Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1169 Asking for help

"Zhengzhou is in danger! Zhengzhou is in danger!" Chen Yongfu's messenger, who was lowered from the city wall, rushed to Kaifeng Mansion and cried to Wu Di, the governor of Henan, with his head pounding.

"The thieves lined up sixty Hongyi cannons outside the city of Zhengzhou. The shells rained down like rain, and the walls of Zhengzhou were riddled with holes and almost crumbling!"

"Please sir, send troops immediately to save the people of Hecheng, Zhengzhou!"

"Sixty gates?" Wu Di, the governor of Henan, was startled when he heard this and asked hurriedly.

"Is this number true? If there is any difference, it will be a crime of beheading!"

"Sir, everyone in Zhengzhou City knows this number, and they have counted it one by one!" The messenger swore upon hearing this.

"If there is any lie, let me die under the gunfire of the thieves, and my body will be shattered into pieces, but my whole body will not be left intact!"

"This..." Wu Di hesitated and glanced at Hu Dawei, Zuo Liangyu and Zu Kuan beside him before giving the order.

"You go down and have a rest, and we will make a decision after we discuss it!"

"My lord!" The messenger became anxious after hearing this and shouted quickly.

"If you continue to discuss and discuss, I am afraid that the city wall of Zhengzhou will have been razed to the ground by the thieves. How can we save it!"

"Bastard, I still want you to teach me how to do things!" Wu Di, the governor of Henan, was furious when he heard this and couldn't help shouting.

"For the sake of risking your life to deliver the letter, I will spare you this time. If you do it again, you will be beaten to death with a stick!"

"Come here, drag him out here, so he won't make any noise here!"

"Sir, you can't do this. People all over the city are waiting for you... Wuwu..." The messenger still offered a glimmer of hope, but unexpectedly he was dragged out and stuffed with a ball of rags, so he couldn't shout anything.

"Let's talk about it, what should we do about this matter?" Wu Di sat there and asked.

"Uh..." Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to say.

Only Hu Dawei was a direct descendant of Wu Di, so he couldn't help but said quickly: "Zhengzhou City is in danger, and we still need to save it, but..."

"Just what?" Wu Di nodded and asked.

"It's just that the thieves are powerful, and there are so many Hongyi cannons, I'm afraid they are not enough!" Hu Dawei said quickly.

"Yeah!" Wu Di was very satisfied when he heard this, but he made a conclusion first.

“Even if you are unable to do what you want, you should still do something within your power!”

"Zu Kuan, tomorrow you will lead your elite cavalry one step ahead, rush to the gate of Zhengzhou City, and shoot letters into the city."

"Just say that the army of officers and soldiers will arrive soon, and please ask the defenders in the city not to panic!"

"Yes, the general will take your orders!" Zu Kuan wanted to say even though he was feeling numb.

However, the defeated general was not brave enough, and now that half of his elite cavalry were lost, how could he still have the courage to be unruly?

Seeing that Zu Kuan was dejected, Wu Di, the governor of Henan, couldn't bear it and couldn't help but comfort him: "General, don't worry, I will not only lead the army to suppress the battle for you, but I will also write to the court and invite reinforcements, so that the 'submissive thieves' will never come back." !”

Before Zu Kuan could answer, Zuo Liangyu heard it harshly and couldn't help but emphasize: "Fujun, this time it's not the 'Shun thieves' who are here, but the Cao thieves."

"Cao Wenzhao's Cao, Cao turned into a thief!"

Wu Di was stunned when he heard this, and then he remembered that the opponent in front of him was not a "shun thief" with a notorious reputation, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"In this way, I will send a letter to Eunuch Lu soon, asking him to help defend Yancheng. I will bring back the fierce tiger, so that I can fight hard!"

In fact, the Runing Mansion also had 9,000 troops including Luo Ju, the deputy commander-in-chief of Xuzhou, Ma Ji, and the eunuch Lu Jiude.

It's just that one of these nine thousand troops is under the command of Zhu Dadian, the Governor of Water Transport and Governor of Fengyang, and the other is guarding Chongfan. Which one dares to move?

