Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1166 Going and Staying

Being a stranger in a foreign land, I miss my family even more during the festive season!

Zhang Shun's life in his previous life was certainly not as glorious as this one, but even though he had lived in this life for more than twenty years, he still couldn't suppress the feeling of wandering in his heart.

In his previous life, Zhang Shun was just a worker in the construction industry. At best, he was called a construction worker, and at worst, he was called a "migrant worker."

He stayed at the dusty, muddy construction site all year round.

During the day, we worked hard against the wind, sun, frost, frost and heat.

At night, I hide in a simple color steel room, looking for a rare moment of leisure, watching short videos, watching entertainment news and various weird forums.

Although life is hard and boring, at least it is down-to-earth and leisurely.

However, this was not the case in this life. He had endured too much pressure and carried too many expectations.

Although he said that he was 70% sure, in fact he was only 70% sure against the Ming army alone, and 70% sure against Houjin alone.

If we follow the calculation method of future probabilities, the winning rate of a complete victory is actually less than 50%.

And if the two join forces, I am afraid that the victory rate of the rebels will only drop to about 30%.

Even though Zhang Shun was in his forties or fifties in his previous and later lives, in fact, most of them were experiences of young people, and he had never endured such heavy pressure.

Zhang Shun had an army of 300,000 under his command, and controlled four to five million people. His wealth, life, fortune, and fortune all depended on his hands. You can imagine the pressure in his heart.

If we lose this bet, how many soldiers will shed blood on the battlefield? How many people will have their families destroyed? How many territories will be at war?

But he has seen the opportunity to win, he has seen the dawn of victory, he cannot do nothing and miss the opportunity!

If he loses, Li Zicheng will win; if he wins, Zhu Yuanzhang will win; if he becomes the king, he loses the bandits, that's all!

Therefore, when the pressure reaches the extreme, sometimes a thought pops up in Zhang Shun's mind: Why is this necessary?

You are just a passerby in this world. Right and wrong, success or failure, are all gone. What does this have to do with you?

Give up, give up! Awakening from the big dream, come back!

At the moment when he was looking up at the starry sky, he suddenly had a feeling.

If he wanted to at that moment, he could immediately "become an immortal" or "escape from the golden cicada", and immediately leave this world that had nothing to do with him.

At that moment he was really moved.

Although the fairyland is good, it is not my hometown;

The Supreme Ninth Five-Year Plan is no better than ordinary people!

For a moment, Zhang Shun felt that his seven souls and six souls were being pulled by some unknown force, almost wanting to rise up and escape from their shells.

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

"Zhang Sheng!"

Suddenly, an ordinary, ordinary and familiar voice exploded in his ears like a thunder, which only shocked his whole body.

A powerful obsession arose spontaneously in his heart, and pulled back his seven souls and six souls that were about to leave.

After Zhang Shun's seven souls and six souls returned to their positions, they heard shouts coming from far and near.

There are Li Xiang, Ma Yingniang, Hong Niangzi, Wang Qiying and others.

Their voices were mixed with different emotions, including worry, surprise, fear, confusion, and so on.

Yes, Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel dazed for a while.

There are also Li Sanniang, Li Xiang, Ma Yingniang and Hong Niangzi here.

In addition, there are a group of children, big and small, born and unborn, all of whom are connected by blood.

Who said this world is without worries? How to leave by yourself? How can I bear it?

It doesn't matter if he leaves now, not only will his hard work over the past few years be ruined, but also the women in his harem and the generals under his command.

Even including the soldiers and tens of millions of people who fought for him, I am afraid that none of them will end well.

That's all, that's all! Zhang Shun smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Previously, Zhang Shun always thought that he had no nostalgia for this world. Once he had the opportunity, he would resolutely return to his original world.

Only when this moment came, he realized that he was wrong.

It turns out that without realizing it, he has created so many bonds and involvements in this world.

Zhang Shun originally thought they were his hobby. The hobby of "male gender, liking women"; the hobby of "awakening to hold power in the world, and sin on the knees of beautiful women".

Only now did he realize that they were not, they were the reason for his desperate efforts, they were the goals of his redemption, and they were the gift of this world to save him!

With this thought, Zhang Shun was as determined as a knife. He waved it with all his strength and immediately cut off all the pulls coming from the distant starry sky.

I don’t know what you are, I don’t know why you are, let alone what is going on!

However, I decided. Now that I have come to this world, I have no intention of going back alive!

Whether this is a dream, whether it is love or hate, I don’t care about it. I act according to my heart. What can it do to me?

With a single thought, Zhang Shun suddenly felt that the clouds had cleared and a seed called confidence began to take root and sprout in his heart, flourishing and growing into a towering tree in an instant.

"Zhang Sheng? Zhang Sheng?" Li Sanniang's worried voice came over again.

"Huh? Ha, it's okay, it's okay, don't worry!" Zhang Shun smiled and hugged Li Sanniang, making her blush immediately.

"What are you doing in broad daylight? The children are still watching!" Li Sanniang couldn't help but hit her twice.

"Hey!" Zhang Shun let out a silly laugh, and then gently put Li Sanniang down.

Li Sanniang quickly adjusted her clothes and then asked softly: "What happened to you just now?"

"It's okay, I'm too tired, I'm a little dazed!" Zhang Shun smiled and shook his head.

"Well, recently, is there going to be a war?" Li Sanniang did not expose his clumsy lie, but changed the topic for him.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile bitterly, shook his head and said, "Yes, and it's still a big battle."

"Actually, I only have a 70% chance of winning in this war that determines the survival of the world, so I feel very anxious."

"It doesn't matter, no matter what, I will accompany you until the end!" Li Sanniang interrupted his explanation and responded firmly.

"When you marry a chicken, follow the chicken; when you marry a dog, follow the dog! If you win, I will share happiness with you; if you lose, I will follow you to the end of the world; if you die, I will follow you to the Nine Netherworld!"

"No matter victory or defeat, life or death, Sanniang has no complaints in her heart!"

"Sanniang, you..." Zhang Shun was just making up a few lies casually. He never expected that Li Sanniang had such affection for him, and he was speechless for a moment.

"Okay!" Zhang Shun finally said no more words of comfort to her, but nodded heavily.

"When I live, you live; when I die, you die! Live and die together, never leave!"

He seemed to be assuring Li Sanniang, as if he was assuring the women in the yard, and more like assuring the world!

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