Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1168 Zhengzhou is in crisis

"Fu Jun, the situation has not been good these days. There are more and more bandits and scouts. I'm afraid they are going to attack in a big way!" Hu Dawei, a tall man, frowned and reported.

"Commander Chen Yongfu mobilizes young men to guard the city and don't let thieves take advantage of it!" Wu Di, the governor of Henan Province, couldn't help but ponder for a moment after hearing the words, and then turned to order to his staff.

It is two hundred miles from Sishui Pass of the Rebel Army to Kaifeng, and Zhengzhou, as a prefecture, lies in between.

If Zhengzhou is lost, the gates of Kaifeng will be wide open; if Zhengzhou is preserved, if the rebels forcefully besiege Kaifeng, they will face the danger of being attacked from both sides.

Chen Yongfu is now the defender of Zhengzhou. He is good at defending the city, so he has been entrusted with the important task of defending Zhengzhou by several leaders.

But this matter is not completely absolute, no matter how good Chen Yongfu is. If the rebels have a large number of troops, they can completely siege Zhengzhou and then go around and attack the city.

Now Wu Gang, the governor of Henan, happens to have five generals under his command: Hu Dawei, Fierce as a Tiger, Zuo Liangyu, Chen Yongfu and Zu Kuan.

Among them, nearly half of the cavalry under Zu Kuan's command was lost during the last battle, and Zuo Liangyu and Chen Yongfu were also injured.

Only the one as fierce as a tiger did no harm, but it was stationed in Yancheng in southern Henan. The water far away could not quench the thirst of the people nearby.

Therefore, Wu Zong, the new governor of Henan, now has less than 9,000 troops at his disposal.

Its strength is even slightly inferior to the Cao Bianjiao tribe at Sishui Pass, which has expanded the second battalion of Huang Chaoxuan and Zhang Xianbi.

"Explore again, explore again!" Wu Di, the governor of Henan, had a headache for a long time and had no choice but to order.

"Find out and see if the thief is preparing for a large-scale attack. Let me know as soon as possible!"

It’s no wonder that Wu Zong was in such a difficult situation. Places such as Henan’s western Henan and Shaolin Temple, which are rich in elite soldiers, have been completely occupied by the rebels. Only the Kaifeng Prefecture’s Yamen still remain, but their number is limited.

After passing through Henan Governor Xuan Mo, Fu Zonglong and others, they fought successively in Henan. Now not only are they short of money and food, but the lost troops cannot be replenished in time.

"Fu Jun, do you want to ask the court for more food and salary to recruit soldiers?" the staff on the left and right couldn't help but suggest.

"Sure!" Wu Di calculated in his mind for a long time, then nodded.

It is better to cry poor now than to cry miserably later.

If he wins the battle in the future, it will naturally be his own ability to turn the tide under extremely difficult circumstances.

If the battle is defeated in the future, it will naturally be due to reasons and limited conditions, and manpower cannot defeat God.

The city of Zhengzhou "stands strong at the center and controls dangerous points", and "from Zheng to Liang, it is only a hundred miles."

So much so that Wei Gongzi Wuji once admonished the King of Wei: "Qin has the land of Zheng, which is adjacent to Daliang. Does the king think it is safe?"

Although Chen Yongfu had not read many of these books, he was aware of the danger of the city he was in based on his basic tactical literacy.

Therefore, after being besieged by Cao Bianjiao and Zhao Lizi last time, they had already "strengthened the walls and cleared the country."

They burned all the shops and houses outside the city, cut down all the nearby trees, and moved all the stones and bricks into the city. They also prepared more grain and grass in the city, preparing to hold on to Zhengzhou City.

Sure enough, just as Chen Yongfu expected, just two or three days after the rebel scouts appeared near Zhengzhou, the rebel soldiers and horses covering the sky appeared outside Zhengzhou City.

"Father, this time the thieves came with bad intentions!" Chen De, the son of Chen Yongfu, stood on the city and looked at it for a long time, and said worriedly.

"Nonsense!" Chen Yongfu scolded him with a cold face.

Chen Yongfu was originally a beggar. Because the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were severely underpaid, they randomly recruited people to make up the number of people, so they recruited him.

