he quickly scolded the soldiers while getting on his horse.

But where is the time?

It's not that Lu Yunchang's side was defenseless, it was just that the defenses were weak during the mobilization of soldiers.

Lu Yunchang only saw a lot of people up close, and didn't feel sparse. In fact, they were only two or three levels of foot soldiers. How could they stop Chen Changzhen and others?

I saw the leader, a man with a red face and a long beard, wearing a green robe, riding his horse over as if Guan Gong was reincarnated, and forcefully knocked away the crowd. He only slashed left and right with the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in his hand. The two soldiers were instantly dead.

"What a thief, how dare you charge into the battle!" Lu Yunchang was immediately startled, patted his horse and left.

It turns out that although the native people of the Lu family are elite, their opponents are mostly the three major bandits: "sea bandits", "pine bandits" and "tao bandits".

These tribes who live by robbery have weak fighting will, "bullying the weak and fearing the strong", and do not advocate personal heroism.

Therefore, Lu Yunchang had never encountered a general like Chen Changzhen in many years of fighting. He was not in a formation, but as the commander, he rushed into the formation recklessly.

Lu Yunchang was frightened for a moment and said that he would be safe and sound if he hid in the formation.

It's just that Chen Changzhen rushed over with his horse and sword as if he was dead. How could he hesitate at all?

"Kill!" Chen Changzhen slashed left and right, knocking down several people who were blocking him in front. Seeing that he had caught up with Lu Yunchang, he raised his knife to strike.

"Go!" At this moment, Lu Yunchang suddenly disappeared at the critical moment when he was about to die on the spot.

Instead, there was a flash of cold light, and the tip of a sharp spear flashed in front of Chen Changzhi.

"Returning carbine?" The moment this thought appeared in Chen Changzhen's mind, he couldn't help but push the blade of the falling Qinglong Yanyue Sword outward, just in time to push the returning carbine.

"Stab!" Chen Changzhen felt a pain in his neck, and the neck protector on the left side of his neck was instantly blown away by Lu Yunchang's spear.

At this moment, Chen Changzhen, who was approaching the enemy quickly, saw Lu Yunchang half lying on the saddle and had not yet returned to his position.

He slashed down with his sword, only to hear Lu Yunchang scream, and then the sound of "gudong, gululu" was heard from behind.

Chen Changzhen didn't bother to check the injury on his neck and just covered it with one hand. The other hand held the Qinglong Yanyue Sword dripping with blood. When he turned back to his horse, he saw Lu Yunchang rolling about ten feet behind him.

How could Chen Changzhen be willing to take a break?

He didn't grab the reins at all, he just kicked the horse in the belly, turned the horse's head, and charged towards him again.

Lu Yunchang was beaten to a pulp and was stabbed in the back, which was deep enough to go to the bone.

He happened to struggle to get up, but he hadn't yet stood firm.

, I felt a flash of light in front of my eyes, and then a headless corpse appeared in my field of vision.

The corpse's neck had neat cuts, and the blood from the veins inside spurted out like spring water.

Lu Yunchang was about to tell what was going on, but his eyesight went dark, and then nothing happened!

"General!" Chen Changzhen had just cut off Lu Yunchang's head and was about to get off his horse and pick it up when other soldiers had already arrived.

"Pick the enemy general's head to show the troops!" Chen Changzhen calmly gave the order.

"General... General, are you okay?" Some of the guards looked closer and asked in surprise.

"Stop talking nonsense and act as ordered!" Chen Changzhen realized that there was nothing abnormal about his body and hurriedly stopped.

Now in the enemy's formation, if the Lu family soldiers knew that they were also injured, the psychological advantage they had just established would be completely lost.

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