The last time the "shun thieves" defeated Chong Fan and Tang Fan, killed King Chong, expelled King Tang, and kidnapped the princess and princess, causing a great earthquake in the world.

Fortunately, the former Henan governor Fu Zonglong died quickly, otherwise it would not be a pity to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

Now even if the new Henan governor Wu Di is given two more courage, he will not dare to move lightly.

Once Zhou Fan and Chong Fan fail, then it will be lucky for him, Wu Di, to end up like Fu Zonglong!

It is said that Wu Di had already written Shudu, and he rushed it three hundred miles away. It only took four days to deliver it to Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian.

Zhu Youjian was shocked when he saw Shudu, and quickly summoned Yang Sichang, the Minister of War, and Zhu Xieyuan, the governor of Baoding who had not yet had time to take office, to come to discuss.

When Zhu Xieyuan saw Wu Di's little calf, he couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and said in a voiceless voice: "It's something bad, the thieves are going to attack on a large scale!"

"How do you say this?" Zhu Youjian was also startled when he heard this, and he and Yang Sichang couldn't help but look at each other.

"Your Majesty, look here!" Zhu Xieyuan quickly pointed at the contents of Shudu and said.

"The thieves brought sixty Hongyi cannons and bombarded the city of Zhengzhou day and night!"

"In the past, we fought with the bandits, not to mention tens of thousands of them. Where can we see these many artillery pieces?"

"I guess the thieves must have been saving it for a long time just to break into my city!"

"Where does Master Zhu think the thieves are trying to attack this time?" Zhu Youjian couldn't help but ask.

It is not unusual to judge that the "thieves" are going to launch a large-scale attack. Jin Yiwei came to report that the thieves in Shaanxi have been moving frequently recently, and there are indeed some signs. However, it is crucial to determine where the thieves want to attack.

The Ming Dynasty is no longer the Ming Dynasty it was in the past, and it no longer has so many soldiers and horses on hand.

Only by determining the true intention of the thief can the main force be mobilized for defense in advance.

"This..." Zhu Xieyuan was suddenly unsure of the target of the rebel army and couldn't help but hesitate.

Yang Sichang, the Minister of War, couldn't help but smile when he saw this: "In my opinion, this matter cannot be more obvious."

"The thieves only know how to plunder, but not how to govern the place. It must be that after occupying Shaanxi, all the food was looted, and natural disasters occurred frequently, so they had no choice but to go east to eat."

"This is a plan by thieves who want to seize eastern Henan and other places, and are even preparing to cut off water transportation and seize grain!"

"In this case, Master Lao Zhu and Governor of Water Transport Zhu Dadian must rectify their troops and go to resist!"

"No, no!" As soon as Yang Sichang finished speaking, before Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian could express his position, Zhu Xieyuan suddenly said.

"If the thieves want to seize eastern Henan and Caoliang, there is absolutely no reason for the main force to come out of Si River. This will be a false shot!"

"This... I wonder what Master Zhu has to say?" Yang Sichang said unhappily.

"If I were asked to plan this battle, I could send a partial division out of Sishui first to mobilize the main force of officers and soldiers, and then launch a large-scale attack depending on the situation."

"If Zhengzhou and Kaifeng are defeated, the main force will leave Si River and head east."

"If Zhengzhou and Kaifeng cannot be defeated, I can definitely go to Yuzhou and Xuzhou, defeat Linying and Yancheng, and then go down the Yinghe and Huaihe rivers and attack Fengyang."

"This..." Zhu Youjian and Yang Sichang couldn't help but change their expressions.

"Of course, this is nothing!" Zhu Xieyuan sneered, and his next sentence was shocking, "The most important thing is, if I can take advantage of the empty military strength of the imperial court, I can surprise Shanxi."

"If you go to Shanxi, you will cut off the waist of the world. By then, although Beizhi, Henan, Shandong and Nanzhi are rich, what will happen?"

"You're not just at the mercy of others, you'll be swallowed up by me sooner or later!"

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