The words of Zhu Xieyuan of Zuozhu Kingdom made Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian's scalp numb.

Although Liaodong was gone before he came to power, the southeast was also in ruins.

At least in the past few years, the "two thieves of She'an" have been wiped out and the southwest has been pacified.

It can be said that there are gains and losses, and the situation can still be barely sustained.

As a result, after Zhu Xieyuan's analysis, the country was actually in danger, and it was in danger of overthrowing if it was not careful.

"Young Master..." Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian's fingers trembled.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we can defend Shanxi, we will be fine together." Zhu Xieyuan of Zuo Zhuguo was much more mature and steady than Zhu Youjian, and he did not panic at all.

"Yes, yes, just keep Shanxi!" Zhu Youjian reacted after hearing this, "Mr. Yang and Mr. Zhang also thought the same way before!"

"Um... um, if Master Zuo is given the command of the army, will he be able to fight against the 'Shun' thieves' or even destroy the 'Shun' thieves'?"

Originally, Zhu Youjian had a hot idea and wanted to immediately appoint Zhu Xieyuan of Zuo Zhuguo as the superintendent, mobilizing troops from all directions to deal with the Shaanxi rebels.

But he was unsure, so he couldn't help but hesitated and asked tentatively.

"If you want to besiege the Shun rebels, you must have an army of 250,000!" Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but assert.

"Among them, 50,000 are from Sichuan, 50,000 from Huguang, 50,000 from Henan, 50,000 from Fengyang, and 50,000 from Shanxi. Among them, Sichuan, Huguang, Henan and Shanxi are the odd ones, and Fengyang is the positive one."

Zhu Xieyuan was speaking impassionedly, and Chongzhen couldn't help but change his expression after listening to it. After a while, he whispered: "However, the money and food consumed are huge, and the court is powerless!"

"The next best thing is to do the next best thing. Sichuan, Huguang, Henan and Fengyang will each train at least 30,000 troops. Among them, Shanxi should repair the city and beware of 'shun thieves' jumping over the wall!" Zhu Xieyuan almost choked to death on Zhu Youjian's words and had to repeat. Come up with an idea.

"By the way, Shanxi's troops must be indispensable. One is to spread spies widely to detect the movements of the thieves; the other is to send a small number of soldiers to garrison the mouth of the pass to give early warning; the third is to deploy elites to guard Pingyang, Fenyang, Kelan and Four places in Taiyuan.”

"In addition, we need to inform the governor of Baoding to select and train troops and horses to prevent thieves from invading Huaiqing, Weihui, Zhangde and other places, and then go north along the eastern foot of Taihang to threaten the capital."

"Okay!" When Zhu Youjian heard this, he calmed down and couldn't help but ordered: "Today I heard the words of the young master, and then I suddenly realized it."

"I wonder if the young division can stay in Zhili and serve as governor of Baoding, Shandong, Tianjin, Denglai and other places and also as governor of Baoding military affairs?"

"I don't dare to ask my ears, I just want to do what I want!" Zhu Xieyuan of Zuo Zhuguo stepped forward and responded after hearing the words.

Historically, the post of Governor of Baoding was separated from the Governor-General of Jiliao in the 11th year of Chongzhen, and was specially created for the entry of the Later Jin Dynasty.

Its first governor was Sun Chuanting, who had defected to the rebel army, and his second governor was Yang Wenyue, who is now the governor of Shanxi.

Zhu Xieyuan of Zuozhu State was originally the governor of the military affairs of the five southwest provinces and had outstanding achievements. It was not suitable for him to serve as the four governors in this patchwork. However, Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian had other plans, so he asked Zhu Xieyuan to submit first.

As expected, Zhu Xieyuan was mature and prudent, not angry at all, but responded happily.

