Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1160 Sophisticated

"Veteran Zhu Xieyuan pays homage to Your Majesty!" An old man with white beard and hair couldn't help but stepped forward to pay homage.

"Heng Yue is flat, Heng Yue is flat!" Zhu Youjian, the thin Emperor of Chongzhen, quickly stretched out his hand to support him.

Nahengyue was Zhu Xieyuan's title, and Zhu Youjian specifically called it this to show his importance and closeness.

When Zhu Xieyuan came to Zuozhu Kingdom, holding Shangfang Sword, he supervised the military affairs of the five provinces of Sichuan, Huguang, Guizhou, Yunnan, and Guangxi. He even defeated the two thieves in She'an and made great contributions. He deserves Zhu Youjian's attention.

"Your Majesty!" The old man Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but burst into tears of gratitude, stood up and said respectfully.

"Is Heng Yue still in good health?" Although Zhu Youjian is an emperor, he knows basic etiquette and talks about state affairs without coming up.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, my old bones are getting stronger with age!" Zhu Xieyuan stretched out his arms and legs to show Zhu Youjian.

Today, Zhu Xie is in his seventies. Although he is still powerful, he is still not as powerful as a man in his prime.

"True old Lianpo and old Huang Zhongye!" Chongzhen couldn't help but sigh as he hit Zhu Xieyuan's burly body up and down.

"Your Majesty has given you too much praise. Although the minister is old, he can still be loyal to the emperor and serve the country!" Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help but said generously.

"Okay!" Zhu Youjian, who was already exhausted, couldn't help but perked up after hearing this and couldn't wait to say.

"Now that the Northern and Western invaders have invaded, the country is in danger. I wonder what Heng Yue can teach me?"

"Your Majesty!" Zhu Xieyuan said calmly after hearing the words, "I am old and have never been able to use my muscles and bones."

"Therefore, to destroy the She family and the An family, I don't have to go into battle naked. It can only be done by one person!"

"Uh..." Zhu Youjian's face changed drastically when he heard this. Is there nothing you can do?

"The reason why the She family and the An family were defeated was nothing more than borrowing the power of everyone to do it externally, and borrowing the loyal people to do it internally!" I heard Zhu Xieyuan say again.

"How do you say this?" Zhu Youjian was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but wonder.

"If the power of the people is used externally, it is Shou; if the loyal people use it internally, it is Jian!" Zhu Xieyuan said with a smile.

"Leave aside the matter of the Northern Captives for the time being. The bandits and bandits started from a humble beginning, with an unstable foundation and loss of righteousness, so there are many that can be interrupted."

"If the imperial court can send envoys to express great righteousness and promise high officials and generous salaries, everyone will be devoted to the imperial court."

"The former extravagant bandit general Luo Xiangqian was like this. Therefore, I was able to stick to Chengdu, defeat the extravagant bandit, and gain another good general."

"This is the so-called 'use a thief to attack a thief, use a thief to kill a thief, use a thief to defeat a thief, use a thief to defeat a thief'"!

Zhu Xieyuan, Zuo Zhuguo, Shaoshi, Minister of the Ministry of War, Governor-General of Sichuan, Huguang, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi Military Affairs and Sichuan Governor Zhu Xieyuan said that Luo Xiangqian was originally a general of the "extravagant thief" She Chongming in the "She'an Rebellion".

It turns out that the battlefield in Liaodong during the Ming Dynasty was tight, and the Ming court wanted to recruit chieftain soldiers to resist.

After Nashe Chongming learned the news, he thought that the Ming Dynasty was about to die, so he harbored evil intentions.

He sent troops to pass through Chongqing and took the opportunity to capture the important town of Chongqing.

Then he attacked Hejiang, defeated Luzhou, and fell into Zunyi. For a time, his momentum was unparalleled, and he had the power to sweep the world.

She Chongming immediately established the country of Daliang, appointed prime ministers, five government officials and other officials, and called himself King of Daliang. Suddenly, the whole Shu was shaken and unstoppable.

She Chongming personally commanded the army and surrounded Chengdu, hoping to separate Sichuan and seize the foundation of the world.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Xieyuan, the then Chief Envoy of Zuo, had already made preparations to recruit soldiers, collect grain and grass, and hold on to the city.

