The preparations for mobilizing 200,000 people at once were far more complicated than Zhang Shun imagined.

Due to limited technical conditions, the war organization in ancient society relied heavily on the personal abilities of generals and the quality of grassroots officials and military attaches.

As for the rebels, after being trained by Ma Yingniang Military Academy, the military attache's basic tactical literacy is pretty good.

However, the grassroots officials almost completely accepted the Ming Dynasty's personnel and structure, which was really a headache.

Corruption and bribery, arrogance, personal gain, procrastination and laziness, etc. are all the five poisons.

However, in the face of these common social phenomena, Zhang Shun did not have enough time to clean up, so he had to rely on the intimidation of the rebels and carry out refined management.

The so-called "refined" management naturally includes many tedious details and consumes attention.

For example, if you have one stone of millet, you will only get six buckets of millet after shelling.

Another example is that one stone of millet is shipped from Caotankou, Xi'an, and transported to Sanhekou transfer station.

Perhaps because of the evaporation of water vapor, it is actually less than one stone.

Of course, it could also be that the boatman got wet due to rain or the boatman deliberately sprinkled water to increase the weight, and then stole the rice.

This happened one after another, and the busy rebels were all dizzy.

On this day, Zhang Shun was approving documents in Cunxin Hall when he suddenly heard a "bang", interrupting his thoughts.

Zhang Shun frowned and continued to approve.

As a result, not long after, there was another "bang".

"Wukong, what's the sound outside?" Zhang Shun felt upset and couldn't help but asked angrily, "Where is the sound of the firecrackers coming from?"

"Well, it's two young masters setting off firecrackers in the backyard." Wukong heard this and said eagerly, "Why don't I, Old Sun, go and have a look?"

"Forget it, you have to go, I'm afraid these two naughty kids will become three!" Zhang Shun didn't know what Wukong was thinking, so he smiled bitterly, shook his head, and put down the pen in his hand.

"Forget it, I'd better go for a walk and deal with them properly!"

Zhang Shun's so-called "naughty children" are none other than his adopted son Zhang Huaji and his legitimate son Zhang Ping'an.

Time flies, time flies like an arrow.

In the blink of an eye, the two little babies back then, one was already two and a half years old, and the other was almost two years old.

Despite their young age, these two little guys are very naughty and will often cause trouble for you if you don't pay attention.

Zhang Shun walked out of Cunxin Hall, walked backward through the front door, and entered the backyard.

The backyard is not big. There are only a few bedrooms in it, where Zhang Shun's mother-in-law is housed.

Zhang Shun walked around and soon saw the two little guys squatting there.

One was holding a stick of incense in one hand and covering his ears with the other hand, trying to light a firecracker in front of him, while the other was standing nearby to look out.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but stepped forward and scolded.

"Ahhhh~" When the two little guys saw Zhang Shun coming over, they quickly dropped the incense sticks in their hands and started running with their little hands waving.

They laughed as they ran, and looked back from time to time to check Zhang Shun's movements.

"Oh, oh, don't fall!" Seeing the two little guys so happy, Zhang Shun, who was still angry at first, couldn't help but said in shock.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Li Sanniang was busy nearby when she heard the child calling and ran over.

When she saw it was Zhang Shun, Li Sanniang stepped forward to say hello.

As a result, when the two little guys saw the "savior", they immediately shouted "Mother, mother" and rushed towards him.

"Hey!" Li Sanniang had no choice but to squat down quickly, pick up one of them with one hand, and then lift the two of them up like kittens.

"Hey. Stop strangling the child!" Zhang Shun was shocked when he saw this.

"I've been raising him for two years, and I still don't know whether he can be restrained or not?" Li Sanniang said angrily when she heard this.

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Sanniang realized that her tone was a bit harsh, so she couldn't help but change her words: "What's wrong? Why do you have time to come to my place today?"

"Ha, I heard these two little guys being naughty, come and have a look!" Zhang Shun lied.

"Master just wanted to come over and beat them two." Wukong was worried that his two "friends" would be wronged, so he quickly betrayed Zhang Shundao.

"Huh?" Li Sanniang raised her eyebrows and stared at Zhang Shun like a female tiger.

"It's okay, don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Shun quickly scolded Wukong, and then explained, "I just took some time off from my busy schedule and wandered around casually, it just happened to happen!"



"I'm afraid you're out of your mind because you don't know what's going on these days, right?" Li Sanniang looked at Zhang Shun up and down for a long time, then suddenly laughed.

What festivals are there recently?

Child's birthday?

Li Sanniang’s birthday?

wedding anniversary?

Zhang Shun's tired brain began to work crazily again.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, you look like you're so busy that you can't even remember the days!" Li Sanniang said angrily, funny and distressed.

"Ah? Chinese New Year?" Zhang Shun finally realized. No wonder the atmosphere in the house has been a bit lively recently. It turns out that another year is about to pass!

"It's Chinese New Year!" Zhang Shun looked up at the gray sky and couldn't help but repeat it again.

Li Sanniang followed Zhang Shun's gaze and saw that the sky was gloomy and nothing could be seen except thick clouds.

"What are you looking at?" Li Sanniang asked gently.

"Look at the starry sky!" Zhang Shun responded naturally, just like Li Sanniang did when she first met him many years ago.

Although there are dark clouds, Zhang Shun knows that behind the layers of dark clouds, there is a bright starry sky, a lonely planet, and the vast and brilliant universe!

"Zhang Sheng." I don't know when Li Sanniang had put down the child, but walked to him and gently held his hand.

The deep sense of loneliness emanated from him once again, something Li Sanniang was all too familiar with.

"Sanniang?" Zhang Shun suddenly felt a little confused in his eyes.

"Zhang Sheng, are you really going to abandon us?" Li Sanniang couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Sanniang!" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this, and his eyes couldn't help but focus again. He looked at Li Sanniang in front of him, and then at the two children Zhang Huaji and Zhang Ping'an who were a little panicked.

"The boss!"

"Brother Shun!"


Just before Zhang Shun could react, familiar voices suddenly came over.

He turned his head and looked around. There were Ma Yingniang, Hong Niangzi and Wang Qiying who were holding their bellies. Li Xiang, Zhu'er and others were carrying their children. There were also Gao Guiying, Zeng Shi, Huang Shi, Xiao Zhu and others who were often accompanying him recently. Shi et al.

"Ha, why are you all gathered here?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh, "I didn't expect that the new year is approaching, and I feel a little sad for spring and autumn."

"Besides, you don't have a word of truth in your mouth!" Others couldn't help but denounced after hearing this.

I don't know how long it took, but Zhang Shun finally calmed down the girls and dispersed without mentioning anything.

Li Sanniang then asked in a low voice: "Zhang Sheng, do you want to go back?"

"No way, it's still early, I have to deal with some more government affairs!" Zhang Shun smiled and shook his head.

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