Because he is different from others, he has nothing but his life.

Therefore, in every battle, he will take the lead and be brave and not afraid of death.

So much so that the generals repeatedly usurped his merits, but they still couldn't stop him from being promoted continuously.

Originally, the Chief Envoy of Henan Province did not have the rank of general. It was only because of his achievements in defeating the rebel army that he was promoted as an exception.

Today's Chen Yongfu can also be called a man who has experienced hundreds of battles. How can he not know what the situation is outside the city?

Just looking at the flags outside the city, I'm afraid there are more than 10,000 people.

The thieves have strong soldiers and horses, and they have a large number of people. What can they do?

"Adé, go in person and ask the soldiers to seal all the five doors, except the east door. No mistakes!" Chen Yongfu pondered for a moment and couldn't help but order his son.

"Father!" Chen De couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, but he still wanted to ask.

"There are no fathers and sons on the battlefield, call me general!" Chen Yongfu interrupted Chen De.

Of course he knew that Chen De was full of questions, but he must not let him ask these questions.

Otherwise, the morale of the army will be ruined and the city of Zhengzhou cannot be defended!

The city of Zhengzhou is surrounded by strange things and has five gates. He only has about 2,000 officers and soldiers in his hands.

If divided equally, each city gate would only be allocated 400 soldiers, not to mention that some soldiers would be allocated to detect the enemy's situation, patrol the city walls, and search for spies. How would it be enough?

Therefore, Chen Yongfu first closed the city gate tightly, and then ordered: "Quickly notify Zhao Zhizhou and ask him to recruit young men and women to participate in the defense of the city."

The two of them were both civil and military, and although they had some disagreements in the past, now that they were facing a powerful enemy, they couldn't care less.

Chen Yongfu had just made arrangements, and the rebel generals had already stepped forward to call for formation under the city.

Someone saw him shouting loudly: "Chen Yongfu, do you know my general?"

"If you are wise, you would have voted early. Not only will you be protected from the pain of swordsmanship, but you can also be promoted to a higher position. Why not do it!"

Chen Yongfu took a closer look and found out that the person calling the formation was none other than Huang Chaoxuan, the dental school under the former governor Fu Zonglong.

Huang Chaoxuan was a tall and powerful man. He was Fu Zonglong's number one general at the time.

But later Fu Zonglong died in battle, and his subordinate Biaoying became a remnant that his father did not love and his mother did not love.

Later, when Zuo Liangyu was supervising the soldiers and horses in Henan to attack Sishui Pass, he was not angry and was driven away by others, but lost his life in vain, so he became angry and joined the "submissive thieves".

When Chen Yongfu saw this, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "A group of bandits and gangsters are trying to claim kingship and hegemony behind closed doors. They are not afraid of being laughed out of their teeth. How can they talk about getting promoted to a higher position?"

"If you have the guts, just attack and see how many lives you have left to lose!"

"You are such a sharp-tongued person, I want to see how long you can keep your stubbornness!" Huang Chaoxuan was not annoyed when he heard this, but instead stepped back with a smile.

Not long after, I heard someone among the rebels shouting: "Cannon please!"

Immediately, the dull drum sound "dong dong" sounded.

Then another group of people repeated: "Please shoot!"

Suddenly, everyone shouted in unison: "Please shoot!"

The third one was like this, the shouts were so loud that Chen Yongfu's face changed drastically.

Immediately, the rebels under the city dispersed to make way for a passage, and then a thick and heavy red cannon was revealed, dragged by twenty oxen.

Chen Yongfu secretly said bad, as people often say, "Thieves who follow the thieves are good with guns." When he faced Cao Bianjiao and Zhao Lizi, he suffered a lot from the rebel artillery.

Looking from the city now, he saw that the cannon was larger than the cannons commonly used by the rebels in the past. How could he not be surprised?

But it wasn't over yet. Soon the second, third, and fourth doors were dragged out...

After dragging Chen Yongfu completely numb, he dragged a total of sixty artillery pieces, and the black muzzles pointed silently at Zhengzhou City.

A cold sweat suddenly broke out from Chen Yongfu's forehead, and then rolled down his cheek like a ball, and fell hard on the wall at his feet, breaking into eight pieces!

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