Not to mention Zhu Youjian's plan, let's talk about the "intrusive general" Li Zicheng, his nephew Li Guo, and the partial general Liu Zongmin after they were "demoted" to Yan'an Mansion by Zhang Shun. They only searched for the wealthy gentry every day and pinched them with sticks. They lived a good life. happy.

"No, Mr. Jia is here again!" That day, Li Zicheng, Li Guo, Liu Zongmin, Gu Junen and others had just gone out. The pedestrians on the street couldn't help being frightened, and they immediately dispersed, scrambling for their lives.

"Mr. Jia?" Li Zicheng couldn't help but wonder, "Which one is 'Mr. Jia'?"

"Mr. Jia? It's you, Mr. Jia, uncle!" Li Guo couldn't help crying or laughing when he heard this.

"Just because we are busy trapping people these days, and the people hate it, I gave my uncle such a nickname."

"Because of this, Brother Liu and I were nicknamed Big Brother and Second Brother respectively!"

"Okay, this is good!" Li Zicheng was not ashamed but proud when he heard this, and he made a rare wisecrack.

"Thousands of clamps were installed, which made all the gentry in the world howl!"

"Okay, this is good!" Li Guo couldn't help but said excitedly after hearing this, "It's all spoken to the bottom of my heart."

"Ahem, 'General'!" Gu Junen couldn't stand listening any more and couldn't help but remind him in a low voice, "The general is now a villain in vain. What if King Shun turns against him in the future and beats him up?"

"Hey, King Shun is not that kind of person!" "Chuang Jiang" Li Zicheng couldn't help but defend him, "I can trust him!"

"General, you are too honest. You have done all the dirty work for him. Aren't you afraid that he will kill you?" Gu Junen became anxious after hearing this.

"Who do you think it is?" Li Guo was unhappy after hearing this and couldn't help but stepped forward to argue with Gu Junen.

Unexpectedly, he had just finished speaking when he suddenly heard someone shouting: "General Li, General Li, you can give me a good meal!"

"What are you doing?" Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and turned around to see a few soldiers hurried over.

"General Li, General Li Xiao and General Liu!" The soldier came forward and saw each other quickly. Then he took out the letter and handed it to Li Zicheng and said: "King Shun has an order, ordering you to go to Xi'an to meet with General Li Xiao and General Liu." Reorganize your troops as soon as possible and prepare for next year’s battle!”

"So early?" Li Zicheng, Li Guo, Liu Zongmin, Gu Junen and others looked at each other and couldn't help but asked in surprise.

The two parties immediately returned to their residence and handed over the documents.

After finally waiting for Li Zicheng to send the messenger out, he opened the letter and read it.

"What's the matter, uncle?" Li Guo was the first to ask uncontrollably.

"You all should read it, but no external reports are allowed!" A rare smile appeared on Li Zicheng's serious face, and he showed the letter to everyone.

"This King Shun wants to conquer the Ming Dynasty on a large scale and appoint a general as a hussar general?" Gu Junen couldn't help being shocked and couldn't believe his eyes.

Although this hussar general was of Wusan rank, he was a second-grade military attaché of the Ming Dynasty. Not only did he have a distinguished status, but more importantly, he was once the famous general Huo Qubing, who was under the rank of General Wei Qing.

Since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established this title, regardless of which dynasty or generation, Hussar Generals have held the first-class and noble position, and will not be awarded to those who have not outstanding meritorious service.

"General, I absolutely cannot accept this position!" Gu Junen made a quick decision and quickly remonstrated.

"As the saying goes: No reward will be given without merit. The general already lost his reputation and offended many people because he tortured members of the gentry and wealthy families."

"If he suddenly ascends to a high position again and people's hearts are dissatisfied, I'm afraid that King Shun will 'take it first and give it first'!"

Li Guo and Liu Zongmin were stunned when they heard this, and they couldn't help but look at each other.

"Don't be alarmed, don't be alarmed!" Li Zicheng laughed loudly upon hearing this, "This is King Shun's reward for my merits in advance, so why should I doubt it?"

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