She Chongming could not be defeated for a long time, and his vigor was slightly lost. The fanaticism in the army was gone, and people's hearts began to fluctuate.

At that time, Zhu Xieyuan learned through the captured people that Luo Xiangqian, a general under She Chongming, wanted to return to his rightful ways, so he sent someone to contact him privately, offering him benefits and treating him with sincerity.

Naluo Xiangqian was really grateful. After returning to the camp, Yin informed the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty about the enemy's situation.

Zhu Xieyuan won consecutive battles, and with the help of Luo Xiangqian, he defeated She Chongming, the chieftain of Shuining, in one fell swoop, and the situation in the southwest turned dangerous.

After that, Luo Xiangqian was highly valued by Zhu Xieyuan.

As expected, he fought bravely and made many military exploits. He passed through the ranks of staff general, deputy commander-in-chief, etc., and became a famous general under Zhu Xieyuan.

"Then... what does Heng Yue mean?" Zhu Youjian couldn't help but get excited when he heard Luo Xiangqian's lesson.

"The imperial court should uphold justice, guard all key points, and lure traitors and generals to surrender. They should not hesitate to pay high officials, rich salaries, and treasures, but only hope that they can be used by me!" Zhu Xieyuan couldn't help laughing.

"In this way, the imperial court will defeat the bandits without fighting. When the bandits are defeated, the imperial court can use the thieves' capable soldiers to destroy the bandits."

"When the northern captives are destroyed, there will be very few thieves left! This is the so-called strategy of 'use thieves to control thieves, and use thieves to control captives'!"

The hand of Zhu Xieyuan of Zuozhuguo was indeed vicious, as he grabbed seven inches of the rebel army.

Although the situation of the rebel army is in full swing now, in fact, because of its rapid development, there are many opportunistic people mixed in.

In addition, in order to win over scholars, Zhang Shun compromised with the scholars and supported Zhu Changxun, the king of fortune, which was neither fish nor fowl.

Secondly, there is no clear political slogan, and it is only said that "defeat the unjust and punish the bright", which is difficult to lay a solid foundation.

Therefore, if Zhu Xieyuan is so vigorously instigating rebellion, I don't know how many people will have different aspirations.

If once the broken window effect occurs, everyone will act anyway, and I am afraid that Zhang Shunzhi will be like a lonely man in an instant.

"Okay, that's great!" Chongzhen couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this.

"In the past, all the princes in the DPRK said: They wanted pay, food, and soldiers, and the expenses were countless, and the losses were countless, but no one was as resourceful as Master Zhu!"

"I wonder how the thieves are protected now? Can Master Zhu put aside the affairs in the southeast for the time being and take charge of the overall situation in the north for me?"

"Now that Anbang Yanan's thief is dead, only An's thief can succeed him and shrink back to the west, waiting for changes!" Zhu Xieyuan pondered for a moment.

"It stands to reason that I have reached the highest position and am too old to bear such an important responsibility. But if the court is in trouble, how can I dare to stay out of it?"

"Now the key to the north lies in Jin. If Jin is safe, the north will be safe. If Jin is lost, the north will be lost."

"The northern captives have been entrenched in Liaodong for decades. This is a serious trouble for me, but it is far less worrying than the innermost worries of the bandits!"

"To guard against northern invaders, we must guard against Ji Liao; to guard against bandits, we must guard against Xuanda."

"If Ji Liao is lost, it is like the Song Dynasty losing the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun. Although there are distant worries, if the Jin Dynasty is still there, the founding momentum of the Northern Song Dynasty will still be lost."

"If Shanxi is lost, how can the north be restored? How much less the Yan Dynasty? If this is the case, your majesty will not be able to gain it if he wants to become the second emperor of Huiqin!"

What does it mean?

Zhu Xieyuan told Zhu Youjian that the two towns of Jiliao and Jiliao that relied on Yanshan and other places to prepare for Houjin now would be like the Northern Song Dynasty losing the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun. At least it would still be a Northern Song Dynasty.

If Shanxi is lost, then the entire Northern Zhili cannot be saved, let alone Yandai and other places.

By then, even if you want to be a "family bucket" like Song Huizong and Song Qinzong, I'm afraid you won't be able to do it!

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